So I got into the office today and was told to head back to cold storage. This is what I found.

These are going on the shops Jeep that we got recently. This rig will be used to get up the mountain to some of our wireless equipment that we normally have to borrow a snowcat to get to in the winter or take snowmobiles. More than likely will be helping to get these installed this weekend and take it for a test drive.
Edit: oh for those wondering I work for a small local ISP in eastern Oregon.
Oh my.
Can I come visit?
Looks totally worth the drive down.
Fine by me. My boss bought the Jeep specifically to get these tracks to go on it. This was prompted by the last time we took the snowcat up it broke down leaving our guys stranded near the top of the mountain in waist deep snow. It will be nicer than the snowmobiles as well because lets face it hauling gear in the Jeep will be loads easier.
I want those for my Delica!! Any idea what they cost?
2/24/15 5:59 a.m.
I've wanted a set for years! Very cool.
Very cool!
What model Jeep will they be going on?
2/24/15 7:18 a.m.
Nice... Are they speed limited?
2/24/15 7:34 a.m.
Yeah we need a full write up on these things!
Those would look awesome on a STi hatch.
2/24/15 8:04 a.m.
Wow! those are awesome. please give an update after you put them in use. and it didn't happen if there are not pictures.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Those would look awesome on a STi hatch.
Nice flat bill hat you're sporting there.
I could do a lotta damage w/ those. 
2/24/15 9:11 a.m.
I'd love a job that involves ground transport into remote areas. You get paid for adventure.
Seriously, +1 for getting paid to do that. I wonder how, say, your Cutlass would handle with a pair of those on the rear and skis up front?
I've always wondered, what kind of mechanism do these things have to keep the entire assembly from rotating instead of the tread rolling forward? It could happen in certain situations if there weren't something to prevent it. Does it bolt up to the upright somewhere?
2/24/15 10:18 a.m.
84FSP wrote:
Nice... Are they speed limited?
I guarantee they are speed limited. Rubber tracks enemy is heat.....which builds up during on road surfaces. Tracked things for agriculture require the tracks to have talc powder put on every few miles of road travel. 
The set delivered was about $17k
. The jeep is I believe a 2001 TJ. We have a new winch mounted to the front plan on getting a rack for the top and a hard top. Currently it is a soft top with hard doors. We got it with I think a 3 inch lift which was needed for the tracks.
Should hopefully be doing the install on Saturday. I will get some pics of them going on and hopefully we can find a good place to test drive it. As mentioned yeah they are speed limited to I think 40 mph.
This rig will get me volunteering to go up to our mountain locations on those emergency repairs.