wae PowerDork
11/22/23 5:20 p.m.

"Bill said he can be available on Friday if you have any questions."

Uh, pardon me?  I have it on very good authority that Bill very much did not say that.

Antihero PowerDork
11/22/23 10:51 p.m.
mtn said:

I have sold over 20 guitars in my life. There are 4 I wish I could have back, but only one I regret selling. 



 Man, if I knew that I would have saved so much money by not putting an addition on my house.

wae PowerDork
11/23/23 8:18 a.m.

This isn't really a rant because it has zero effect on me, so do whatever you want...  But some psychopath is mowing his lawn this morning.  It's 32 degrees outside.  What's wrong with you, man?

eastsideTim UltimaDork
11/23/23 10:49 a.m.
wae said:

This isn't really a rant because it has zero effect on me, so do whatever you want...  But some psychopath is mowing his lawn this morning.  It's 32 degrees outside.  What's wrong with you, man?

Extended family must be in town already.

RevRico MegaDork
11/23/23 11:23 a.m.

So we're all sick now, yay, but I'm not allowed to cancel because it's important to the people who are only showing up to eat? That didn't cook, didn't host, didn't do E36 M3?

They can fill up a clamshell and get out as far as I'm concerned. 

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
11/23/23 11:41 a.m.
wae said:

This isn't really a rant because it has zero effect on me, so do whatever you want...  But some psychopath is mowing his lawn this morning.  It's 32 degrees outside.  What's wrong with you, man?

Is he related to the leaf blower man on the previous page?

Gah.  Leaf blowers. My dad offered to give me his old one. I refused- and that was after trying to think of other stuff I could use a leaf blower for. They're truly Satan's tool. Grind your leaves up with your mower and let them rot, as nature intended. Or rake them out of your flower beds, like a decent human, and compost them. If you get some clibbins on your precious paved driveway, a quick pass with the mower works to blow them off well enough. There's zero place in society for a portable fan that sounds like a chainsaw on laughing gas. 

Purple Frog (Forum Supporter)
Purple Frog (Forum Supporter) Dork
11/23/23 11:53 a.m.

Battery blowers prove that society is slowly advancing.

P3PPY SuperDork
11/23/23 12:33 p.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:
P3PPY said:
wae said:

I've got this 28.25lb turkey that a friend of mine raised, dispatched, processed, and froze for me.  I didn't get it until last Thursday and it was still frozen solid.  So that I can get it into the brine soon, I'm doing the quick thaw method of putting it in cold water and changing the water every 30 minutes.  I don't know how serial killers do it, but damn it's hard to get a body to stay submerged!

After a lot of experimentation, what's working is a chain over the breast with a couple weights on either end plus a few more weights sealed in a ziplock back and stuffed into the cavity.  I can finally go back to calling him "Tom" instead of "Bob".

Quickrete on the feet, amirite?

I always wanted to be in the advertising room when all the "-cretes" were named. I imagine it going something like...

"Ok, we've got this product, see, it's concrete.  And it comes in a sack. What should we name it?"


"Ooh, yeah, good one. Ok, next, we got...ok...also concrete, but this stuff is quick setting..."


"Ok, awesome...*looks at watch*...so...I guess...martinis now?"

This is giving me vibes of Gary Gulman On How The States Got Their Abbreviations


Also, as long as I'm catching up, Grand Traverse Pie Company's Cherry Pie is the best ever. 

Except -- and Mndsm has it nailed -- unless we're talking about Key Lime. Then that's king. 

EXCEPT I'm now allergic to peanuts so I cannot any longer compare them with Tippin's Peanut Butter Pie with some vanilla ice cream on the side. MAAAAANNN

Datsun240ZGuy MegaDork
11/23/23 12:33 p.m.

In reply to Purple Frog (Forum Supporter) :

50% of time my battery blower is blowing stuff out of my garage.

25% of time my battery blower is blowing lawn clippings off my driveway/sidewalk.

15% of time my battery blower is blowing leaves off my patio.

10% of time my battery blower is shooting a tennis ball into my yard for my dog to chase.  Sadly it's only a 20'-25' shot.

P3PPY SuperDork
11/23/23 12:39 p.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:
wae said:

This isn't really a rant because it has zero effect on me, so do whatever you want...  But some psychopath is mowing his lawn this morning.  It's 32 degrees outside.  What's wrong with you, man?

