The Howitzer I've been working of for a few years. There's a special tingley feeling you get when you put a round through someone's bedroom window from four miles out.
It would be interesting to know what kind of scatter that system has, so that you can have the artillery pin down a position while the foot soldiers can close in on that position for an attack.
I'm sure there are plenty of positions where little but ground troops can take, but still need support to get close enough to be effective.
Good stuff.
You should be proud (and I know the feeling)
i need one of those for my front lawn, though it might be a pain to weedwhack around.
5/7/10 11:07 a.m.
Field Artillery, Queen of Battle, I did my Basic at Ft. Sill. Is it a 105 or 155? Oh and thanks for keeping us safe from the bad guys. 
I went to Sill a few months ago, flew in on Sunday, spent three hours on the ground and flew out Monday. I live on the east coast, what a sucky longass day that was.
5/7/10 1:55 p.m.
914Driver wrote:
The Howitzer I've been working of for a few years. There's a special tingley feeling you get when you put a round through someone's bedroom window from four miles out.
I'm sure that's nothing compared to the tingly feeling of having a round come through your bedroom window...