1/23/24 9:08 a.m.
Mr_Asa said:
Duke said:
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Then you had space to yield the fast lane.
Space sure, but no way to see if it was clear with his headlights in my mirrors.
Then at the very least, you didn't have to fight them for it after they tried to go around.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
If the guy is that close, I'm probably going to slow down to whatever speed the middle lane is running and merge right just to get out of his way.
He is in a hurry to get to the scene of his crash and I want that crash in front of me so I can get it on video.
I have been the guy that drove like a dick, tailgating and flashing lights. I have been the guy that brake checks or downshifts on tailgaters to teach them a lesson. I have been the guy who purposely kept idiots like that tied up in traffic behind me just to watch their blood boil. I'm getting too old to be dealing with that crap anymore. Lately, I'm the guy in the right lane running 1-2 over the speed limit or whatever traffic is running. It makes driving much more enjoyable, keeps my blood pressure down, and only costs me a couple of minutes on a drive.
There are quite a few crazies out in the world. I don't want to have to shoot someone because they pulled a gun on me in traffic.
1/23/24 9:13 a.m.
Duke said:
Mr_Asa said:
Duke said:
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Then you had space to yield the fast lane.
Space sure, but no way to see if it was clear with his headlights in my mirrors.
Then at the very least, you didn't have to fight them for it after they tried to go around.
Sorry, I guess that wasn't clear. I didn't fight them for anything. He went middle lane, I accelerated at a normal speed to get back up to highway speeds, holding 4kRPMs maybe? Nowhere near flat out.
He had plenty of room to not cut me off before the traffic in the middle lane would have forced him over or to slow down.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
3 people here have said you were one of the 2 shiny happy people, but you want to argue you were not. Ok, you were justified, does that make it better? Was it worth the risk?
I'm sure plenty of people here think I am an shiny happy person, I've never had a gun waved at me and I'm in Baltimore.
He was a dick for tailgating, you were a bigger dick by the way you handled it.
1/23/24 9:16 a.m.
Toyman! said:
In reply to Mr_Asa :
If the guy is that close, I'm probably going to slow down to whatever speed the middle lane is running and merge right just to get out of his way.
Honestly, this is usually my thought. I had no legitimate way to see to get over though.
He's gotta back off enough for me to see to get over.
1/23/24 9:19 a.m.
Steve_Jones said:
In reply to Mr_Asa :
3 people here have said you were one of the 2 shiny happy people, but you want to argue you were not. Ok, you were justified, does that make it better? Was it worth the risk?
I'm sure plenty of people here think I am an shiny happy person, I've never had a gun waved at me and I'm in Baltimore.
He was a dick for tailgating, you were a bigger dick by the way you handled it.
Please point out where I said I'm not an shiny happy person. Especially when I said that I wasn't sure which of us was the shiny happy person in the first place.
I'll freely admit that I drive like a dick sometimes.
I'm not arguing anything here, just talking through what happened.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
In situations like that, all you can do is do the best you can.
Some people are just shiny happy people and at the end of the day, they will have to live with the fact that they are shiny happy people. They will get to lay in bed with the understanding that they are less of a person than they could be.
Edit: If you are concerned about being an shiny happy person, then you are miles ahead of the other guy. Move on with your day.
1/23/24 9:23 a.m.
Blame and fault and all that aside, that's one of my biggest fears with having a daughter out there driving: She's going to do something either intentionally or inadvertantly and someone else is going to take it as a personal insult. There was a woman who was shot to death in the street - literally - right outside the grade school that my kids all attended a year or two ago. Apparently the guy behind her took offense to something she did while driving, they stopped at the stop sign, she decided to get out of her car, he decided to shoot. I don't know what it is, but people seem to be taking that E36 M3 way too personally year after year. It's a stupid game and I don't want anyone to win any stupid prizes.
In reply to wae :
Society no longer encourages control of emotion. It is more interested in feelings than anything else. Teach her to control her emotions.
Then buy her a handgun for self-defense and teach her how to use it.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Trying not to pile on, I hate tailgaters too, hell, a week ago I had someone pass me on a double yellow after riding my bumper through an intersection, then do 65+ on a 45 MPH road. Was really wishing for a cop to show up then.
But - one of the things hammered into our heads the most in CCL class was to avoid escalating a situation when you are armed, unless it is time to defend yourself immediately. At least in this case, no one was hurt, and you'll likely remember it and think about it when you have to deal with a road rager in the future.
Mr_Asa said:
Steve_Jones said:
In reply to Mr_Asa :
3 people here have said you were one of the 2 shiny happy people, but you want to argue you were not. Ok, you were justified, does that make it better? Was it worth the risk?
I'm sure plenty of people here think I am an shiny happy person, I've never had a gun waved at me and I'm in Baltimore.
He was a dick for tailgating, you were a bigger dick by the way you handled it.
Please point out where I said I'm not an shiny happy person. Especially when I said that I wasn't sure which of us was the shiny happy person in the first place.
I'll freely admit that I drive like a dick sometimes.
I'm not arguing anything here, just talking through what happened.
You wanted to "teach him a lesson" and are defending that stance here. Did you teach him anything? If he fired at you, would if have been worth it? You have taught me that you have anger issues and shouldn't really be carrying a weapon, and that is from your words here, no one elses. You could have completed your pass, pulled over, mumbled "shiny happy person" and went about your day like any other reasonable driver.
