My wife's cousin stayed with us a few days, visiting from St. Augustine, FL. She left and headed to a small town on the Canadian border where whe and SWMBO grew up, they spent summers at Granny's farm. I was there a few times, Granny passed in 1987. The farm has no running water, just a hand pump at the kitchen sink, has an outhouse, a root cellar etc. Granny told me stories of bootleggers coming across the border from Canada during prohibition with a car full of booze. They pulled guns and asked to be fed. Of course (all the men were in the field) and then they left.
Old cars and tractors pile up in a place like that, specifically a 1936 Packard Hearse. I asked about it once but the dead beat uncle living there said he sold it for scrap (read beer money). Trish's cousin called to thank us again for the hospitality and talked about other cousins still living up there, the one living across the street recently retired as a prison guard at Denimora.
Anywho..... Charlie reports "Oh yeah, that old stuff's still there, just rolled into the back".
This is what the Hearse looks like, not the exact car, but you get the idea. It hasn't been moved since about 1990 so I wonder how much of it is left.