10/6/10 5:06 p.m.
Just got me a 100 amp AC stick welder for about $50. I'm taking welding classes at school, so this thing feels like a soldering iron in comparison to the stuff at school... but it's proven to be pretty fun on scrap exhaust tubing and whatnot. I have 3/32 6013 rods right now, but I don't mind expanding to other things.
Anyone got some cool ideas for projects? Something simple, cheap, and usable. I can tell you right now that I am lacking organization in the garage, and I don't have a welding table. So something along those lines would be great.
Oh, it wont do anything thicker than 1/4, but in all honesty, I would prefer to keep everything under 1/4 unless it's necessary.
Anyone got ideas?
A small (bench top) version of this

My high school welding class used to make jack stands before the safety nazis figured out they weren't OSHA approved. Then they had to get rid of all the good ones and replace them with the stamped steel Wally-world junk.
When my Dad was a shop teacher the welding class final for each student was a trailer of some sorts. Some students would build riding mower ones, some would build small utility trailers. One kid had him for wood shop and welding at the same time and built a small tear drop trailer.
10/6/10 8:09 p.m.
Welding cart, auto rotisserie, tube bender
In reply to wbjones:
A Europa S2 space frame from 304 stainless, being built to hold oldopelguy's old Scion motor.
Here's some idears:
- a cart for your welder
- a welding table
- a rack for your steel (can't have it all layin' on the groun' an' E36 M3)
- Heavy duty moving dollies
- an engine building stand
- engine cart
That should get you started 
A tilting game steering wheel holder. Sits straddling your lap on the couch and tilts up out of the way when you want to stand up. Could be made out of EMT easily.
10/6/10 9:06 p.m.
orphancars wrote:
Here's some idears:
* a cart for your welder
* a welding table
* a rack for your steel (can't have it all layin' on the groun' an' E36 M3)
* Heavy duty moving dollies
* an engine building stand
* engine cart
That should get you started
Just wrote that on a piece of paper and posted in my garage under "To Do"
As far as the welding table goes... what do you guys think is OK for a basic setup? I don't need a 1" thick top or anything, just something that wont burn through, and something that I can fasten or weld with my little 110v stick.
Small tool box, Bad ass bird house?
10/6/10 10:23 p.m.
Woody wrote:
Is that book for real? I read my fathers "THE BOOK"
that's hilarious and awesome at the same time
Snowmobile trailer. Great for hauling crap from the junkyard.
JtspellS wrote:
Bad ass bird house?
A bad ass bird house is now officially my first welding project. I may even go buy a welder and learn how to do it just for this. My mom loves bird houses, I could give it to her for mothers day.
How about a midget gokart using boat trailer wobble rollers powered by a Toyota starter motor??