I'm hooked on video game soundtracks lately while @ work. They do a great job of drowning out co-workers conversations (open office
) without being music I actually focus on. Any suggestions?
Obviously I am an id fanboy, but this is what I've been listening to so far:
IDKFA Doom soundtrack remix is great
DOOM (2016) soundtrack is amazing
d1X Rebirth has a good soundtrack, but I can't seem to find it in MP3 form.
Quake1 (Nine Inch Nails) is good, but is more environmental noises than music
Quake2 (Sonic Mayhem, Rob Zombie, etc.) is good
Carmageddon (some Fear Factory) is pretty entertaining
C&C Red Alert - I recall this being good
Not video game soundtracks, but some post hip-hop stuff like glitch mob and bassnectar are my go to background noise audio options when I need to focus.
4/26/17 7:48 a.m.
Kmfdm - mortal kombat theme
Ok, so it's from the movie, still technically a videogame soundtrack.
Good choices. Here are some more suggestions:
Terminal Velocity (possibly my favorite game BTW)
Iridion 3D
Streets of Rage 2 (one of the all-time great videogame soundtracks)
There are some good chiptune tracks in the Pokemon games.
I think I have the Descent/d1X soundtracks in MP3 at home. I really gotta get around to playing Bully.
4/26/17 8:46 a.m.
The soundtrack for Metal Gear Rising: Reveangance was amazing. Both the songs Rules Of Nature and A Stranger I Remain are absolutely great.
Oh in terms of remixes, there are some good tracks in Warsongs, an official remix of the League of Legends soundtrack. Project Yi is the most feminine music I enjoy.
In reply to EastCoastMojo:
Good, but not as good as
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
GameboyRMH wrote:
Terminal Velocity (possibly my favorite game BTW)
Awesome. I am now in great danger of playing this all night!
ProDarwin wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
Terminal Velocity (possibly my favorite game BTW)
Awesome. I am now in great danger of playing this all night!
Still the only game that makes flying a space fighter feel as awesome as it looks in Star Wars 
GameboyRMH wrote:
ProDarwin wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
Terminal Velocity (possibly my favorite game BTW)
Awesome. I am now in great danger of playing this all night!
Still the only game that makes flying a space fighter feel as awesome as it looks in Star Wars
I would counter with Descent FreeSpace
Descent is a different genre, as an indoor 6DOF shooter...FreeSpace is closer but feels too much like a traditional combat flight sim in space. It's sane and not at all ridiculous.
Terminal Velocity is futuristic WW2 air combat on crack (in space), which is the exact recipe for a Star Wars space combat sequence 
Slight threadjack, but I played in a band with the guy who did all the music & sound design at Volition up until about 3 or 4 years ago. I'm not a gamer though, so I have no idea what titles they released. He's a damn good musician, and I wish we were close enough to be in a band again.
Streets of Rage 1 and 2 on the Genesis both have unbelievable soundtracks, thanks to the composer Yuzo Koshiro. I remember recording them back when I was a kid via the headphone jack on my Genesis into my tape deck's line-in! Basically anything Yuzo Koshiro did was gold; he did a lot of stuff in the 16 bit era, including The Revenge of Shinobi and the Ys games. He's still at it, too.
Another one of my favorites is the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. It's probably my favorite video game of all time, and the soundtrack by Nobuo Uematsu is incredible. It's a great one to relax to. He also did a bunch of the Final Fantasy games.
Then, there's the Castlevania games. Basically all of them have incredible soundtracks. Most tunes translate well into shred-tastic guitar stuff, too.
Oh, and the Mega Man games on the NES were musically great, too! 2 and 3 were especially awesome, and blow my mind on how they were able to get that kind of soundtrack out of the NES.
If you are looking for something a little more, well, METAL, check out the Boston-based band Powerglove. They rip HARD. http://powergloveband.com/music/
Tony Sestito wrote:
Basically anything Yuzo Koshiro did was gold; he did a lot of stuff in the 16 bit era, including The Revenge of Shinobi and the Ys games. He's still at it, too.
Anything in the 16bit era, his later work hasn't lived up to it IMO.
I always thought Icewind Dale (RPG, 2000) had a good score, it was electronic but mimicked acoustic instruments. Some parts from the Severed Hand chapter were actually pretty damn good in an Arvo Part kind of way.
I've got the Interstate 76 soundtrack. It's got some great 70's funk in it, cut with in-game dialogue. Never played the game, but I enjoy the soundtrack :)
I remember I played a demo of that game and thought it seemed like it would be good. Very similar to Vigilante 8.
Back in the day this sounded awesome on a 386 with a genuine creative labs 16 bit soundblaster.
4/26/17 9:39 p.m.
RevRico wrote:
Kmfdm - mortal kombat theme
Ok, so it's from the movie, still technically a videogame soundtrack.
This whole movie soundtrack is excellent.
Old school game called descent, and it's sequel, descent two. Had some quality noise in the background. Was available as Redbook audio, played in my cd player.
Also, consider the daft punk from legacy soundtrack. Very chill.
Ha, thank you YouTube. Interstate 76 sountrack
I remember Descent being pretty good too. I had a Roland Sound Canvas in my PC at the time.
Oh, and if we're talking Doom - don't forget about the Dark Side of Phobos remix project. Bonus points for having both the chainsaw and the shotgun startup sounds in Hangarmageddon. It's a little uneven, but Hangarmageddon and Intermission are both good from what I remember.
4/27/17 12:06 a.m.
Check out Disasterpeace for some amazing and original music. Here's my favorite album of theirs.
Keith Tanner wrote:
Oh, and if we're talking Doom - don't forget about the Dark Side of Phobos remix project. Bonus points for having both the chainsaw and the shotgun startup sounds in Hangarmageddon. It's a little uneven, but Hangarmageddon and Intermission are both good from what I remember.
Excellent. Thank you for this. I could listen to DOOM remixes all day.