I leased a 2014 Accord LX that I have to turn in next January. Miles will be fine. Condition is great. Could just turn it in and walk.
When I leased it, I paid sales tax for full value of vehicle. (That's the law in GA - same as a new car purchased outright, which rather sucks).
Here are my questions:
1) if I choose to buy it at lease end, will I have to pay sales tax?
2) if I lease another, will I have to pay sales tax for full value of the next vehicle? (or gain some credit for 'trade' somehow)
The residual cost is fairly low, so I'm thinking about buying it.
If there is no additional tax to purchase, I'm also considering traditional it elsewhere (so I only have to pay sales tax on the cost delta for the next car).
Lease was zero down 250/mo and it's been great. I've seen them as low as zero down 216/mo since.
Per this site you may have to:
Lease info
You can check with your county tag office or even ask the dealer, they may know as well.
Thanks. I'm kinda hoping somebody who works in a dealership might know. DOR website doesn't have a dumbass TAVT questions page.
My EV is the only car I've ever leased -- I was shocked that I had to pay tax on the whole purchase price of the car ($36K) not the value of the lease ($12K). I had to scramble up the extra $2,000 at signing, which was no fun. That and the move away from ad valorum to a large purchase tax really penalizes people who buy vehicles frequently instead of hanging on to them for years.
I felt the same on my Accord. If I choose to buy it (residual vs the market looks favorable right now) I sure hope they won't come asking me to pay sales tax again.
Ive been hoping the state lawmakers would hear how ridiculous it is to pay tax on full value for a lease.. And change the law and offer refunds or tax credits. But I think they just take the money and run.
7/10/16 1:26 p.m.
In Tenn, you pay sales tax on each individual lease payment.
7/10/16 3:43 p.m.
whenry wrote:
In Tenn, you pay sales tax on each individual lease payment.
When I was looking at leases a few years go I found the same thing in Taxachusetts.
Its the same way here in Mass where you pay sales tax on each lease payment.
whenry wrote:
In Tenn, you pay sales tax on each individual lease payment.
that's a logical tax plan