This might get a bit wordy and I apologize ahead of time.
I have a lot of things going on in my life right now, but they are good and I am extremely grateful for what I have and where I am going. I realize this is 1st world problem stuff.
So my VW is a great car, but accumulating mileage much, much faster than I expected. 30k miles since when I bought it in May. Didn't help that the GF lives 90 miles from me (60 miles from work). It is starting to show VW issues (I should have listened to the little guy on my shoulder), biggest one right now is the heater issue. Every now and then there is a weird light bulb issue. It is coming up on needing the timing belt done and it needs struts and shocks. I have budgeted for all the maintenance, so that isn't too bad. Just the fact that I need to get time to do it, and it is scaring me for potential future issues.
I am also beginning to hunt for a new job, hopefully closer to the GF. The current situation, as good as the company is to me, is too toxic and a dead end situation for me to stay much longer. The other side to that is I am working towards my own business an hope to have that going in the next year or two. I don't want to jump ship to a new job, just to jump ship again. It is a golden handcuffs job where I am paid well for what I do, but the rest of the industry has now caught up, so I wouldn't get much of a change in salary or benefits. I'd have to work harder, but I sort of need/want that anyway. And I am just sick of where I'm at. I am past the point of caring. As in Office Space, "I do just enough not to get fired".
I also am planning on moving out of my house this year, somewhere closer to a social life and work. I plan on buying, and it seems like my GF will be joining me. I don't have enough for 20% down, but haven't talked financials with her yet. She seems to be in decent shape there though.
Now, the what cars part. I need a commuter car AND a track car. I currently have the RX-8 for track/nice day duties. But it sits half the year and I am making payments on it. I have about 2.5 years left, and can get some cash back (~$4k). The VW is a 60 month loan and has just over 4 years left. I can probably break even on it. I also have some cash saved up for future vehicle modifications and new car savings. What could I get that would be a very nice, but FUN, comfortable commuter with manual transmission that gets good mileage? No more than $32k, the newer the better, and a warranty? Should I go new or certified used with the amount of driving I do? I'd prefer RWD/AWD, but for a commuter, the FWD VW is working fine I suppose.
Finally, what cheaper track car that has power, is fun to drive, and has a passenger seat for instructing? I need a separate track car because of Michigan winters (I'm not driving a car on track that deals with the salt and these roads, BTDT), and the fact that any car that will be satisfying for me to drive on track will be modified to be too punishing on the street for DD use. Both happened with my last Miata. I've raced SpecMiata, SpecNeon, Skip Barber MX-5 and tracked a Miata, RX-8, Porsches, a Ferrari, and a Lamborghini (last 3 not mine) to give you an idea of what I've done. I am ready for more horsepower. Figure $5-8k for a track ready car, must be manual, RWD.
Part of me is saying hold off and keep the vehicles status quo until things settle down elsewhere, and just get the VW completely sorted and keep the RX-8 (I do really love that car aside from fuel mileage and maintenance costs). Other parts of me say do it now while I can.
Thanks for listening!
1. Happy for what I have, these are 1st world problems.
2. Potential new job.
3. Potentially self employed in a year or two.
4. Moving to new house, potentially with GF.
5. Would like to re-arrange vehicle fleet.
a. Would like nicer, efficient, fun commuter car with warranty, manual, prefer RWD or AWD, <$32k. New or Certified used?
b. Need cheaper "street legal" track car with some horsepower, manual, RWD, <$8K.
c. Sell RX-8 and get cheaper track car noted above.
d. Keep current fleet until 2-4 settle down.
6. ???
7. Profit
8. Thank you GRM hive for being awesome and THE BEST place on the internet!