Ian F
2/8/13 7:03 a.m.
AngryCorvair wrote:
In reply to poopshovel:
brush yo teef! brush yo teef! brush yo gotdam teef!
When I think of poop, I still see that old toothless Steeler player pic he used to have as his avatar... 
I also paid extra to go under for my extraction. I go to the dentist 4x a year, so I really don't mind, but at the same time if I can avoid or mitigate an unpleasant experience, I will.
Four times a year? Must be nice. (Or maybe not.
Javelin wrote:
I'm one of those freaks of nature that never grew wisdom teeth in the first place (which is why I'm a dumbass). I say yank it!
I think I feel once coming through now...
I had one gouged out (heavily impacted) with local anasthetic (I'm cheap). I wasn't surprised by the noises of the procedure, but the smells caught me off guard.
The others aren't a problem, so they get to stay.
I had all 4 of mine pre-emptively removed the same day, recovery sucked but no problems otherwise.
DaveEstey wrote:
........but the smells caught me off guard.
Once I thought it would be a good idea to have a few problem thingies removed from the edge of my eye lid before I went to work - the needle in my eye lid edge wasn't that bad but the burning flesh smell made me almost blow chunks that day. No more 7:00am dermatology work.
Ian F
2/8/13 9:36 a.m.
Appleseed wrote:
Four times a year? Must be nice. (Or maybe not.
Quarterly cleanings. 2 paid by insurance, 2 out of pocket. The cost isn't too bad and this way cleanings go pretty quickly. I'm paying $24/mo for dental coverage, so I'm damn well gonna use it...
Plus, it gives me an excuse to take half a sick day 4x a year and get home early. Like this week I was able to work on the BMW for a bit.
I have all of mine. My dentist said I had the room and they are functional. One is 95% filling
I haven't had any problems...yet.
AngryCorvair wrote:
In reply to poopshovel:
brush yo teef! brush yo teef! brush yo gotdam teef!
I knew it was only a matter of time!
2/8/13 12:58 p.m.
Funny, I was just at the dentist today and we talked about this. I only have upper ones and it looks they I'm going to have them yanked because there is some decay. Not sure when yet, but thye mentioned there wasn't a huge rush. I'm 35, so not sure where that puts me recovery wise or whatever, but nothing a little tooth medicine (Jack Daniels) can't help with. 
So there's a nub of a tooth back there, filled up and capped with a plastic "temporary." 3 weeks till I get some gold allupinmahgrill. I can't justify the expense of Jack, but me and Dr. Evan Williams tore it down last night.
Once again GRM eerily foreshadows my life. Remember that advice Tim ignored years ago? Well, one of his never-removed wisdom teeth decided to come apart yesterday. Dentist says it's infected and has to come out... on Valentine's day. 
Nothing says "Happy Valentine's Day" like bloody spit and vicodin. Bow chicka bow bow.
Pain killers would be awesome right now. I mean, I don't really need em, but berkeley, dude, I just paid you a grand cash money for an hour of work. With a stroke of the pen you could say "Thanks, Mike. Have a GREAT week. I threw a refill in there 'just in case.'"
berkeleyin churchy doctors.
I had all my wisdom teeth pulled, after that I gave up on my dentist.
I'm fairly certain that I was simply a way for him to put a new hottub on his deck.
Apparently I needed braces when I was a teenager or horrible, awful things would happen and I would look like the elephant man. Long story short, I'm 35, never had braces and my teeth look fine.
I had a bone growth in my jaw and a tooth it was causing problems with taken out when I was 7. When I was 20 he found that it had grown back, the orthodontist (a buddy of his) said they could take it out again but if they screwed with it, it might turn cancerous. I said "Hell no!" The extra bone in my jaw is still there, no-one can tell from the outside.
I needed a filling (I seemed to need one every checkup for some reason) or horrible things would happen. That was eight years ago, still no problems. If it starts to hurt, I'll get it yanked.
My wife needed a crown (over $2500.00) at the same time I needed the above filling. Eight years later, still no problem.
I'm sure my dentist was on a treasure hunt every time we came in.
As far as I'm concerned, any problems, just pull it out, I'm not beautiful enough to care.
berkeleying temporary crown came off a couple hours ago. Dentist won't see me till tomorrow. Excruciating pain. Can't eat. Can't drink. Had I known this would be a berkeleying 3 week affair to begin with, I would've just yanked the berkeleyer. Pissed.
Ouch! That sucks.
Doctors orders, large quantities of bourbon. I recommend gargling the stuff every hour on the hour. Don't spit, swallow.
Hope everything feel better.
Toyman01 wrote:
Ouch! That sucks.
Doctors orders, large quantities of bourbon. I recommend gargling the stuff every hour on the hour. Don't spit, swallow.
Hope everything feel better.
I can't drink anything. Tried literally throwing a shot back there (missing the tooth) - I thought WATER hurt. Feck.
Must be time for weed, the medical kind of course. 
Sorry to hear it man. Good luck at the doctor tomorrow.
Just figured out I can tilt my head, cover the tooth-nub with my tongue and suck whiskey through a straw. Makin up for lost time!
Necessity is the mother of invention, Quoted from an old smart guy. Bonus points for silly straw!