Is he related to the leaf blower man on the previous page?

Gah.  Leaf blowers. My dad offered to give me his old one. I refused- and that was after trying to think of other stuff I could use a leaf blower for. They're truly Satan's tool. Grind your leaves up with your mower and let them rot, as nature intended. Or rake them out of your flower beds, like a decent human, and compost them. If you get some clibbins on your precious paved driveway, a quick pass with the mower works to blow them off well enough. There's zero place in society for a portable fan that sounds like a chainsaw on laughing gas. 

ZERO place???

DarkMonohue Dork
11/23/23 1:26 p.m.

I'm tired of coughing so hard I fart and farting so hard I check. My throat hurts, my chest hurts, my back hurts, my abs hurt, my nose won't stop running no matter what I take and Lord I've taken it all. Coughing like a harbor seal who ate a pallet of dry Saltines, and apparently cough medicine only comes in tiny bottles that hold just under six doses, and for all her many and varied charms, it genuinely never occurs to Mrs Monohue that one might want to do a little math on that considering there's  two sick adults in the house and a holiday retail shutdown looming. (Need cough medicine, here is a bottle that says cough medicine on the label. Next item please.) And now it's Thanksgiving day and the whole world is closed and we're all still sick and feeling beat right to hell, except the boy, who is still dripping and coughing but otherwise has all the drive and uncrushable spirit that only a four-year-old has, bless his heart, but neither one of us can keep up with him and we could sure use a damn break, and we're out of Tussin DM Max and the boy has single handedly destroyed an entire six-pack of tissues by grabbing a new rag to wipe away a single drop of nose drizzle approximately every seven seconds. Also there's some kind of big whackadoodle traditional holiday meal we're expected to cook and eat despite the fact that it's just the three of us and we'd kind of rather not and the kid ain't gonna ever eat anything but chicken  nuggets and tater tots anyway so it's not like he's going to help us put this mess away, but hell, I'm only eighty pounds overweight, might as well go ahead and eat a little more. And because it's Thanksgiving morning, the entire blessed neighborhood is absolutely overrun with people from Somewhere Else, focused, disciplined people who wear stretchy fabrics and numbers on their chest and wedge their gigantic SUVs into our tiny parking spots and chatter incessantly as they wrap themselves in scarves (so, so many scarves) and carry 20-ounce seasonal specialty coffees toward their Annual Community Athletic Event of some kind or another, I don't know, for Christ's sake, but they do it every year.

And for the love of Pete, did the godforsaken sewer line really have to back up again yesterday?

Apexcarver MegaDork
11/23/23 2:28 p.m.

Whelp, it's Thanksgiving and I've found myself with my jaw pretty much swollen shut so I can barely open it enough to put a finger between my teeth. 

So a tooth on my lower left had a series of failed fillings several years back and the dentist who did it said that the last one was close to the nerve and when it failed it would be time for a root canal, so keep an eye for it being sensitive. 

Well, having not had dental insurance at the time, we went out and got dental insurance.l, which necessitated a new dentist. Well, I choose insurance... Poorly..  only one option for dentist within 30 miles, despite what the insurances website says. Furthermore, you are stuck with that dentist, can't just go to another one without a referral. 

Told the dentist early in the summer I was having sensitivity in that tooth and what the prior dentist had said. Response was, "well, I don't see anything wrong. Just don't chew on that side of your mouth and here's a prescription for a sensitive toothpaste". Uhhh...  Riighhhttt.   Mention it again in September, pretty much same response.  Last week it goes from sensitive to hurting. "We can't get you in till next week, so hang in there". Pain intensifies. Call back same story. Go in on Monday, can hardly open mouth and face is swollen. Get referral. Surprise there's no provider available in network to do a root canal on short notice, so if you want this fixed now that it's an emergency, it's going to be $2,300 out of pocket. Cash preferred, card is 3% extra. No checks. 


Whelp, infection was getting into my jawbone. Got the root canal done on Monday. At least the pains subsided, but it's thursday and my face is swollen lobsided and I can't open my mouth enough to pass a spoonful of food. Happy Thanksgiving, I'll be over here with another ensure shake.

At least the endodontist was nice. 

We already meant to switch insurance and dentists when open season hit next month. Pissed at myself we didn't sooner. I believe the current dentist is incompetent. 

mtn MegaDork
11/23/23 2:53 p.m.

