This is the second time the people at harbor freight told me I couldn't buy something because it was too heavy for them to get from the back. I don't know, maybe use a tool to help you move it. I think it's just an excuse to not do their jobs but I'm definitely not going to that location again
Monday into Tuesday I spent with a heart monitor adhered to my chest to try to find signs of what's wrong with me. Had no symptoms.
Today, I feel like there's a phone book on my chest and my brain is running like a multiplayer FPS connection that is *just* slow enough to be irritating.
In reply to Beer Baron ๐บ :
That almost sounds like anxiety.
In reply to Toyman! :
This is also how I've felt in the midst of moderate exercise for the couple weeks leading up to my fainting spell.
I am prone to anxiety. I've felt anxious the past couple days. This feels a lot like a chicken-or-egg scenario of, is there something physiological that is causing anxiety? Or is anxiety causing physiological problems?
Edit: I don't think this is an anxiety attack. I don't have racing thoughts or a feeling of sensory assault. This is the opposite of that. I feel almost like my head is swimming like I took a hit of pot.
Double edit: I sent a message to my Dr. on MyChart asking if he wants me to go in for testing or do anything else today.
In reply to Beer Baron ๐บ :
Any shortness of breath?
Any changes in meds?
I ended up in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack once due to an ectopic heartbeat. I thought for sure I was about to fall out. Turns out it was caused by a medication I was on but it is frequently caused by anxiety.
Hopefully, your Docs can help get you straight.
In reply to Toyman! :
Not really shortness of breath. I'm not gasping or sucking air.
No changes in meds.
Checked blood O2 - 99% (normal); Pulse 53 (normal); BP 135 / 85, which is a touch high, but not crazy.
In reply to Beer Baron ๐บ :
That sounds a lot like my anxiety. I haven't had sny fainting but occasionally get lightheaded/dizziness with it.
In reply to gixxeropa :
Maybe suggest they buy a dolly or cart?

I've been at Oshkosh for 3 days. I've watched a total of 45 minutes of airshow, listened to Burt Rutan talk for an hour, and 3 hours of Kidventure for the boy. The rest was walking, walking, screaming, walking, complaining, more crying, walking, and walking. That's it. The world's largest Fly-in...and that's all I've gotten for $1,000+.
I suppose 31 Oshkoshs, and you're eventually going to get a "Meh" one, but damn, this is enough to make me pull the pin 2 days early .
Went home sick yesterday. Still fighting fever and chills and nausea and body aches. This aint fun. Lungs hurt, throat is raw from coughing and my ribs and abs hurt.
I ain't been this sick in a long time. And i have a LOT of E36 M3 to do.
If i get day three i may go to urgent care. Wife thinks it's covid or flu.
First day in 2 weeks I've gotten more than 2 hours of sleep. It just so happened to be from 620am to 1230pm.
Missed PT, again. Missed getting bloodwork done because "we close at 2" means "we aren't drawing blood at 145".
And again got stuck behind someone doing half the speed limit, which is why I was late to lab work anyway.
Seriously, on a bright, clear, sunny afternoon, if you can't even do the 35mph speed limit, hand in your berkeleying license, you're nothing but a danger to yourself and everyone else. I almost wish I had the excursion back just to shove these people out of the way.
In reply to Toyman! :
Well, Dr. got back to me and said, "Go to the ER for testing." Wife insisted this was urgent even to the point that I had to argue we had time to stop and get a sandwich for lunch.
Several hours later... nothing looking weird. They're doing a test for lyme disease on the off chance of that.
I'm really not looking forward to how much this whole thing is going to end up costing.
In reply to Beer Baron ๐บ :
Any time you feel something weird in your chest the doctors are going to send you to the ER. It's a better safe than sorry situation.
While not finding anything is good, it's also frustrating.
Good luck.
Two guys in the parking lot of the gas station revving the engines in their Explorer and Kia rio. Even if they were exotic cars no one would really care, but it's extra grating to hear straight piped econoboxes. Opposite of ASMR
Sometimes I'm an old curmudgeon and get upset by stuff like that, then sometimes I just think, "that was me 60 years ago" 
In reply to Toyman! :
I think I've got multiple things going on. It's going to make teasing out what is what difficult.
I think you all were on the mark with today being anxiety. The trouble is, it felt a lot like the sensation I've been getting in the midst of exercise lately, preceding the fainting spell.
I think what's going on is - I have *something* going on as an underlying health issue. It's taking negative physiological effects and just amplifying them. Fatigue from exercise - magnified. Little bit of pot and a touch of stress - magnified into a fainting spell. Then today, I think I was having anxiety, and whatever this underlying health issue is turned it up from like a 4 all the way to an 8.
