Yeah, you read that correctly. In my local alternate newspaper, there's an story that first appeared in The Military Times detailing how the "top brass" for the Marines in Afghanistan have issued a "command directive ordering troops to restrain their audible flatus because, apparently, offended Afghan soldiers and civilians complained. The reporter doubted the directive could be effective, passing gas by front-line troops is "practically a sport"."
I apologize to all Marines, as I should have capitalized the word Marines in my "headline".
So they like church creepers over there, do they? 
George Carlin would have had a field day with this one. 
11/17/11 3:33 p.m.
Marines: Silent but Deadly!
11/17/11 3:37 p.m.
Personally, I don't think I would like to be the guy to tell Marines IN FREAKIN' AFGHANISTAN not to fart. Nope, not me, toot away, Leathernecks. Some raghead has a problem, gee, too bad.
11/17/11 3:40 p.m.
espcially when you consider all of the military in the aircraft over them are pratically giving out prizes for a good one...
Hey who stepped on a duck 

Is that line REALLY from Blazing Saddles?
I ask, because it's one of my favorite comedy movies and depending on which TV channel is playing it it has different lines/sounds. (I've noticed some channels edit the campfire/bean eating scene.) If I ever heard that "duck" line, I guess I never got the meaning.
I don't want to speculate what "sport" will replace flatulence.
'Round here we call 'em Timorean barking spiders.
Ever had an MRE? Ever had food made in 100 person units?
How can you not off gas?
Jay Hickman had a hilarious but about holding in farts.... I think I'll go look for that.
its from Caddyshack but who better to run a fart joke than Mel Brooks
Here's another one...
11/17/11 8:29 p.m.
Like the Afghans didn't do anything to deserve some well-timed and vicious bowel gas. They obviously are not Monty Python fans for having failed to recognize the admonition that "I fart in your general direction!"
914Driver wrote:
Ever had an MRE? Ever had food made in 100 person units?
How can you not off gas?
Eat them for a week and your turds will have the same density as a neutron star.
I guesse it's all in context. Is a group of marines encouraged to blow ass around a bunch of American citizens? I doubt it.
Centuries old game by solders of all types. As well centuries old prohibitions on farting in formation, or at the passing of an officer and such.
Old, old story and game.
11/18/11 8:10 a.m.
I dunno, I like crop dusting the occasional formation...
so, on the bright side... belching and hawker contests are still legit, cool
I just talked to a buddy in Afganistan and they laughed their a$$e$ off over this. They've never heard of this nor it seems, have they heard anything this funny in a long time.