In reply to Apexcarver :

I don't know how it works for those luxury body parts, but that sounds awfully close to malpractice to me. 

Apexcarver MegaDork
11/23/23 3:13 p.m.

In reply to mtn :

That's a thread I may need to pull at, even if I doubt it will be worthwhile.

mtn MegaDork
11/23/23 3:26 p.m.

In reply to DarkMonohue :

In my opinion, if you can't use it to make meth, the cough medicine is for placebo only. 

And I'm all out of it. And while CVS and Walgreens are open, the pharmacy counters are not, so you can't get the good stuff. Why are you even open? Seriously, you're a sorry excuse for a grocery store. Don't need makeup ever, let alone an emergency. Everything else you sell I can get at Kroger. 

I feel like I've been sick for 3/4 of the month. Pretty sure that the latest round of Covid in September killed my immune system, because usually my wife is sick all winter, not me. 

Apexcarver MegaDork
11/23/23 6:42 p.m.

In reply to mtn :

When it's more about snot retention than germ isolation, microfiber rags make stupendous handkerchiefs to avoid just mowing through disposable tissues. 


Also try wearing a neck gaiter while you sleep. Retained moisture helps keep things moving to clear the deep stuff. 

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
11/23/23 9:30 p.m.

It's a simple process. You have the ability. You bought the motor home, it isn't my problem. But I'll help. You have ignition. You either have no fuel, not enough fuel, or just bad fuel. Buy the tool to take the line off. See if the pump pumps. If not, drop the tank and see if the pump is getting power. If it is, you need a pump, if not, you have electric problems. 

Stop playing with the fuse box. It's is a simple process to find the actual problem. 

But no. Instead I get to hear about it and be asked for help almost every day for a month now. 

P3PPY SuperDork
11/23/23 11:22 p.m.
DarkMonohue said:

I'm tired of coughing so hard I fart and farting so hard I check. My throat hurts, my chest hurts, my back hurts, my abs hurt, my nose won't stop running no matter what I take and Lord I've taken it all. Coughing like a harbor seal who ate a pallet of dry Saltines, and apparently cough medicine only comes in tiny bottles that hold just under six doses, and for all her many and varied charms, it genuinely never occurs to Mrs Monohue that one might want to do a little math on that considering there's  two sick adults in the house and a holiday retail shutdown looming. (Need cough medicine, here is a bottle that says cough medicine on the label. Next item please.) And now it's Thanksgiving day and the whole world is closed and we're all still sick and feeling beat right to hell, except the boy, who is still dripping and coughing but otherwise has all the drive and uncrushable spirit that only a four-year-old has, bless his heart, but neither one of us can keep up with him and we could sure use a damn break, and we're out of Tussin DM Max and the boy has single handedly destroyed an entire six-pack of tissues by grabbing a new rag to wipe away a single drop of nose drizzle approximately every seven seconds. Also there's some kind of big whackadoodle traditional holiday meal we're expected to cook and eat despite the fact that it's just the three of us and we'd kind of rather not and the kid ain't gonna ever eat anything but chicken  nuggets and tater tots anyway so it's not like he's going to help us put this mess away, but hell, I'm only eighty pounds overweight, might as well go ahead and eat a little more. And because it's Thanksgiving morning, the entire blessed neighborhood is absolutely overrun with people from Somewhere Else, focused, disciplined people who wear stretchy fabrics and numbers on their chest and wedge their gigantic SUVs into our tiny parking spots and chatter incessantly as they wrap themselves in scarves (so, so many scarves) and carry 20-ounce seasonal specialty coffees toward their Annual Community Athletic Event of some kind or another, I don't know, for Christ's sake, but they do it every year.

And for the love of Pete, did the godforsaken sewer line really have to back up again yesterday?

You, sir, are hilarious

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
11/24/23 9:07 a.m.

