A friend of mine told me awhile back to check out the TV show Jericho. For some reason the other day I remembered it and decided to check it out on Netflix. My verdict:
For those who haven't heard of this show, it takes place in a remote Kansas town called Jericho. One peaceful day, not unlike any other, a huge mushroom cloud appears on the horizon. No communication, no idea what's going on.
I'm halfway through the first season and I must say that this show is incredible! Why can't stuff like this come on television now?
AWESOME show. Unfortunately, it was canceled as you mentioned and after boycotts, they added about six episodes just to end it. Its a kind of crappy ending, but an enjoyable series none-the-less.
Especially for a prepper.
Yep a GREAT series. I was very upset when they canceled it. The second season to wrap things up was not anywhere near as good as the original season.

Yes, but does candace care?
See Also:
Freaks and Geeks
Arrested Development
The Nero Wolfe Mysteries
And so many other excellent shows not appreciated in their time and unceremoniously dumped prematurely.
I need to watch this show I only watched a couple back when it was on TV. I remember it being good show. I'll have to look up on Netflix.
Ahhhh I forgot about Freaks and Geeks!

9/24/12 9:05 p.m.
I was really hoping this thread started with a mis-spelling and discussed Top Loaders...
Arrested Development is coming back though.
You forgot Deadwood.
turboswede wrote:
You forgot Deadwood.
Is it really that good?
The wife and I need a fix for the long pause between Breaking Bad half seasons and new Mad Men episodes.
We were considering:
Boardwalk Empire
Bored to Death
Anyone have comments on any of the above?
9/24/12 9:59 p.m.
Deadwood is amazing. When you get to the end, you won't believe HBO didn't bring it back.
The wire is similarly awesome, but it ran long enough to be satisfying, without getting long in the tooth.
I just went through all of Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles and wish it had lasted longer.
Battlestar Galactica is my favorite sci fi of all time.
Also, don't miss The Shield or Oz.
It was a fantastic show! Sucks that it didn't do well enough to keep going. Sigh. People love E36 M3ty TV.
9/25/12 9:53 a.m.
Can I still have my man card and tell other men to watch Downton Abbey? I bet you can't watch just the first episode...
Funny - I'm re-watching the series now on Netflix. Such a good show that they killed. Others that they killed and that I hate them for it -
Better off Ted (also on Netflix)
Sports Night
I loved Jericho, and was sad to see it go. I also loved Lights out on FX and really couldnt believe it was replaced by wilfred...the first commercial I saw for it featured a dog with an aussie accent who mocked American patriotic songs while urinating...and a hobbit. Ive heard people say its a good show, but I havent watched a single episode.

9/25/12 11:47 a.m.
I watched the first episode of Wilfred and didn't get into it at all.
You might wanna check out eureka if your into nerdy shows.
I like Boardwalk Empire it's been pretty fun to follow season 3 just started.
Californication is pretty amusing too.
Wish Eureka was still going.
Warehouse 13 has escaped the block so far.
I loved Jericho. I was super irritated when they cancelled it. I hate how networks seem to be catering to the lowest common denominator now. There are very few shows out there for folks who actually USE their brains. Right now, I would have to say Community is my favorite, but that has been on the bubble for a while now, so I am expecting this to be the last season.
Currently watching Warehouse 13.
This is enough reason for me: 
What about fox cancelling terranova? Hopefully they dont do the same to revolution.
There really hasnt been much on Fox that Ive had any desire to watch...
We're watching Red Dwarf again.
Jericho was an awesome show, Sons of Anarchy has some elements that remind me of Jericho. I would hope watching Jericho is standard operating procedure for everyone who's preparing for the end of the world...