I've discussed this with a guy who shoots bullfrogs by his pond because they make too much noise... You moved out to the woods! Things make noise out there! Cmon!
My problem with this story is it's not a 200 year tradition. The story says they stopped from the early 1900s to 1975. So it's not like they have been firing non-stop. Why was the tradition already broken?
Woody wrote:
Fortunately, the Republicans at the gun club held their ground and they're still there.
Well..not all gun guys are Republicans....

zoomx2 wrote:
Ohmygawdohmygawdohmygawd TIIIIMMMMM!!!!!!!
11/9/09 1:07 p.m.
joey48442 wrote:
My problem with this story is it's not a 200 year tradition. The story says they stopped from the early 1900s to 1975. So it's not like they have been firing non-stop. Why was the tradition already broken?
Picky, much?
Is it really important why the tradition was suspended? One can guess the reason certainly wasn't because of the noise.
But, in the spirit of compromise and being a"good neighbor" the Navy has plans to reduce the powder load by 75% and hopes/expects the noise level will drop enough appease the weasels.
If that doesn't work, let's see the Navy increase the load, get a fix on the complainer's address and lob a 30lb ball through the window.
11/9/09 1:29 p.m.
oldsaw wrote:
...let's see the Navy increase the load, get a fix on the complainer's address and lob a 30lb ball through the window.
Now, now.. these are times requiring all citizens to be accomodating and willing to compromise. This is not a time for arms proliferation. Perhaps, the Navy should agree to disarm the ship altogether.
One load of grapeshot at a time, if you catch my drift.. 
11/9/09 2:12 p.m.
NYG95GA wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
...let's see the Navy increase the load, get a fix on the complainer's address and lob a 30lb ball through the window.
Now, now.. these are times requiring all citizens to be accomodating and willing to compromise. This is not a time for arms proliferation. Perhaps, the Navy should agree to disarm the ship altogether.
One load of grapeshot at a time, if you catch my drift..
To heck with grape shot, let's use canister shot.
11/9/09 2:45 p.m.
egnorant wrote:
Had a similar experience here.
Family moved from the big city to avoid the crime and taxes and have a better life for the kiddos.
First thing she (yes I met her!) did was to start complaining about the poorly kept houses that were reducing the property values.
At a council meeting I had the privelidge of confronting her about here hypocracy.
"You moved here and paid the prevailing reduced property values for your house and now you want ME to do work on my place to make your house more valuable!!??!!.
Sounds like you are offering me a job!"
She was still able to get an ordinance for "junk" cars passed, push through street improvements, quadruple our tax rate, caused a lot of builders to pull out of projects in our little town and place us 14,000,000 dollars in debt!!!
We had plans for 1800+ new houses to be built and her justification was that these homes would support the new taxes and expenditures......many builders pulled out when the taxes went up. Then the housing bubble burst.
Now our 2500 people town has 10 years to cover this new debt. Then she bought a house outside the city limits, demanded city services and refused annexation.
How could one woman do all that by herself? Did y'all elect her emperor for life or some such jazz so she could implement all her swell ideas?
WilD wrote:
How could one woman do all that by herself? Did y'all elect her emperor for life or some such jazz so she could implement all her swell ideas?
I've seen it happen in corporations before. You get one amped up harpy or jackass as gender is immaterial. They run their very loud mouth to a collection of people who don't have the collective spine of a jellyfish. All this equals trouble and lots of it.
I've been amazed what one self-centered person can accomplish when they are faced with a committee of cowards.
11/9/09 8:14 p.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
I've been amazed what one self-centered person can accomplish when they are faced with a committee of cowards.
All too true. That is either one of Murphy's Laws, or part of the Peter Principle: I don't remember which. Maybe both.
11/9/09 9:43 p.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
I've been amazed what one self-centered person can accomplish when they are faced with a committee of cowards.
Can Congress be considered a committee?
oldsaw wrote:
joey48442 wrote:
My problem with this story is it's not a 200 year tradition. The story says they stopped from the early 1900s to 1975. So it's not like they have been firing non-stop. Why was the tradition already broken?
Picky, much?
Is it really important why the tradition was suspended? One can guess the reason certainly wasn't because of the noise.
But, in the spirit of compromise and being a"good neighbor" the Navy has plans to reduce the powder load by 75% and hopes/expects the noise level will drop enough appease the weasels.
If that doesn't work, let's see the Navy increase the load, get a fix on the complainer's address and lob a 30lb ball through the window.
Why am I picky, I'm just pointing out how is not an unbroken tradition. The "yuppies" are idiots, that's for sure, but just like most cities in this economy, I'm not sure how good an idea it would be to run off the people with money.
Xceler8x wrote:
Woody wrote:
Fortunately, the Republicans at the gun club held their ground and they're still there.
Well..not all gun guys are Republicans....
We certainly aren't! (I'm not much of a democrat either, though). But I'm not republican. It makes going to the range kind of a drag sometimes because all you ever hear is how "rush said" or "these stupid dems". It just gets old. I don't care about your politics! Democrat or republican, let's go shoot!
joey48442 wrote:
You chant your own name an awful lot! Nader Independent?
oldsaw wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
I've been amazed what one self-centered person can accomplish when they are faced with a committee of cowards.
Can Congress be considered a committee?
If we both keep getting more radical in our political views eventually we're going to come full circle and meet in the middle. 
11/10/09 10:05 a.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
I've been amazed what one self-centered person can accomplish when they are faced with a committee of cowards.
Can Congress be considered a committee?
If we both keep getting more radical in our political views eventually we're going to come full circle and meet in the middle.
That sounds like the description of a circular firing squad.