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16vCorey SuperDork
12/28/11 7:34 a.m.

My almost sister in law brought me back some REALLY good coffee from Cambodia. It came pre-ground in a plain plastic bag with a rubberband around it. She got it from a village that's known for their coffee. Amazing stuff.

Streetwiseguy Dork
12/28/11 8:15 a.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
z31maniac wrote: I absolutely love the way coffee smells, but haven't been able to develop a taste for it.
More cream, more sugar.

There isn't enough cream and sugar in the world for me.

Rusted_Busted_Spit SuperDork
12/28/11 9:31 a.m.

Yeah, Me Too

Anyone that is in Columbus and likes coffee needs to check this place out. My brother got me a pound of coffee from here for Christmas and it is hands down the best coffee I have ever had.

Sky_Render Reader
12/28/11 9:54 a.m.

I drink Monster Energy drinks every morning because I'm insane like that. I also love coffee, though. I wish I had better coffee shops around. I usually end up settling for Starbucks.

Duke SuperDork
12/28/11 11:07 a.m.

Starbucks isn't actually BAD, it's just not worth the price (unless you just can't get anything better) and it doesn't live up to the hype (as if anything ever does). Other big-name 'artisanal' brands that I can get ahold of are Peets and Seattle's Best, both of which are OK and usually cheaper than the S-word.

I like dark roasts, the darker the better. I normally buy fair trade organic espresso beans at the local coop and grind it just before brewing. I make it VERY strong using a drip machine or a french press.

I quit taking creamers shortly after starting to drink coffee because they are universally nasty Real half-n-half isn't always available so I just gave up on lighteners altogether. Because I drink it strong, I do usually use a heap of China White sugar. My mother used to make her coffee with 1 scoop for every line on the pot, plus an extra on top - and she drank it dead black, unsweetened.

Sky_Render Reader
12/28/11 3:05 p.m.
Duke wrote: My mother used to make her coffee with 1 scoop for every line on the pot, plus an extra on top - and she drank it dead black, unsweetened.

That woman had a cast iron stomach!

I put milk in my coffee so it doesn't give me ulcers. I used to drink my coffee black (and lots of it) when I was younger and ended up with some really bad stomach problems until I figured out what I was doing wrong!

ReverendDexter SuperDork
12/28/11 3:24 p.m.
SVreX wrote: Beans vary EVERY season. The way the big players (like Starbucks, Duncan Donuts, Maxwell House) get a consistent product is to blend beans from all over the world.

Really? I thought they got it consistent by burning the berkeley out of it.

I really do NOT understand the obsession with dark roasts. If I wanted to drink charcoal, I'd just do that in the first place. Lighter roasts taste better AND have more caffeine.

ThePhranc Reader
12/28/11 4:05 p.m.
Datsun1500 wrote: In reply to ThePhranc: Next time you get to the north side of Baltimore go to Baltimore coffee and tea in Timonium. They roast on site, have a huge selection, and sell green ones to roast at home. http://www.baltcoffee.com/

I'll be there when the horse run at the Fairgrounds.

neon4891 SuperDork
12/28/11 5:39 p.m.

Green coffee, I can get that at work, and have it roasted in house. The joys of up-scale supermarkets.

jrw1621 SuperDork
12/28/11 6:45 p.m.
16vCorey wrote: My almost sister in law brought me back some REALLY good coffee from Cambodia. It came pre-ground in a plain plastic bag with a rubberband around it. She got it from a village that's known for their coffee. Amazing stuff.

I read the above as, "My S-I-L brought back a suitcase full of Cambodian Marching Powder and all she gave to me was the coffee thrown in to distract the boarder dogs."

Duke SuperDork
12/28/11 6:56 p.m.
ReverendDexter wrote: I really do NOT understand the obsession with dark roasts. If I wanted to drink charcoal, I'd just do that in the first place. Lighter roasts taste better AND have more caffeine.

I disagree. For me, light roasts taste too weak even when they are made strongly. The best light roast coffee in the world tastes like Folgers to me.

SVreX SuperDork
12/29/11 6:07 a.m.

In reply to Duke:

Seattle's Best is a wholly owned subsidiary of Starbucks. They are the same stuff. If they taste different to you, you might not be a coffee connoisseur.

Yes, Starbucks is bad (though I understand taste is a relative thing). When I say "bad" I am referring to older stock, blended with multiple sources for consistency (with no regard to the individual flavors), over-roasted, purchased in manners that take advantage of the farmers, and served watered down.

If you happen to like the flavor, enjoy it. To each his own.

If you are serious about the actual dimensions of the beans and the sources they come from, it's bad.

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