Beer Baron ๐บ said:
Monday into Tuesday I spent with a heart monitor adhered to my chest to try to find signs of what's wrong with me. Had no symptoms.
Today, I feel like there's a phone book on my chest and my brain is running like a multiplayer FPS connection that is *just* slow enough to be irritating.
I had those same symptoms. Doc suggested I switch from 1 or 2 bourbon an evening to beer. Problem went away.
Not saying it's the same, just telling my experience. Bourbon didn't bother me at all.... until it did.
In reply to Beer Baron ๐บ :
I had a spell a few years ago where my heart was racing, and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. It happened a couple of times. Once I got rushed to the ER. And the doctors never found out what was wrong.
I had a hunch that it had something to do with my recently spending more time late at night in my office. Which was lit (at the time) with old fluorescent 6500k daylight tube lights. I switched them out for warm LED's, and I haven't had one of those spells since.
Do you spend a lot of time late at night in brightly lit rooms? Could be throwing off your internal rhythm.
But even if it isn't that (and it probably isn't) as others here have said, it sounds like there's something that maybe is all of a sudden making your body really unhappy. You just need to isolate what it is and then eliminate it.
I just turned 47 this year, and it is amazing how stuff that never used to bother me when I did it now brings pain and remorse. Luckily, so far, it's all been stuff that eliminating hasn't made my life any worse. If anything, probably the opposite. I've cleaned up my diet, cut down on drinking, don't take any other drugs (hardly ever even an Advil), etc. Hell I'm even down a few pounds lately.
Keep looking. You'll find the solution. Just keep trying stuff. Good luck.
Changing the fuel pump on the 98 explorer makes me want to just drive cars that don't have the pump in the tank......
Antihero said:
Changing the fuel pump on the 98 explorer makes me want to just drive cars that don't have the pump in the tank......
Every Japanese car I've had to change the pump on had a removable access hatch, usually under the rear seat. Every American vehicle didn't.
In reply to eastsideTim :
In reply to volvoclearinghouse :
Don't think I've got any fluorescent lights. Don't keep things especially bright. Get off computer and phone about an hour before bed.
My work keeps things varied. Mix of moving and sitting.
Weird thing is that I've noticed symptoms most in relation to exercise. It feels less like having an injury or problem that exercise aggravates, and more like something that magnifies any kind of inflammation. And/or... it's like my body is only able to replenish the energy stores in my cells at the rate they're burned up at rest. If I exercise, I gas out quickly. Then recovery takes longer because I need to rest extra-hard to keep my burn rate below my recovery rate.
If I were a car - it feels like having a lazy fuel pump. I can cruise around at low RPM all day. But if I start trying to go faster, it can't keep up anymore and things start feeling strained.
In reply to Beer Baron ๐บ :
Off the wall thing that I'm pretty sure isn't it but running out of gas and still having good O2 stats is something my dad has problems with and it's rooted in CO2 retention.
I highly doubt it's it but wanted to mention it.
volvoclearinghouse said:
In reply to eastsideTim :
Well, my third gen F-body had one after I cut the floor pan open.
In reply to volvoclearinghouse :
Don't think I've got any fluorescent lights. Don't keep things especially bright. Get off computer and phone about an hour before bed.
My work keeps things varied. Mix of moving and sitting.
Weird thing is that I've noticed symptoms most in relation to exercise. It feels less like having an injury or problem that exercise aggravates, and more like something that magnifies any kind of inflammation. And/or... it's like my body is only able to replenish the energy stores in my cells at the rate they're burned up at rest. If I exercise, I gas out quickly. Then recovery takes longer because I need to rest extra-hard to keep my burn rate below my recovery rate.
If I were a car - it feels like having a lazy fuel pump. I can cruise around at low RPM all day. But if I start trying to go faster, it can't keep up anymore and things start feeling strained.
Edit: Or to expand the fuel pump analogy... add a buffer reservoir into the system between the pump and injectors. Injectors need that reservoir at a certain pressure. Pump is only able to push so much volume at any time. Cruising around low RPM, the pump pushes fuel in as fast as injectors use it up, and everything is fine. Start going harder, and the injectors pull from the reservoir faster than the pump can fill it up. Get an initial jump at basically full power and then gas out quickly. Back down to cruising RPM and things run rough because the reservoir pressure has dropped and the injectors continue to draw it down at the same rate the pump is trying to fill it up.
Now I need to figure out how to effectively communicate that to my doctor.