Anyone know of anything out there that is a legit work at home job for something like a stay at home wife? Not looking for her to make a killing even min wage would suffice. Just trying to give her something to do. Or does anyone have any ideas? I've thought of letting her do a small online parts store or something like that. She does a decent job handling craigslist sales of my parts. Weird question I know. Just know there are a ton of scams out there for working at home. That's why I'm asking the tinfoil hat community.
are 1-900 numbers still a thing?
there is a hotline in Germany where people get paid to let people call up and vent all of their frustrations and swear at them for however long they want..
10/12/14 9:57 p.m.
Child care? My wife is about to start watching a friend's baby while they are at work. She also watches our 3 midgets.
amazon and apple hire work from home cs agents.
10/12/14 11:01 p.m.
Insurance billing is huge at home.
10/13/14 5:50 a.m.
Ebay store, listing and shipping stuff for other people. I have a friend who does this (though with her own stuff--she specializes in Halloween collectibles) and it has turned into an actual business. There are lots of people who simply don't have the time or inclination to photo, post and ship products but will happily give you a cut to get whatever-it-is sold and out of their lives.
^^^^^I like this^^^^. I'd like someone local who would take my stuff on consignment and sell it for top dollar and keep some percentage for the trouble of having gotten rid of it.
My wife used to work for ACD from home. It's basically "call center" type work for PBS, fundraisers, etc. It paid per "talk minute" and was a pretty decent gig.
I currently work from home as outside sales for a small business. I hawk their wares on ebay and amazon. It's commissioned sales so the pay is pretty variable.
Flipping things and selling general crap yourself on ebay could also work pretty well. If you're really dedicated you can cruise the internet for deals at local stores and flip the stuff online. If it doesn't sell you can always take it back to the store if you keep the receipt. Thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales can also net some nice goodies to flip. If you go this route there's a shipping program called dazzle that will give you commercial base pricing on shipping for $15 a month. It's a fantastic shipping program and the discounted postage really adds up. If you want more tips on online selling let me know, I do it for a living and it took me a couple of years to puzzle some pretty important stuff out.
I've thought about trying the consignment gig myself as I've already got all the equipment, software, and supplies for it. I feel like there could be some decent money in it. You also might be able to just ship stuff for people. Years ago I'd take all of my pain in the butt shipments to a local shipping place who charged exorbitant amounts of money to ship stuff for you.
On the flipside saving money can also be a full time job. SWMBO used to be pretty big into couponing and it was insane the type of deals she'd get. There's also gardening, raising small livestock (we do chickens and rabbits), and doing other vaguely insane "hippy" kind of stuff like water reclamation and such.
Work from home bonus: I just realized the mail doesn't run today because of Columbus Day so free day off!
I know a few people who do medical transcription and insurance billing from home. You can make a decent living at it, but it takes a solid daily time commitment to be successful.
Customer service, is one. I know the company I work for has about ~80% of our employee's remote and on a flex schedule. Pm me for more details if you want.
You know I've noticed customer service moving to people's homes. Nothing like calling into jetblue and hearing someones dog barking and children screaming
In reply to DirtyBird222:
Though I do give a Scottish buddy of mine crap about his kid screaming in the background while we're trying to pilot giant stompy death machines. "It just kills the vibe, man!" Though I will say it adds to the realism when you blow someone away, and on q his 5 year screams in the background. I take it back, it's GREAT!