RevRico said:
Yes, another investing thread. My apologies in advance.
We've covered a lot of "high dollar" investing strategies here, but what about small dollar investing? Specifically for someone who only has $300-500 a month that could be used.
For starters, I'd scrap the "only" and pat yourself on the back. That's a lot more than most people have left over to invest.
Online savings accounts average 2%Apr from the places I've seen, but that is lower than I'd like to see for a return. Would it be wise to start there though, so there is still fairly painless emergency access to money?
Savings accounts really are for emergency money only that you're likely to need in the next 2-5 years. I personally don't like having a bunch of money sitting in savings accounts doing nothing so I keep some money in there to weather things like roof or car repairs and stick some more into a Roth IRA (as that allows you to withdraw the contributions, just not the earnings).
I've been looking at roboadvisors and places like that stock app mtn(Robinhood) recommended a while ago that let you buy fractional shares, but that seems like too much hassle.
I'd stay away from shares in companies. Recent studies (IIRC by Besenbinder) show that the total market return is more or less achieved by about 4% of companies, the rest of them give you a return roughly equal to T-bills. Unless you're stock picking god, finding those 4% is going to be close to impossible.
Are there like mini mutual funds or ETFs that don't require a couple grand to start?
The usual cheap places (Vanguard, Schwab, Fidelity) all have index based ETFs that have no minimums other than you having the money to purchase a share. Most of them will require a certain amount (usually about a grand) to open an account though.
Overall, adding in my monthly and yearly bills, I need $900/month to cover everything but food. That's insurances, taxes, utilities, everything. I'm looking for some sort of investment strategy that could take the $300-500 I have "extra" every month, and show me a healthy return over the next, say 15 years, IE double my next to nothing every month.
Are you saying you want to double your money every month? That's highly unlikely to happen - bank for a 8-10% compound return annually over those 15 years and you're in the historic ballpark with a reasonably low-risk asset allocation.
Doubling your money within the time frame you mention should be possible with pretty low risk investments. Usually the expectation is that you double your money in a reasonably conservative strategy every 10 year-ish.
I'd really like it if I could use that money to play with hedge funds because I foresee several bubbles popping in the next few years and would like to be on the winning side of them for a change, but I don't think it's enough to even get my feet wet.
Hedge funds make money for hedgies. Any money made for the investors in generally accidental. Yeah, that's snarky, but a lot of hedge funds have had problems outperforming the S&P 500 over the last decade. You're also jumping from indoor karting to F1 in one fell swoop.
I'm personally not a big fan of active managed funds as pretty much none of them appear to be able to outperform the market over longer time horizons, at least not without taking undue risk.
I don't currently have an emergency fund, so the first step is building up 6 months or a year worth of bills just so I feel a little safer should something happen. But what is the next step from there? Money market accounts? One of those small business loan websites where you give someone money towards their business and get a slice back? Mini mutual funds?
Depends on how you want to structure it. A lot of people suggest that you have 6 months of expenses in a savings account before you do anything else. I tend to disagree with that - I have a fair part of our emergency fund in reasonably low risk investments and a pretty small savings account. But I've also worked on investment bank trading systems and investment analytics for a good decade and a half and am concious of the fact that I can lose 40-50% of that within short time span.
The main issue with the peer-to-peer loan sites is that your money is locked up for the length of the loan. I keep eyeing them but I won't touch them until I've maxed out both our Roth IRAs and the 401k and stuffed a healthy chunk of money into a savings account.
Googling is full of completely and utterly useless lists of things you can do with $500/month, none of which really bring any money back to me, and since you guys seem to be on top of investing larger amounts of money, maybe you know something for small amounts too.
Not a surprise, the big issue is that a lot people have something to sell for you.
For some investment ideas from someone who doesn't want to sell you stuff, have a look at Paul Merriman's website. I like his approach to portfolio construction and the fact that he's doing is for educational purposes only. Plus, it's based on solid academic research.