I started working on the interior. Got a display shelf done for the "vintage gaming" side of the business and the world's smallest table Pac Man game done for the arcade side. For some reason, I'm now craving Pizza Hut.

BTW: Everything on here is flat/square. My phone camera does weird stuff on close-ups.
Got a few stand up arcade games and a side-by-size racing game made for the arcade. Still need to paint them, obviously.

Today's creation for every child of the 80's - USA v Russia hockey. It doesn't scale out perfectly, but it looks pretty cool, so it'll probably go in the "front window".

In reply to kazoospec :
I can't even imagine trying to achieve that level of detail on such a small scale!
A model train store next to the game store would be a great addition.
APEowner said:
A model train store next to the game store would be a great addition.
Unfortunately, we're pretty much out of green (or in this case pink) space. I've got one more "real" building I've promised Kazookid2 I'll build, then we're done unless (i.e. "until") we expand the benchwork.
Tonight, "The Claaaaaaw!"

The arcade interior is pretty much done:

Outside is done now too. This is "Dub Z Vintage Gaming". It's probably our best "family business". It's also the first one with a lighted sign.

10/31/21 6:46 p.m.
Really cool, nice work. We need a pulled back shot of the whole layout lit up at some point too.
In reply to 11GTCS :
Here's our current status. The only "open" section is kind of in the center right on this photo. The section on the lower left is being left "semi-finished" because we are still hoping to do one more expansion before we're out of room and that will be our "access" to the next section of benchwork.

Here's our current lighting set up:

Tonight, I made eagles, and a nest. About 3 of these would fit on a quarter. 
Tonight, I started working on a "nature trail" for a couple of our neighbors. I still need to do the sign and add a little more "nature". The eagles/nest are in the upper center.
kazoospec said:
Tonight, I made eagles, and a nest. About 3 of these would fit on a quarter.
How do you do, fellow birds?
Very cool.
Still working on the "nature trail" area. I'm building this section for my neighbor, who also happens to be my middle school shop and science teacher (small school). Last night I made some more "nature" and a sign for the trial. The park rules are a paraphrase of his classroom rules back in the day, at least as best I remember them: 1. Stay on the path 2. Don't be an idiot.

12/6/21 1:27 p.m.
I've been bit by the small train bug.
Now that my kiddo is getting old enough to appreciate such things, I decided I'd ask around to some family members who were NMRA members and have since closed up their layouts and just had parts laying around.
My uncle had some HO train sets from the late 70's and early 80's that his kids gave back him when they were grown in the early 90's (I was still a kid when my cousins were out of college.) The stuff had been sitting for nearly 30 years.
So I got about 15 freight cars of various types and 5 diesel locomotives, mostly Tyco.
The 20ft or so of brass track was mostly junk, so I'm gonna give that to my nephews for their setup as they've got more room in their basement to diligently clean the track.
I then went out and picked up some Kato Unitrack from the local hobby shop. Paid too much, but it was in dying Washington, PA mall, and the owners their gave me a lot of helpful advice.
My thought it basically just set it up around Christmas time, maybe with two loops on separate transformers, and if the interest sticks, to pursue a N-Scale setup on a folding 2x10 platform. Until then, I figure I'll try to make a temporary "logging" style track layout.