I have a few boxes I'm not sure what to do with. One is a regular ammo box about 12" long, 4" wide and 8" tall and the other is about 15" tall, 10" wide and 20" long.
the large one has serious surface rust inside.
the lids clamp down.
what can I do/make with either or both that would be either a. useful, b. cool or c. both??

Grill/camp stove, an airbox for something, body patch panels, tool kit for that beautiful Bronco?
Small parts storage, portable boom box/Bluetooth speaker.
Is the rusty one water tight? If it is, scrape away as much rust as you can and fill it with vinegar. It's amazing. Cleaned out my motorcycle's gas tank like new. Took about 2 weeks, but a shake or two every other day and marvel at what happens.
I've been looking for that large ammo box myself, with plans to make a camp stove out of it.
5/9/20 7:14 p.m.
Careful with making a stove out of them. Ammo boxes are coated with paint and corrosion prevention coatings that are not good to ingest.
I know it's weird, totally out of the box thinking, but I keep ammo in them.
Well, if you don't know what else to do with it, you can poop in it!

Dr. Hess (Forum Supporter) said:
I know it's weird, totally out of the box thinking, but I keep ammo in them.
But if the ammo is in the box, isn't that really "in the box" thinking??
Man, dem dere is sum serious brain powah.
I can't believe I didn't even think of ammo. The smaller box has a new purpose!
now for the larger one....
I tried to talk my wife into keeping it in the bronco but that was shot down quite thoroughly.
5/9/20 9:50 p.m.
In reply to jfryjfry (Forum Supporter) :
If it was cleaned and repainted would she allow it in the bronco?
Store a very small thermonuclear device.
Use it for a Geocache container!
jfryjfry (Forum Supporter) said:
I tried to talk my wife into keeping it in the bronco but that was shot down quite thoroughly.
When you say "shot down," what do you mean exactly? 
Trunk for a Kustom/Rat rod? Build a gas tank for inside of the bigger one and it would be a great fuel cell for the same Rat Rod.
Sell them for money. They're probably worth $5 in real life, but clean them up leaving the patina and they're suddenly worth $50 in a booth at an antique mall.
I like the planter idea AAZCD showed.
If you lay them on their side or end and tack weld in some drawer slides, you could make them into tool boxes
5/10/20 10:48 a.m.
This is plastic not metal, but I mounted one to the inside of my truck bed. I can move it to any position along the rail. It’s super handy. I use it for something almost every day.