Stefan (Not Bruce)
Stefan (Not Bruce) MegaDork
8/4/16 12:17 p.m.
Furious_E wrote: Why is it that any web page now that involves some sort of ranking or step by step instructions has to basically be set up as a slide show, so that I must click over to another page as I move down the list or through the steps? I'm forced to wait for the new page to load another 50 berkeleying video ads rather than just scrolling down the same page.

they get paid per page click, its how the internet works these days. If you're not paying to be part of the site, then they make money from ads.

Some sites are worse than others with their ads (GRM for example does it quite well and I don't block their ads). Others simply build cheap, poorly made sites that are filled with ads with simple and basic information in them.

If you're not using a ad-block and a javascript blocking solution, you should be since those are also a potential attack vector since the ad networks aren't very secure. If you can't use a blocking solution, keep looking as the information is likely available elsewhere.

NickD Dork
8/4/16 3:15 p.m.
dropstep wrote:
SnowMongoose wrote: berkeleying Overwatch. Makes me feel like E36 M3 and go to bed angry most nights, can't stop playing. And berkeleying Blizzard insists on jerking off on idiocy like Lucioball and Olympics skins instead of fixing their myriad balance and gameplay issues.
As someone whos played blizzards biggest game for years, good luck on getting anything close too balance! 10 years and they havnt figured out WOW

Who's that unbalanced at the moment? D.Va? I don't know, I usually get more mad at idiot players who don't fight on the point than the actual game itself (except for the night where every game I lost and got drowned in rockets non-stop). D.Va has made me a little salty lately but Roadhog murders her out and out.

Oh, I did get a little irritated when Ana came out. I play Mercy almost exclusively, and I would pick Mercy before anyone else and then 2 people on the team would pick Ana and refuse to change. So I would relent (because 3 supports seems a little ludicrous) and then the Ana's would not heal anyone and miss every shot because they were trying for headshots, despite Ana not doing extra damage on headshots.

KyAllroad UltraDork
8/4/16 5:58 p.m.
NickD wrote:
dropstep wrote:
SnowMongoose wrote: berkeleying Overwatch. Makes me feel like E36 M3 and go to bed angry most nights, can't stop playing. And berkeleying Blizzard insists on jerking off on idiocy like Lucioball and Olympics skins instead of fixing their myriad balance and gameplay issues.
As someone whos played blizzards biggest game for years, good luck on getting anything close too balance! 10 years and they havnt figured out WOW
Who's that unbalanced at the moment? D.Va? I don't know, I usually get more mad at idiot players who don't fight on the point than the actual game itself (except for the night where every game I lost and got drowned in rockets non-stop). D.Va has made me a little salty lately but Roadhog murders her out and out. Oh, I did get a little irritated when Ana came out. I play Mercy almost exclusively, and I would pick Mercy before anyone else and then 2 people on the team would pick Ana and refuse to change. So I would relent (because 3 supports seems a little ludicrous) and then the Ana's would not heal anyone and miss every shot because they were trying for headshots, despite Ana not doing extra damage on headshots.

I assume this is about a video game but I'm not even sure it's in English. Total incomprehension.

Like listening to Charlie Browns teacher.....

Wall-e MegaDork
8/4/16 6:20 p.m.
slantvaliant wrote: I thought I lived with adults. I was wrong.

Good for them. If I knew how much being an adult would be suck I wouldn't have bothered.

wae Dork
8/4/16 6:36 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
wae wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
wae wrote: I've tried a new breaker, I've tried a hard-start capacitor, and now I'm trying cleaning the evaporator coil. If this doesn't fix the front roof air, I might scream.
Try pushing in the relay with your finger to hard start it and see what happens. Then check the current going to the compressor if you can't hear it over the fan. If both are working, you have to figure out why the intelligence isn't turning it on for you. -guy who has had more than his fair share of HVAC failures-
It starts up and blows ice cold air for about 20-30 minutes and then trips the breaker so from I gather that the pressure is rising too much causing the compressor to pull too many amps. Of course the coil cleaning didn't work.
I'd pay a guy to come check the refrigerant levels at that point if you don't have gauges. Something is telling it to shut off, so it's either that something is getting too hot, or too pressurized. If you go to the unit inside, they likely left the original manual and you can sometimes figure out what's going wrong - that's how I found my fuse - and they sometimes have some rudimentary diagnostics (both of mine had had blinky lights). Warning, the advice is worth only slightly more than you paid for it.

It is advice that is greatly appreciated! Unfortunately for reasons that I can only assume relate to planned obsolescence, RV air conditioning units have hermetically sealed and basically un-replaceable compressors with no facility for checking or adjusting R22 levels.

So there's an add-on rant: un-servicable AC units where fixing them costs 1.5x buying a new one...

jimbob_racing Dork
8/5/16 7:26 a.m.

My ex wife's birthday is 8/7.

My ex girlfriend's birthday is 8/5.

My current wife's birthday is 8/3.

My sister's birthday is 8/1.

I confused my current wife's birthday with my ex girlfriends and completely ignored it on Wednesday, while having an awesome Friday planned.

Guess who's in trouble.

eastsidemav SuperDork
8/5/16 8:30 a.m.

Cleaned up the garage some yesterday, including all the metal shavings around the drill press from a few recent projects. Pulled apart the shop vac, so I could dump the contents in the trash, and lo and behold, the filter is sitting in the bottom of the container, disconnected. Wonder how much longer the shop vac will live now that it has ingested a bunch of metal shards.

Furious_E Dork
8/5/16 8:50 a.m.

In reply to eastsidemav:

In our polishing department at work, we go through shop vacs left and right due to sucking up fine metal dust day in and day out. If we get a month out of one, that's pretty decent.

Wall-e MegaDork
8/5/16 12:01 p.m.