How does a job that already sicks continue to get worse?  There is no bottom in this place. 

volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
11/24/23 10:43 a.m.
P3PPY said:
DarkMonohue said:

I'm tired of coughing so hard I fart and farting so hard I check. My throat hurts, my chest hurts, my back hurts, my abs hurt, my nose won't stop running no matter what I take and Lord I've taken it all. Coughing like a harbor seal who ate a pallet of dry Saltines, and apparently cough medicine only comes in tiny bottles that hold just under six doses, and for all her many and varied charms, it genuinely never occurs to Mrs Monohue that one might want to do a little math on that considering there's  two sick adults in the house and a holiday retail shutdown looming. (Need cough medicine, here is a bottle that says cough medicine on the label. Next item please.) And now it's Thanksgiving day and the whole world is closed and we're all still sick and feeling beat right to hell, except the boy, who is still dripping and coughing but otherwise has all the drive and uncrushable spirit that only a four-year-old has, bless his heart, but neither one of us can keep up with him and we could sure use a damn break, and we're out of Tussin DM Max and the boy has single handedly destroyed an entire six-pack of tissues by grabbing a new rag to wipe away a single drop of nose drizzle approximately every seven seconds. Also there's some kind of big whackadoodle traditional holiday meal we're expected to cook and eat despite the fact that it's just the three of us and we'd kind of rather not and the kid ain't gonna ever eat anything but chicken  nuggets and tater tots anyway so it's not like he's going to help us put this mess away, but hell, I'm only eighty pounds overweight, might as well go ahead and eat a little more. And because it's Thanksgiving morning, the entire blessed neighborhood is absolutely overrun with people from Somewhere Else, focused, disciplined people who wear stretchy fabrics and numbers on their chest and wedge their gigantic SUVs into our tiny parking spots and chatter incessantly as they wrap themselves in scarves (so, so many scarves) and carry 20-ounce seasonal specialty coffees toward their Annual Community Athletic Event of some kind or another, I don't know, for Christ's sake, but they do it every year.

And for the love of Pete, did the godforsaken sewer line really have to back up again yesterday?

You, sir, are hilarious

Agreed.  I don't know if its intentional or not, but this was far and away the best Holiday screed I've read this year.  

As for cough medicine, the Ancient, Volvoclearinghouse family remedy, passed down through generations of calloused, bitter men from the Old Country, is an equal parts mixture of real, raw honey (think Amish honey, not Safeway), pure lemon juice, and Wild Turkey.  Warm slightly to dissolve the honey, and consume until your throat feels better or you pass out, or, ideally, both.  

DarkMonohue Dork
11/24/23 2:46 p.m.
volvoclearinghouse said:
P3PPY said:
DarkMonohue said:

... a lot of word, but it checks out.

You, sir, are hilarious

Agreed.  I don't know if its intentional or not, but this was far and away the best Holiday screed I've read this year.  

As for cough medicine, the Ancient, Volvoclearinghouse family remedy, passed down through generations of calloused, bitter men from the Old Country, is an equal parts mixture of real, raw honey (think Amish honey, not Safeway), pure lemon juice, and Wild Turkey.  Warm slightly to dissolve the honey, and consume until your throat feels better or you pass out, or, ideally, both.  

May you take pleasure in my suffering. It was supposed to be funny, so far as a grown man throwing a temper tantrum can be, but every blessed word of it was true.

No lemon juice in the house. I'm told there's lime juice. Local honey is easy, or at least I think it is. No Amish here, but there are a few Mennonites, and lots of local farms with boutiquey honey at equally boutiquey prices. I always imagine their canned foods and preserves being delivered under cover of darkness in unmarked box trucks from some evil megacorp, whatever the jam and honey equivalent of Hormel is, with masses of underpaid workers roped in from impoverished areas under false promises applying faux-rustic labels under a few naked 40-watt bulbs before the crowning touch is applied in the form of an $18 price tag on a little length of frayed twine.

I also have a handle of hunnert-proof whiskey which I assure you is not gathering dust.

aircooled MegaDork
11/24/23 3:11 p.m.

Yeah, bad news with the current cold going around... IT DOESN'T GO AWAY!!   Well, eventually, but it takes a LONG time.

I got it a few weeks ago, and did the standard cycle (soar throat, runny nose, congestion...), but the congestion (slight) and coughing just keeps going, and going, and going...  I think it was a week until I was OK, and two weeks until no real cough!

APEowner UltraDork
11/24/23 3:22 p.m.

I really don't want to listen to Christmas music yet.

barefootcyborg5000 UltimaDork
11/24/23 3:31 p.m.
APEowner said:

I really don't want to listen to Christmas music ever.


CAinCA Dork
11/24/23 6:23 p.m.

I managed to get food poisoning or the stomach flu yesterday. I spent about 17 hours in bed when I wasn't actually sick. At one point I seriously considered going to the ER. Thankfully I'm feeling better today. 

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