DirtyBird222 Dork
4/16/09 3:09 p.m.

NOT! But he really is retiring....not that he's any better than Bob Costas....but Chris Collinsworth is filling in for Madden. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/30246064/

Collinsworthless is just as bad as Tony Kornheiser who annoys me beyond belief. "Just look at the size of that refs biceps." "Look at all the Packers fans still sporting Farve Jerseys even though he plays for the Jets now." "Look a plane in the sky!"

I think Billy Mays would have made a better replacement.

John Brown
John Brown SuperDork
4/16/09 3:12 p.m.

In all due respect that line judge had huge berkeleying arms... but you are correct Cornholer and Collingsworthless are terrible.

I am pretty shocked at how GOOD Trent Dilfer is behind the camera.

DirtyBird222 Dork
4/16/09 3:15 p.m.

Too bad Dilturd couldn't find the mustard to get the bucs to the big show...so many times he got us into the playoffs only to lose to the Eagles or first round. But yes he is great behind the camera!

gubby New Reader
4/16/09 3:24 p.m.

"Bob Costas to fill in"

Careful buddy, this is a family site!

poopshovel SuperDork
4/16/09 3:35 p.m.

Replace "Collinsworth" with "Berman" and I'd be a happy man. Damnit.

Joe Gearin
Joe Gearin Associate Publisher
4/16/09 4:23 p.m.

Crap, as goofy as Madden was, he still knows the game, and was a whole lot better than Collinsworth. He's about the worst one out there......besides Dan Deirdorf.

+1 on Dilfer. He was a class act player and is turning out to be a good announcer.

Looks like I'll be turning down the TV volume and trying to find a live feed online, or on the radio.

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