Sunfish, butterfly... M scow... There are lots of answers... all of them slow. 
i grew up on butterflys and sunfish at a smaller big lake... I couldn't go back... I just couldn't...
For the size of boat and waterline length/portability you are considering, the boat is going to be nearly useless on anything but a puddle in medium air given the amount of weight you are talking about.. Well... I mean you could have a lot of fun sure... but yeah... Really it won't make a heck of a lot of difference....
For what is is worth the class minimum for H16 racing is 285lbs... My wife and I are about 330lbs, and are right in the zone when the wind kicks up.. a H16 will carry three adults... and sometime we do that when th wind really kicks up just to hold it down... but 285-350lbs or so is really the sweet spot...
Being a cheapskate myself I rescued a hobie 14, found out is really wasn't what my 225bs needed... but I had a ton of fun..... Sailed it about 6 months before i bought a 16, and I am hooked.. and to be honest... It really now eats into the car habit..
Instead of finding a boat you can store I would find a local yacht/sailing club and find a place to store MORE boat than you are asking about ready to go. My H16 spends the summer with the mast up just yards from the water, ready to go. It really took me some time to figure this out as the price of entry seemed a little high... It wasn't in my case.. With the boat ready to go I get MUCH more time on the and it isn't such a 'hassle' to blast out to the lake. And with my beach wheels... I can ride a bike, or drive whatever I want to and from the lake....
And nonsense about the tramps, and whatnot... Old boats sure.. after 30 yrs they might need a replacement, Ok... and sure we don't point as high as a monoslow boat.. We don't need to... We go faster. Even on a windward/leeward course outrunning a Thistle is absolutely no problem... (portmouth ratings are close but that has not been our experience.. Only the very slowest of our hobie fleet can be caught by the best of the local thistles) Oh.. but you can't tack at every whim because the inherent stability and light weight of the design means tacking takes practice... Ok.. So when playing on the lake... do you want to tack all day... Or haul ass....
I would encourage you to find a local Hobie Fleet and try it out... Most if not all hobie sailors are VERY welcoming kind of people and would be more than happy to take you out to fly a hull... in fact.. Whenever I travel.. i always hit up the local hobie fleet and very rarely don't find a ride.. it really is a fun group of people.... Besides.. more often than not there is always someone looking for another victim... eerrr uuuhhh I mean crew... yeah.. that's it... crew..|/c10817/3027/
My youtube channel...
There is also a Hobie forum... Just post up there that you want to try out a 16...
Someone will get you on the water..
I have nearly spent my whole life on the water... This is the most fun I have had..