I Get No Kick From Champaign scene; Priceless!
Slim Pickens---> "What in the Wide World of Sports is a-goin' on here? I hired you people to get some track laid, not to jump around like a bunch of Kansas City f-gg-ts! 
The toll booth scene was a stitch too.
Salanis wrote:
1. Blazing Saddles
2. Young Frankenstein
3. History of the World, Pt. 1
4. Spaceballs
5. Everything else
I would like to support your upcoming nomination.
Salanis wrote:
1. Blazing Saddles
2. Young Frankenstein
3. History of the World, Pt. 1
4. Spaceballs
5. Everything else
I think this is accurate. I may switch 1 & 2.
6/28/12 7:37 a.m.
Blazing Saddles gets my vote for the best comedy movie ever, by anyone , period.
"For my next impression...Jesse Owens!"
Derick Freese wrote:
I don't know, I always liked The Producers. Not his best, but plenty enjoyable.
I spent 6 months on the crew of the Producers. Wonderful musical.. not so wonderful movie. Only Mel Could get away with some of the jokes
I once read an article by a woman who found herself seated by Brooks at a funeral. She leaned over and whispered: "Oh, Mr. Brooks, I just love all your movies!" Brooks looked at her with great scorn and whispered: "We are at a FUNERAL." She was terribly embarrassed, sat there asking herself how she could have been so disrespectful of the dead, when Brooks leans back over and says: "So, which one did you like best?"
psteav wrote:
Blazing Saddles gets my vote for the best comedy movie ever, by anyone , period.
"For my next impression...Jesse Owens!"
"I didn't get a harumph out of that guy ..."
Blazing Saddles. berkeley. Now I gotta watch it tonight.
Mongo and I vote for Blazing saddles
Best of all time
6/28/12 11:33 a.m.
I'm pretty sure a video of the best quotes from Blazing Saddles would just take out the titles and the credits.
My wife tells that while watcing BS when younger her Jewish grandmother walked in while Brooks was portraying an Indian and speaking Hebrew. Thought it was cute so she sat down to watch. Until the campfire scene! "Would you like sommore beans, Mr. Taggert?" "I done think you boys have had enough!" She left the room disgusted.
My vote is Blazing Saddles, but the ones listed above are all good. Nothing to talk about since Spaceballs.
"Uggh, not another Druish Princess"
"Bring only what you need!"
6/28/12 11:56 a.m.
Blazing Saddles is the best, but nobody mentioned Men In Tights?
A black sheriff?
Well, it worked in Blazing Saddles.
Stupidly, though, I saw Men in Tights first, so I didn't get the joke then.
6/28/12 12:39 p.m.
aeronca65t wrote:
I Get No Kick From Champaign scene; Priceless!
Slim Pickens---> "What in the Wide World of Sports is a-goin' on here? I hired you people to get some track laid, not to jump around like a bunch of Kansas City f-gg-ts!
The toll booth scene was a stitch too.
As a native of Kansas City, that line always cracks me up.
I lovelovelove Blazing Saddles, but to me the ending lets it down, I think it's kind of cheesy and stupid. But that, HotWpt1, Young Fraunkensteen, and Spaceballs are all classics.
"What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz.... CHICKEN?"
I heart Blazing Saddles and jg pretty much nailed why. There's not a single scene in that movie that doesn't crack me up.
Mongo in particular cracks me up, Cleavon Little is right behind him.

'Mongo not go that way'. 'Mongo only pawn in game of life'.
For a non-Mel movie, I think 'PAUL' is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. All the sci fi movie and book references buried in it are worth watching for.
'It's probin' time!'

tuna55 wrote:
nobody mentioned Men In Tights?
LOL! I was just about to come in here and say "Deep into page two and no one has mentioned "Men in Tights" yet. My faith in humanity has been restored"
edit: And by that I mean it was a turd of a movie.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Paul? I didn't get many laughs off of it. I am not a big sci-fi fan, so most of the best jokes probably went right over my head.
Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles are two of the best movies ever made. None of his others rank much above average.
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to Curmudgeon:
Paul? I didn't get many laughs off of it. I am not a big sci-fi fan, so most of the best jokes probably went right over my head.
I think the wife and I both fell asleep while watching it.
Paul was OK. I did enjoy the sci-fi inside bits, but not enough to really recommend the movie.
I'm calling it now: "Ted" will be pretty high up there.
(I saw it in theatres last wednesday. I cried.)
Kidding me right ? Life Stinks
BS scene that rebelgtp posted
"Work, work, work...hello boys...work work"
I mutter that to myself from time to time...
Ian F
6/29/12 8:51 a.m.
Blazing Saddles for me - mostly because I grew up watching it. The Halleluiah Trail is another entertaining comedy-western-spoof.
Regardless, I like most of Brooks' movies, so it's hard for me to rank them.