ddavidv wrote:
But when you give it the title of Mad Max there is a certain level of - something - you come to expect. It doesn't sound like this film delivers that.
Having recently watched the original Mad Max AGAIN, I realized how truly awful the original is. The plot is paper thin, the action is non-existent, half the movie is literally a camera strapped to a vehicle moving fast down boring, flat two lane blacktop.
There is no suspense, if anything you are lost and confused trying to figure out what exactly the berkeley is going on the whole movie. Its so childish, which I get the movie came out in 1979, but there are TONS of 70's and 80's films that are great. Seriously, Mad Max was a b-movie AT BEST back THEN, it wouldn't come out in theatres nowadays even if done to modern standards but with the original dialogue and directing.
I've never watched the 2nd or 3rd, but I have them now and will this week.
In comparison, Fury Road was god damn amazing. Sure, the plot was straightforward, but it was super well-defined. Them going back to the SPOILER was a nice twist, I (suspending my disbelief and being in the moment of the movie) always assumed they wouldn't. No, it wasn't a dramatic DUN DUN DUN moment, but it was exactly what the movie called for. The characters impressed their "personas" on you, so you didn't even need to know what their names were; they were defined by their roles.
Compared to 90% of the superhero movies that come out, and the garbage that is the Transformer series, this movie is excellent. Hell, it's better than 50% of "serious" dramas that come out.
And whoever the hell played Max knocked it out of the berkeleying ballpark. Also, the directing was superb. Nothing was forced, everything was done JUST right.
sesto elemento wrote:
Charlize Theron
I guess if you like 12 year old boys
I mean, yes she is beautiful, but her beauty comes from her power of character (both on and off screen). She's pretty normal otherwise, just a regular skinny chick IMO.