HiTempguy wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Being an engineer would be awesome if it weren't for working with non-engineers.
Being an associate engineer/technologist would be awesome if it weren't for working with the engineers who have no idea what they are designing. Just sayin'
Techs don't count. I was talking about salesmen that will make promises to customers about stuff we make that we can't make happen with out breaking the laws of physics or say sure we can install this mount this way and when you tell them no you can't because the mount won't hold the element if it is installed that way and they say sure does it, some draftsman in BFE Africa told me it would work. Or when you chose a high quality contractor to build cables for your company and then the higher ups decide they cost too much so they get a lower cost manufacturer and guess what they have a ton problems when they get in the field so we have to send a bunch of people and parts clear round the world to this little third world island to fix the problems. Suddenly that other manufacturer probably doesn't look so expensive. 
Also another rant people that post 8 million updates on Facebook all political. News flash no one gives a E36 M3.
easy solution .... stop with the constant checking of facebook ... see problem goes away ...
93EXCivic wrote:
Also another rant people that post 8 million updates on Facebook all political. News flash no one gives a E36 M3.
So true. I have been Facebook free for about a year now. It's not so bad.
3/19/13 8:40 a.m.
Anti-stance wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Also another rant people that post 8 million updates on Facebook all political. News flash no one gives a E36 M3.
So true. I have been Facebook free for about a year now. It's not so bad.
I saw that my wife was playing Facebook the other day, and it had a post that said:
[redacted] has just checked in at Chik-Fil-A
I said to myself "yup, glad I'm not reading that crap!"
3/19/13 8:41 a.m.
Lady ahead of me in line has food that amounts to $2.73. She pulls out two $1.00 bills, and then opens up her change purse. She has 3 quarters. I can see them clearly. She pulls out two, and then starts scrounging around in there for exact change. Now, this only took 45 seconds of my day, but for cryin out loud! Lets move here!
what the berkeley is up with people who either only tip a couple dollars (on an $80 check) or just flat out don't tip at all.
Servers make $2-3 an hour. you are costing them money by sitting in their space, they are waiting on you, bringing you E36 M3, and you're gonna stiff them on the tip when you just spent eighty berkeleying dollars on food?
I hope all you motherberkeleyers who don't tip or tip waaaaay under what you should be all get gonnorheasyphillaids and die a slow, painful death. After you die, your rotting, postule covered corpse will be consumed by larvae who then mature into insects who defecate your remains onto food which will only be served to shiny happy people like you who don't tip, thus completing the cycle.
In reply to mtn:
Nobody can handle change anymore, she should have payed $2.77 with the quarters and two pennies, and got a nickle back. I do this at mcdonalds all the time, it really berkeleys with them, almost as bad as using $2 bills.
3/19/13 9:27 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
In reply to mtn:
Nobody can handle change anymore, she should have payed $2.77 with the quarters and two pennies, and got a nickle back. I do this at mcdonalds all the time, it really berkeleys with them, almost as bad as using $2 bills.
Except that the bill was 2.73, which would have left her with 4 pennies back
3/19/13 10:00 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
Anti-stance wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Also another rant people that post 8 million updates on Facebook all political. News flash no one gives a E36 M3.
So true. I have been Facebook free for about a year now. It's not so bad.
I saw that my wife was playing Facebook the other day, and it had a post that said:
[redacted] has just checked in at Chik-Fil-A
I said to myself "yup, glad I'm not reading that crap!"
Or you can use faceboof to only keep up with E36 M3 you care about. Like GRM. (And IFLS, and where2race, and Flying Lizard, and Sahlen's, and Brumos, and and and...)
Anti-stance wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Also another rant people that post 8 million updates on Facebook all political. News flash no one gives a E36 M3.
So true. I have been Facebook free for about a year now. It's not so bad.
Honestly it is only my aunt and mom that do it. I try to keep my number of friends on FB low and I usually delete people who do that kinda crap but I feel bad cause they are family...
93EXCivic wrote:
Anti-stance wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Also another rant people that post 8 million updates on Facebook all political. News flash no one gives a E36 M3.
So true. I have been Facebook free for about a year now. It's not so bad.
Honestly it is only my aunt and mom that do it. I try to keep my number of friends on FB low and I usually delete people who do that kinda crap but I feel bad cause they are family...
Been debating having a "talk" with my mother about those FB chain messages and pics. Really rather annoying.
My rant of the day: pedestrians in cross walks. Its fine with me that pedestrians have the right of way in the cross walk in an urban area. Its not OK when they step right out in front of my BIG BRIGHT YELLOW work truck with out even looking into the oncoming traffic. Even at 20 mph a pannic stop in a 10k lb truck is very dramatic.
thats is all
Hopefully you hit the air horn and made them E36 M3 themselves.
corytate wrote:
what the berkeley is up with people who either only tip a couple dollars (on an $80 check) or just flat out don't tip at all.
Servers make $2-3 an hour. you are costing them money by sitting in their space, they are waiting on you, bringing you E36 M3, and you're gonna stiff them on the tip when you just spent eighty berkeleying dollars on food?
