Congress: Pizza Still Officially A Vegetable
From The Daily Beast said:
Congress put its own unique spin on the food pyramid this week, declaring that tomato sauce on pizza still counts as a serving of vegetables in school lunches. The decision—tacked onto an agriculture spending bill—squashes an almost yearlong campaign by the Agriculture Department to make school lunches healthier. The campaign had argued that the volume of tomato sauce—and thus the nutritional value—should be measured before it’s mixed with water and spread on a slice of pizza. However, food companies lobbied Congress to the tune of $5.6 million to maintain the status quo.
I am more concerned that they are spending time actually debating E36 M3 like this, than what the outcome is. If you think that the pizza sauce is legitimately a vegetable serving, your a freaking idiot.
in other news, im suddenly craving pizza from my old highschool
11/16/11 3:27 p.m.
That's small-potatoes stuff.
The good stuff is when you realize how the crooks on Capitol Hill accumulate wealth:
It's illegal for a private citizen to engage in the same actions while those who wrote the laws are exempt.

but do pizza bites count?
oldsaw wrote:
That's small-potatoes stuff.
The good stuff is when you realize how the crooks on Capitol Hill accumulate wealth:
It's illegal for a private citizen to engage in the same actions while those who wrote the laws are exempt.
This is why we need to vote every one of the SOBs out. And add the sweet health insurance and retirement that they get for so litle serivce.
11/16/11 4:48 p.m.
This is why we need Herman Cain. Because if anybody knows pizza, it's that man dammit. If he can't cram a whole servings worth of tomato sauce onto a slice of pizza and make everybody happy, who can?
stuff like this.. and congress wonders why their approval ratings are in the toilet
I know a vegetabletarian friend of mine who will be happy. He really misses his pizza.
11/16/11 7:02 p.m.
My Jr. High School included "ketchup" under the category of "vegetable" on the official school lunch list sent home to parents under the Federally funded NSLP (national school lunch program).
That would have been about 1973. Long before the internet.
That's 19 Congressional cycles ago. Why should we vote them out now, if nobody has given a rat's behind for 19 election cycles? 
Actually, since NSLP has existed since the Truman administration in 1946, maybe there are 32 separate election cycles at issue.
Oh wait, people like "free" stuff. I forgot. Carry on. 
more like "out of sight, out of mind"
My problem with it is that the Tomato is a fruit.