the collector plates that i got for my 74 Monte Carlo ended with the numbers "911".. one of my uncles pointed it out and said it was cool that i chose that number to honor 9/11.. i told him it was just random and pointed out that the collector plates on my 84 Regal- which i applied for at the same time- had the number "910" at the end.. i got sequential plate numbers because they processed them one after the other..
I guess rating were wavering and now they will be back up, or some locals needed some press for an election.
The second is more probable.
Somewhat related question, does anybody know if they've been in the US recently? A friend thinks he saw James May on I-77 just north of Columbia, SC last week. Says there were 2 Porsches & possibly a Mustang being followed by a couple of vans. He didn't see the driver until he was already committed to an off ramp and couldn't merge back onto the interstate to investigate further.