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ddavidv UltimaDork
11/8/23 7:47 a.m.

Didn't vote. Rarely do in the 'local' elections because I don't know who anyone is and the local media is pretty useless on educating us. I have no kids, so the battle over what books are in the school library isn't my war to wage. 

I do always vote in state and national elections, because at least I know who the competitors are. Someone running for district judge? I have no idea, so don't feel I should be casting votes.

Jerry PowerDork
11/8/23 8:23 a.m.

I live in Ohio, you've probably heard about our election by now.  So yeah, I voted.  :)

bmw88rider UberDork
11/8/23 8:51 a.m.

In reply to Jerry :

A really good day for O HI O

trigun7469 UltraDork
11/8/23 9:22 a.m.

In my County in Ohio the turnout was 45%, lower then I thought because of the issues on the ballot, however there was a special election in August. There were a couple of precincts that ran out of ballots (not a fan of paper ballots). 

slefain UltimaDork
11/8/23 9:30 a.m.
slefain said:

Yup, I am so happy election day is finally here. It has been an absolute E36 M3show in my city. People spreading lies and slander with a touch of violent rhetoric. It's insane and only comes from one group (not a political party, one neighborhood basically). And in a few hours it will all be over. After this I'm done, no more city meetings. I've done my part, time to let nature take its course. If that course is letting the place burn to the ground so roughly 3% of the population can rule the ashes, so be it.

On the funny side I've had more TV news screen time this last year than our own city mayor. Hopefully a change in leadership means I won't have to do interviews anymore.

The craziest incumbent got the boot, who was the darling of the problem neighborhood. Their replacement will bring balance to the force. No one group how has a majority on the council, so everyone will have to work together. Should be refreshing.

Tactically the problem neighborhood ringleader shot themselves in the foot with their campaign strategy, which is hilarious.


Well that lasted hours. The vice mayor is apparently working to recall either the newly elected council member, or one of the existing council members. The berkeleyery just doesn't stop around here.

KyAllroad MegaDork
11/8/23 9:52 a.m.
Jerry said:

I live in Ohio, you've probably heard about our election by now.  So yeah, I voted.  :)

Kentucky.  Same.


Of course I voted early last friday, might as well get it done with when I have free time.  No line at all and super convenient.

jmabarone HalfDork
11/8/23 9:57 a.m.

VA is a reminder that gerrymandering is legal as long as it is politically based.  


(above is a statement of fact, not political.  If you downvote it, remember what thread you are in)

Ranger50 MegaDork
11/8/23 10:15 a.m.

Didn't vote here. 

A- I'd have to officially move to this E36 M3hole state.

B- I would have been outvoted on every issue.

C- I just wish y'all would live your OWN life how you want to live, within reason, and leave the rest of us alone so we can do the same. Stop with the emotional heartstring of "for the children" on bond proposals. I'm already getting hammered every year on property taxes. Yet, my kids in the schools won't ever see the results. I wish people understood what "millage" entails and how it gets "paid".

D- Get off my lawn.

aircooled MegaDork
11/8/23 11:27 a.m.
jmabarone said:

VA is a reminder that gerrymandering is legal as long as it is politically based.  

I would be curious as to how something would be defined as gerrymandering that is not politically based?


  1. The practice of redrawing electoral districts to gain an electoral advantage for a political party.
bobzilla MegaDork
11/8/23 11:32 a.m.
ddavidv said:

Didn't vote. Rarely do in the 'local' elections because I don't know who anyone is and the local media is pretty useless on educating us. I have no kids, so the battle over what books are in the school library isn't my war to wage. 

I do always vote in state and national elections, because at least I know who the competitors are. Someone running for district judge? I have no idea, so don't feel I should be casting votes.

I've always voted, since I turned 18. Always felt proud that I "did my part". As I've gotten older I see the same crap that I saw when I was 18, the same issues and the same worn out "solutions". I've lost faith in voting and it's actual impact on us anymore. Sone days it feels like I'm on someone else's ride and I have no control over where we are headed. 

Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter)
Paul_VR6 (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
11/8/23 11:43 a.m.

We had a pretty hot school board election, hitting multiple regional news outlets. It's insane how low the turnout was even with some significant shifts needing to happen. Still waiting to see if we're going to have a few more years of stupid board, or back to regular business on trying to make the district actually better.

jmabarone HalfDork
11/8/23 11:45 a.m.
aircooled said:
jmabarone said:

VA is a reminder that gerrymandering is legal as long as it is politically based.  

I would be curious as to how something would be defined as gerrymandering that is not politically based?


  1. The practice of redrawing electoral districts to gain an electoral advantage for a political party.

Yes, but it is not legal if it can be shown to possibly be based on other factors, such as racial makeup.  Been a big topic in the neighboring state to my immediate south.  

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
11/8/23 1:23 p.m.

In reply to Ranger50 :

If people understood how taxes work at all, I feel like the rest of the issues in your post would be self-solving. 

TAParker Reader
11/8/23 5:32 p.m.

I did get out and vote. Darn proud of it too. 

jharry3 Dork
11/8/23 5:45 p.m.

"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it. " -

Not Mark Twain.  No one knows the originator, its been attributed to multiple authors.  But here it is.

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