Nasa's Helium Balloon Telescope floating around Antarctica. I thought that the Earth was running out of helium?
NASA’s super balloon captures stunning images of distant galaxies
Nasa's Helium Balloon Telescope floating around Antarctica. I thought that the Earth was running out of helium?
NASA’s super balloon captures stunning images of distant galaxies
Saw a article about some follow up examination of a galaxy that was growing too fast- that was based on the assumption that the star make up of that very young galaxy is the same as the "current" Milky Way.
So it appears that a galaxy that is 500M years old isn't the same make up as one that is 13B. Which makes a lot of sense that there hasn't been enough time for any stars to blow up, making all the heavy elements that makes up all of us. So lots of young massive stars. The mystery of our transparent universe has been solved!
JWST looks back at a distant bright quasar. Early strings of cosmic web identified by James Webb Space Telescope ASPIRE Cosmic Filament (NIRCam Image) Download the 4535x4066, 32.34 MB TIF file for viewing.
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”–Arthur C. Clarke.
James Webb (Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey) CEERS shows something like 100,000 galaxies, but is 510 megabits large. Webb Space Telescope Discovers Farthest Active Supermassive Black Hole Known Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey (NIRCam Image) (Ability to zoom in on line or download TIF file.)
Here is an interesting live update that chronicles James Webb's progress since its launch. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope mission — Live updates
One year anniversary. NASA celebrates Webb telescope anniversary with close-up of stellar birth Rho Ophiuchi (NIRCam Image) Download high resolution TIF file for printing. James Webb Space Telescope stuns with glowing portrait of actively forming stars (photo) Herbig-Haro 46/47 (NIRCam Image) Download the the full resolution TIF file for printing so that you can open it in a photo viewer and zoom in on your computer, hopefully on your large flat screen tv.
Please note all of the galaxies lurking in the background.
Evidently, in the above photo is a question mark shaped galaxy. Cosmic Question Mark Spotted in Deep Space Suggests the Universe Is Stumped
Most distant star imaged.
Because of Earendel's distance from Earth, it took 12.9 billion years for its light to reach us, scientists said. The universe was less than a billion years old when the light was emitted. The star is now 28 billion lightyears away.
Most distant star ever recorded is a million times brighter than the sun Earendel Star
If you have Netflix, there is a cool documentary about the James Webb Telescope.
"Cosmic Time Machine" we watched it this past weekend. Very interesting.
Here's a bunch of Rogue twin planets that have lost their host stars in the Orion Nebula.
Unprecedented discovery seems to defy fundamental astronomical theories James Webb Space Telescope dives deep into the Crab Nebula supernova wreckage (video) Crab Nebula (Webb and Hubble Comparison)
Crab Nebula Webb Telescope
Crab Nebula Hubble vs Webb
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