After a month of working here I've found 5 places I can buy live eels out of barrels on the sidewalk and not a single place I can get a Diet Pepsi. I guess I should have developed an eel addiction.

mtn MegaDork
8/5/16 12:12 p.m.

[Sexist rant]

How is it possible to bring up, out of nowhere, a fight from 8 months ago? Seriously woman? You're making every stereotype true. Do not get mad at me for something I have no control over. And yeah, I'm offering you a milkshake. It is quick and easy to make, and during this particular time of the month if your blood sugar is low you are impossible to be around. So don't get mad at me when I offer it. And let me out of a conversation when you're just looking for a punching bag. That ain't me.

[/sexist rant]

pilotbraden SuperDork
8/5/16 12:13 p.m.
Wall-e wrote: After a month of working here I've found 5 places I can buy live eels out of barrels on the sidewalk and not a single place I can get a Diet Pepsi. I guess I should have developed an eel addiction. .

I am jealous, I can't find live eels in Flint , let alone a barrel full. Are there any hovercraft with eels in them?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ SuperDork
8/5/16 12:16 p.m.

In reply to mtn:

You know, I've been reading your minor rants for a long time now and I think it's time for you to accept that your life is actually a sitcom.

spitfirebill UltimaDork
8/5/16 12:19 p.m.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote: In reply to mtn: You know, I've been reading your minor rants for a long time now and I think it's time for you to accept that your life is actually a sitcom.

People at work say that about me. They want me to write down all the E36 M3 and make a sitcom.

spitfirebill UltimaDork
8/5/16 12:21 p.m.
Furious_E wrote: In reply to eastsidemav: In our polishing department at work, we go through shop vacs left and right due to sucking up fine metal dust day in and day out. If we get a month out of one, that's pretty decent.

Sounds like you need to make a water trap for them.

fasted58 UltimaDork
8/5/16 6:37 p.m.
jimbob_racing wrote: My ex wife's birthday is 8/7. My ex girlfriend's birthday is 8/5. My current wife's birthday is 8/3. My sister's birthday is 8/1. I confused my current wife's birthday with my ex girlfriends and completely ignored it on Wednesday, while having an awesome Friday planned. Guess who's in trouble.

Had several LTRs w/ Leo's from 3-8 years each w/ birth dates 8/6, 8/7 and 8/8. There was another potential w/ 8/7 bday but she had 6 kids at the time, still friends w/ her btw. Freaky huh.

Good luck w/ wifey. Smart phone calendar alerts may help there.

Wall-e MegaDork
8/5/16 7:24 p.m.

In reply to pilotbraden:

I can send you some though I don't know how well they survive a trip through the mail. One morning I want to go record the fresh fish delivery. As someone who is easily occupied I find it amusing.

Wall-e MegaDork
8/5/16 7:25 p.m.

When did spitting on people become acceptable? I just finished another incident report for a driver that was spat upon. My second this week.

Nick (picaso) Comstock
Nick (picaso) Comstock UltimaDork
8/5/16 7:46 p.m.

In reply to Wall-e:

Not enough money in the free world for me to become a NYC bus driver. I would give the over/under about a week until all the news reports were reporting a city bus full of the worlds wretched plunged into the Hudson.

mad_machine MegaDork
8/5/16 8:02 p.m.

sounds like it is time for facial recognition software on the buses.. that way when somebody goes to board, the computer can tell them to "take a hike" after an incident or two

Wall-e MegaDork
8/5/16 9:10 p.m.

In reply to Nick (picaso) Comstock:

It's not for everyone and it's one of the reasons it had to pay well or no one would do it. As it is with good pay and benefits we still have trouble hiring and keeping people.

In reply to mad_machine:

That opens up a whole other can of worms. Besides the privacy concerns it can be viewed as descriminatory. There are regular problem customers that our drivers get grief over if they bypass because some nosy do gooder decides to make a phone call or email.

HappyAndy PowerDork
8/6/16 3:34 p.m.

Seriously Chipotle? Why do none of your employees know how to roll a burrito?

And for cripe's sake, turn the music down so the employees can here my order correctly.

KyAllroad UltraDork
8/6/16 5:07 p.m.
Wall-e wrote: When did spitting on people become acceptable? I just finished another incident report for a driver that was spat upon. My second this week.

Bouncers for busses? Surely there is a healthy pool of candidates of muscles heads at the local gyms who want to get paid to look impressive while they do their isometric exercises.....

Spit on a driver, lose some teeth. Simple math that would bring back some polite interactions between citizenry.

Toyman01 MegaDork
8/6/16 5:23 p.m.

Dear women of the world. DO NOT FLUSH YOUR RAGS DOWN THE TOILETS!!! I don't stop by your house and flush a half a roll of papertowels. Please return the favor.

To the men of the world. DO NOT THROW YOU BEER CANS IN THE YARD!!! I don't stop by your house and throw cans in your yard. Please return the favor.

Just because you are renting the place doesn't give you the right to destroy it or trashe it.

Worthless berkeleytards.

Appleseed MegaDork
8/6/16 6:16 p.m.
spitfirebill wrote:
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote: In reply to mtn: You know, I've been reading your minor rants for a long time now and I think it's time for you to accept that your life is actually a sitcom.
People at work say that about me. They want me to write down all the E36 M3 and make a sitcom.

Be glad it's a sitcom. I've been called a cartoon at least once a month for the last 25 years.

I'll probably die by having an anvil dropped on my head.

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
8/6/16 6:18 p.m.
mtn wrote: [Sexist rant] How is it possible to bring up, out of nowhere, a fight from 8 months ago? [/sexist rant]

Seriously? My father-in-law can bring up a grudge from the 1960's when a guy screwed him on a car battery for his Corvair. Eight months is nothing.

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