stanger_mussle (Supported by GRM undergarments) said:

I worked for 20 years in a plant with a dozen sintering furnaces. On weekend night shift I would bring in a large cake pan full of seasoned ribs or chicken legs. I found one furnace that had a temp of 200 F on the top and at the start of the shift I'd put the pan up there and cover it in shop rags. An hour before lunch I'd drain the liquid and uncover one corner of the foil on the pan. I absolutely perfected it. They were incredible, and I would share the leftovers. Before long the other guys in the shop were asking for some and bringing in side dishes, and desert, which became a huge Saturday night feast known as lunch club.

The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a
person is a good or bad member of society.
Not necessarily, I always return the cart.
eastsideTim said:

Try matching white/white and yellow/yellow in a barely visible, low light situation and make that statement.

johndej said:

That actually sounds wonderful.
In reply to No Time :
It certainly took me a few seconds.
Humans are very sensitive to pattern recognition.

In reply to Appleseed :
Exactly who I was thinking of, namesake of Luke AFB.
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) said:
In reply to No Time :
It certainly took me a few seconds.
Humans are very sensitive to pattern recognition.

It's a bit of a stretch. I was thinking Derry Eire except that wouldn't be derriere. It would be Derry Ulster
Appleseed said:

Quoting this, so that I can upvote it twice!
In reply to volvoclearinghouse :
I'm dying over here imagining how that E36 M3 would go down today.