Since you all helped me quite a bit on that recent anti-norton software replacement.... :)
Thoguht I'd ask about small cell phones.
The reason I bring this up is that we are re-shopping for our phone plan, and found out that we basically have two choices- Sprint or AT&T- they are the only ones who offer anything less than 700 min a month for two people. Sprint really doesn't, but they have told us we can continue the current plan as is. ATT does. There may be others- but none of the main stream ones do.
Anyway, before we change, I also want to find out if there is a lighter phone than our rather old Samsung A420-, which apparently weighs only 2.9 oz. Trying to do a google search has resulted in a few items, but not that great. Most new simple phones weigh 3.0oz- but there are apparently 2 or 3 options between Pantec, Nokia and Sony Ericsson that are all about 2.5-2.7 oz.
(oh, and don't bother with the smart phone thing- we have a Blackberry available, and weight is primary- we want to comfortably run with the phones)
A couple of oz's makes a difference? Just askin'
I just went from Nextel/sprint to Sprint. Got rid of my heavy nextel with it's Push to talka nd got a palm pre.
What I found, Sprint's new plans rock. For LESS money than my nextel, I get unlimited data, texting (still learning how to do that), GPS, and unlimited nights and weekends along with 450minutes.
BUT... I also get free calls to ANY cell phone.. which is good, I only ever call other cell phones unless I am calling work.
I know it sounds like an ad.. but sprint has some killer deals on thier plans right not.
As for AT&T.. after what they did to me 10 years ago with my first cell.. I will NEVER go back to them
Head over to
From there click on the "phone finder" option given on the top left.
Choose some criteria and then compare the models to each other.
Not all the models shown on phone scoop may still be available for purchase, so it may be best to use this website resourse along with the phone companies website showing current offerings.
Gearheadotaku wrote:
A couple of oz's makes a difference? Just askin'
It does. I have a small pocket on the back of my running shorts, and can tell when the phone is there. Keeping it there for +4 hours (Marathon time), might get very, very irritating.
Just to let you know I can drive 26.1 miles in about 20 minutes and use my bluetooth the entire time without getting tired.
By virtue of technology used, I bet you will find AT&T with their GSM style service to have lighter phones than Sprint with their CDMA style service.
You know, there is a cell phone industry joke that goes along with this smaller phone request....
New guy visits an office and while there he sees a guy with this hand up to his ear and mouth (like the hang-loose symbol) and he is on the phone holding a real conversation.
Another guy has his thumb touching his ear and the rest of his hand covering one eye. He finds out that that guy is viewing the internet right on his hand.
The new guy asks and is informend that that whole company had a chip installed in that back of their neck and now they can hold calls and see the internet by just touching their body parts.
Just then, the new guy sees someone in the corner of the office in the "bear in the woods" position.
"What is going on with this guy!?", he asks.
"Oh, that is Johnson, he has a fax coming in."
John Brown wrote:
Just to let you know I can drive 26.1 miles in about 20 minutes and use my bluetooth the entire time without getting tired.
But that last 0.1 miles kills ya?

11/5/09 11:39 a.m.
Don't know about sprint, but AT&T sucks. it is really awful.
Ian F
11/5/09 11:58 a.m.
I have an older (2+ years) LG flip-phone... (basically a flip-version of the Chocolate, if you remember that one) one of the reasons I got it was the weight... it generally lives in my front shirt pocket and hardly know it's there.
mtn, I have AT&T and I've had no problems with them.
I've found that service is very regionally dependant. Sprint in our area is questioanable, ATT is pretty good, and verison seems to be really coming around. But right now, I'm just shopping.
I have to keep verison in the back pocket idea- since my work phone will be chaning to it, soon- so a lot of our M-M calls which were covered, won't be.
But that will only matter, really, if I go pre-paid. Which, after doing a decent analysis, I think we will be heading toward. The only one- pre-paid set up would be more than we pay now- the $3.99 ul Verison package. Most of the plans- there's a$1/day+ various charges that seems to be the best for us.
We will see.
I love my cellphone, but it stays home when I run.
SupraWes wrote:
I love my cellphone, but it stays home when I run.
Thing is- we've had incidents while running. Hence the desire for a communication device.
Since you mention prepaid - I'm using T-Mobile to go. 10 cents a minute / 10 cents per text. That's it. No other fees.
I average $10 / month for my phone.
One of my sales guys uses a Pantec C300 through AT&T which is 2.5 oz.
This one is only 2 ounces, but the user can make it even lighter if desired.
I was gonna say Motorola Razr but those things are tiny!
Running with a phone in the back pocket does sound unconforatable. Have you considered getting one of the armbands people use to carry their ipod while they are running?
I just got one for my wife, and it looks big enough to hold a phone. That might open up some options for you.