1/23/24 10:02 a.m.
In reply to Toyman! :
Unfortunately, she is legally mandated to remain in "easy target" status for another 4 years when she's 21...
The angriest I have ever been:
I was in the left lane going about 10 over in a sweeping left turn with my young child asleep in the back seat. A truck came roaring up behind me going 30+ over and I turned on my right turn signal to let him know I was going to get over as soon as I get past the car I was actively passing. When I got barely a car length past the car, literally in the process of getting over to let him by, he cut over and passed me on the right so close I could feel the buffeting from his truck passing by. With my child asleep in the back. I got so angry I had to get off the road and take a few breaths to calm down. Like, literally, if I was that angry and my child wasn't in the back I would have intentionally pit maneuvered him. Reasoning through it, I knew I wouldn't have been that mad had my kid not been there, but it was amazing to feel that anger and rage and kind of step back and view this over powering emotion. But I 100% honestly tell you my brain said "you are currently accident free, have great insurance, and don't give a rats ass about this car, GO HIT NOW."
People are dicks. I'm glad he didn't hit my car, and I'm glad I just watched him go by. I'm also sure he's been in multiple accidents in the years since then and I've been in zero.
1/23/24 10:48 a.m.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
Cool beans. What I know I did, and what I know I said doesn't matter as you seem to have some mainline to Truth and know what I was doing way deep down.
1/23/24 10:52 a.m.
We call it the silly season on the bike forums
In reply to Mr_Asa :
I'm not the only one telling you that you were wrong. All I can go off of is what YOU wrote. See my 1st post, there are 3 things YOU did wrong to escalate the situation.
Your mad at me for some reason when you should be mad at yourself. Humor me for a minute, explain to me the purpose of your actions, what were you hoping the outcome would be?
1/23/24 11:16 a.m.
No. I'm not gonna humor you. You are ascribing behaviors and thoughts to me that are not there. I'm not mad at anyone right now.
Mildly irritated at the shop for bringing me problems, then solving them 15 minutes later when I've pulled up the part and am looking at ways to fix the issue, but that's as upset as I am right now.
If you are going off what I wrote, you are viewing it through some lens that wasn't there when I wrote it.
1/23/24 11:23 a.m.
My Rant:
The rant thread sucks now. Thanks.
1/23/24 11:28 a.m.
Wow, whiny bitchitis really hit the forum hard this morning
dculberson said:
The angriest I have ever been:
I was in the left lane going about 10 over in a sweeping left turn with my young child asleep in the back seat. A truck came roaring up behind me going 30+ over and I turned on my right turn signal to let him know I was going to get over as soon as I get past the car I was actively passing. When I got barely a car length past the car, literally in the process of getting over to let him by, he cut over and passed me on the right so close I could feel the buffeting from his truck passing by.
I've had this happen a number of times and it's taken me a long time to reign in the anger. I'm trying to make sure I don't cut off the person in the next lane and the tailgating ass behind me just blasts through almost hitting us both. When I was younger I'd do stupid stuff in retaliation. Many years of my girlfriend's wide eyes and scornful looks has helped me just breath deep and try to forget about the E36 M3bags of the world.
There's just so many of them, though.
In reply to Mr_Asa :
I'm just glad everyone involved was armed. It could have turned into a real ugly situation otherwise.
Have a great day, dorks!
My gym has changed their hours again. The reasons I went there (able to bike there, pool, long hours, good equipment, not terribly crowded during non-peak times) are rapidly being eroded away.
I'm debating joining Planet Fitness, because that place is NEVER crowded. I won't bike there, and I can't do dead lifts, but not having to queue for everything except some of the cardio equipment would be nice.
In reply to Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) :
The only reason I'm not a member of the Planet Fitness that is less than a mile away from our house and am instead a member of the Y that is several miles away and 5-6x more expensive is that the Y has an indoor pool (and a really nice one at that). Were I still having to commute to and from an office there'd be a higher chance that I'd still be a member of the PF since I went right by it on my way too/from work. If it had a lap pool (I think the larger one across town does, but I'm not 100% certain) I would pretty much certainly go there instead- but very few of the non-Y gyms around here have pools.
Can I ask what happened to people just, completing the pass? Now every time I see someone passing someone they turn it into the next elephant drag race and travel at 1 speed unit higher than the vehicle they are passing.
One of the first nights I got my e36 I was driving home on the highway, I see headlights coming up behind me. Fast. Like I am guessing easily 30 over. I am sitting at about maybe 105km/h (no cruise, ankle slowly adjusts for comfort subconsciously) and I am in no rush so I wait for the fly by.
I see lights move over into the oncoming lane (two lane highway) annnddd...
Guy is *still* there. Now moving at maybe 106km/h, probably closer to 105.5km/h. I take my foot off the gas thinking I've maybe leaned on it unintentionally and I look at my speedometer and I am already doing 100 so I shouldn't have been giving the impression of trying to race. I slow to about 95 and guy finally slowly gets past me to get back into the lane and stay at maybe 100 before suddenly remember hes driving and he takes off back to maybe 30 over.
If you were traveling well above the posted, and you've committed to the pass by switching lanes, just fully *commit* and get the pass done.
Thats my rant.