I hope all you motherberkeleyers who don't tip or tip waaaaay under what you should be all get gonnorheasyphillaids and die a slow, painful death. After you die, your rotting, postule covered corpse will be consumed by larvae who then mature into insects who defecate your remains onto food which will only be served to shiny happy people like you who don't tip, thus completing the cycle.
let's rehash the subject for the 713th time ... sometimes the server doesn't deserve a large tip ...
this from someone that worked the bar and served tables for yrs
wbjones wrote:
corytate wrote:
what the berkeley is up with people who either only tip a couple dollars (on an $80 check) or just flat out don't tip at all.
Servers make $2-3 an hour. you are costing them money by sitting in their space, they are waiting on you, bringing you E36 M3, and you're gonna stiff them on the tip when you just spent eighty berkeleying dollars on food?
I hope all you motherberkeleyers who don't tip or tip waaaaay under what you should be all get gonnorheasyphillaids and die a slow, painful death. After you die, your rotting, postule covered corpse will be consumed by larvae who then mature into insects who defecate your remains onto food which will only be served to shiny happy people like you who don't tip, thus completing the cycle.
let's rehash the subject for the 713th time ... sometimes the server doesn't deserve a large tip ...
this from someone that worked the bar and served tables for yrs
It's more than 713. But, I do get the point. I worked hard as hell for my tips as a barback at a high volume bar. 10 hours of hauling ass carrying as much E36 M3 as possible because each step I took was money earned or lost, made people's tips important. Bartenders would bitch at people and tell them "berkeley you, see all these people here? I don't need your bullE36 M3 tip anyways..." but they know deep down it really pissed them off.
wbjones wrote:
corytate wrote:
what the berkeley is up with people who either only tip a couple dollars (on an $80 check) or just flat out don't tip at all.
Servers make $2-3 an hour. you are costing them money by sitting in their space, they are waiting on you, bringing you E36 M3, and you're gonna stiff them on the tip when you just spent eighty berkeleying dollars on food?
I hope all you motherberkeleyers who don't tip or tip waaaaay under what you should be all get gonnorheasyphillaids and die a slow, painful death. After you die, your rotting, postule covered corpse will be consumed by larvae who then mature into insects who defecate your remains onto food which will only be served to shiny happy people like you who don't tip, thus completing the cycle.
let's rehash the subject for the 713th time ... sometimes the server doesn't deserve a large tip ...
this from someone that worked the bar and served tables for yrs
this is an actual quote from one of the E36 M3ty-tippers: "Thank you so much, you did a really good job. I'm leaving you a two dollar tip"
on an 85 dollar check, at Outback.
I can understand not giving a 20 dollar tip (though that is what I would normally leave on such a large check, unless the service was godawful, as in we had to go get our own drinks level of awful) but $2? really? that's ridiculous. if you can't afford to tip then you can't afford to eat at a restaurant that expects tips.
The other one from that day involved people with a 60-70 dollar check. They asked her for change, she gave them about $11 out of her cash stash, and they didn't leave a tip. at all. No tip.
it's all a certain type of person, and, unfortunately, she keeps getting those bastards seated at her tables.
Is there a sorry thread around here? I guess I'm one of those people you all are ranting at. I'm at a left turn signaled lane up on a hill that takes forever to get through. Guy in front doesn't move as he appears to be busy talking to someone in the car. I honk, he looks with that "what the heck" look at me. I honk again. I notice he was talking with his young son. Man, I felt real bad.
This is what a 80 mile daily commute does to you. When this job is done, I promised myself that I will never drive more than 30 minutes away from home. Why are all the R&D jobs up in the middle of Nowhere, PA? Some jobs in the city would be nice.
Been a while since I hung out on GRM. I see things have changed with all the new phrases. And the Sprockets forum is vibrant (proud to be a Sprockets sub-forum petitioner).
phillyj wrote:
Is there a sorry thread around here? I guess I'm one of those people you all are ranting at. I'm at a left turn signaled lane up on a hill that takes forever to get through. Guy in front doesn't move as he appears to be busy talking to someone in the car. I honk, he looks with that "what the heck" look at me. I honk again. I notice he was talking with his young son. Man, I felt real bad.
This is what a 80 mile daily commute does to you. When this job is done, I promised myself that I will never drive more than 30 minutes away from home. Why are all the R&D jobs up in the middle of Nowhere, PA? Some jobs in the city would be nice.
Been a while since I hung out on GRM. I see things have changed with all the new phrases. And the Sprockets forum is vibrant (proud to be a Sprockets sub-forum petitioner).
I can't wait to shrink my commute down, just to see how much stress it relieves. I'll be going from a 110 mile roundtrip daily commute to a sub-20 mile roundtrip in about a month. It's going to be glorious.
I don't know what I'm going to come on here to bitch about, which I guess is my minor rant.
What am I gonna rant about now? I needs to rant!
Not your fault. Wanna have a heart felt bonding moment with the boy? Go play catch at a ball field. Your trying your best not to tear these people a new shiny happy person. At work you have to smile and eat E36 M3. This is YOUR time, and daddy is wasting it.
Damn lack of E110 Prizollas at the pick and pull with intact tachometer clusters. I hate driving without a tachometer.
Nursing school. On a Saturday. Going into Sunday. After spring break. Busywork. 'Nuff said.
Pulled the engine after overheating issues. Spent beaucoup dollars on head gaskets, new water pump, thermostat, etc. Replaced all per service manual.
Same berkeleying problem.
I love it when you know there's a stupid, minor problem that has a quick, easy fix but you can't figure out what it is.