I have a frigidaire front loading washing machine that is over 10 years old, but recently started having issues. I'm not in a good position to replace it until spring(garage is packed up for the winter, and that's the route it would need to get into the house), so would like to at least get it to survive until then.
Here's the rough timeline:
A few months back, it starts not finishing the spin cycle every time. Like it would spin some, but not long enough (or fast enough) to get excess water out of the clothes. This was not consistent. Sometimes just running a drain/spin cycle would do the trick. Sometimes, splitting the load in half and doing a drain/spin would work.
After lots of googling, I pulled the drain tubing, and cleaned the trap, as that seemed to be the first thing I was finding in cases where the spin cycle would still engage. It did not work. Next step was to replace the belt. I replaced it with a (presumably) brand name belt.
Everything worked fine for a while, but it seemed imbalanced sometimes. I'll admit I should have releveled the washer, but just never got around to it. After a month or so, the behavior has returned. Just in case, I did level it, and it hasn't helped.
Test loads run through it:
- One large, heavy towel. Spin cycle did not dry it out enough.
- Three smaller towels, about the same weight as the other towel. Spin cycle worked fine.
- Empty. Spin cycle worked fine, seemed really fast.
I don't see how, but is it possible that I burned up the belt in a month, by not leveling the machine? I have also not found out if there is a switch that shuts it off if the imbalance gets too bad, but there was never any banging noises like I have heard with some old top loaders, so I don't know if that is relevant. Any other ideas as to what the problem is?
My inclination is to order new shock absorbers, and see if that fixes the problem. I may first pull the new belt, and compare it to the original I removed (didn't throw it out yet), and see if it has stretched just as much. Motor and motor control boards are expensive enough that I don't think they are worth replacing on a machine this old.
Failing that, any suggestions for a basic, reliable front loader brands? Speed Queen is way more than I want to spend. I've heard to stay away from LG and Samsung, but don't know who is good nowadays.