so id been researching the heck out of what I wanted to do with my shop floor. need to do something....
anyway, I had narrowed between u-coat-it (dad put it in his shop over a decade ago. that E36 M3 is indestructible) and VCT tiles. both were expensive options, bth have their maintenance and drawbacks.
anyway, over the weekend, I lucked into 550 sq ft of Armstrong VCT tile, and 5 gallons of adhesive for 100 bucks. couldn't turn it down at that price, so I guess I made my decision.
im not quite sure what im doing here. ive googled my butt off, and am still unsure of a few things. so I figured id need to ask.
what is the best way to deal with old oil spots/spills/etc? don't want to have adhesion problems in the future.
can I do the tiling in sections? for example, move all my crap into one bay, prep/clean/install tile, let it cure, move it all back, and the next month do the other side?
what do I do with the leading edge of the tile at the garage doors?
do I tile underneath my cabinets, or is that asking for trouble?
what's the best amount of wait time till I park cars and tools back on it?
applying the adhesive and setting the tiles doesn't look all that difficult. also, no grout or spacing to worry about that I know of.
thanks Michael