Furious_E Dork
8/12/16 6:53 p.m.
mtn wrote:
Stefan (Not Bruce) wrote: I find keurig coffee pods way too weak and watered down and I've tried a number of them. Perhaps ask someone involved with the kitchen and see if they can bring it back.
We have. It disapeared--they're moving half our floor to another floor and shutting down said half for construction. But as for my keurig, I generally agree with you, but I have a reusable pod and supply my own coffee. It makes an OK cup. Not very strong, but drinkable--and for the cost of about $0.09 a cup. I usually have about 2 or 3; when I buy coffee or make it in a real pot I only need 1. The stuff in the big maker today though was just horrid.

I loathe Keurigs. Expensive, wasteful (if using the plastic k cups, as most do), and they make weak, crappy coffee, only one cup at a time. My last roommate had one and the hard water at our place would clog the machine up about every month or so, requiring the button to be pressed 3-4 times to dispense a whole cup. The refillable cups were the only way I could get my coffee at least close to strong enough for my liking. I ultimately got fed up with the thing and bought a $15 Mr. Coffee at Walmart, which was vastly superior in every facet.

We have one at work too and supply our own k cups. I buy the stupid plastic ones for that, simply because the engineering office is too far from the nearest sink to make the reusable ones convenient. Beats the alternatives I guess, which are buying gas station coffee on the way in or literally the worst swill I've ever had out of the vending machine in the lunch room.

RevRico HalfDork
8/12/16 7:59 p.m.

It's not even 9pm on a FRIDAY night and you're done taking food orders for pickup AND delivery? You're aware there are 3 colleges within a 5 mile radius of your restaurant right? And you wonder why your business is failing.

The rant about that rant is that it's not just one place. The only options for "food" in my town right now are Mcdonalds and Eat n Park, neither of which is considered food in the civilized world, let alone to me, particularly not to sober me.

If I hurry, instead of posting this rant, maybe I can get let into a grocery store, but who wants to cook at 9pm? That puts dinner at 10, dishes by 11, and I gotta get up to autocross in the morning, no one has time for that mess.

mad_machine MegaDork
8/12/16 9:44 p.m.

I just spent a week doing my boss' job while he is on vacation. Filling Calls for 8 shows in one week is not my idea of fun.. especially since I ran out of talent (not mine) at around call 6 and I had to resort to really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Since all the casinos really cut back on entertainment, the pool of talent in this area has really dried up.. but I was also fighting for people against the Tropicana, Trump Taj, and Harrah's as all of us have shows next weekend

Appleseed MegaDork
8/13/16 3:55 a.m.





warpedredneck Reader
8/13/16 4:58 a.m.

In reply to Appleseed:

you are not alone.

i am too

Furious_E Dork
8/13/16 8:07 a.m.

By some minor miracle, both FedEx and USPS, who have had a terrible track record with me lately, mananged to deliver my water pump and thermostat ahead of their projected delivery dates for a change. The problem is the heat index is forecast to be somewhere in the 105-110 range all weekend. Yea, the water pump can wait, think I'll go riding instead.

Jumper K. Balls
Jumper K. Balls UberDork
8/13/16 12:22 p.m.

The choices in laminate countertops available right now are terrible. Either hideous faux travertine with Valencia edges or putty colored, vapid, rental grade bull nosed blandness. I am setting off on a 250 mile round trip to Ikea in a truck without AC on a 97 degree day because theirs are the only mid grade counter tops worth looking at.

RevRico Dork
8/13/16 4:08 p.m.

I'm not ready to be this old. I took a fall this morning at autocross. My own stupid fault, I was heading down a grade to my car and missed a step, wind up taking the edge of the road straight to my chest. It actually knocked the wind out of me, which I haven't experienced in years.

Scraped wrists, scraped knee, no big deal. But I don't know what happened, the whole right side of my chest and shoulder have been in constant pain since. There is no visible bruising on the outside, but I've not had constant pain like this since I destroyed my knees. It hurts to breathe, to cough. It took 10 minutes to dry off after my shower, where I dropped the showerhead a couple times.

I can pass most of the rotator cuff tests, and it doesn't feel like there's anything broken, just such a wide swatch of pain. Even popping open my door, or lifting anything above level kicks the pain up from the inside part of my shoulder blade to my chest.

Dammit, I'm not even 30. Why aren't things just brushing off like they did even a few years ago?

Ashyukun SuperDork
8/13/16 5:22 p.m.

So, there's a position open in my area that I think would be extremely interesting and fun.

The problems? It's for a field in which I have absolutely no truly professional experience but that I have nearly 20 years of experience at as a hobby and have won numerous awards for the amateur work I've done with this skill (as a note, it has nothing to do with cars- it's video editing).

It's also part-time... and I have my doubts that even if it were full-time that it would be paying as much as I need to be making- so if I got it it's not like I could really quit my current position and just do it. It sounds like it's only on the weekends though and I might technically be able to do both it and my current job- but if so that would mean very little time that I could be doing much else (including seeing SWMBO).

How the berk do you write a cover letter for something like this? -_-;

Rufledt UltraDork
8/13/16 5:49 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: I. Am. Financially. Berkeleyed.

That's not normal? All I know are people in their 20's who have gotten 4 year degrees at super expensive schools without landing 6-figure jobs, though.

Toymanswife New Reader
8/13/16 8:42 p.m.

In reply to RevRico:

We used to go to the fair and ride and ride and ride. Along about age 30, we would go ride and then feel sick. The next day our entire bodies hurt. Food sure didn't agree with us like it used to and it took longer to recover. Those falls? They only get worse. Talk to me when you're 48. lol

Appleseed MegaDork
8/13/16 9:23 p.m.

In my new situation, I'll have to decide on buying food, which I need to live, or buying insulin, which I need to live.

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
8/13/16 11:14 p.m.
RevRico wrote: I'm not ready to be this old. I took a fall this morning at autocross. My own stupid fault, I was heading down a grade to my car and missed a step, wind up taking the edge of the road straight to my chest. It actually knocked the wind out of me, which I haven't experienced in years. Scraped wrists, scraped knee, no big deal. But I don't know what happened, the whole right side of my chest and shoulder have been in constant pain since. There is no visible bruising on the outside, but I've not had constant pain like this since I destroyed my knees. It hurts to breathe, to cough. It took 10 minutes to dry off after my shower, where I dropped the showerhead a couple times. I can pass most of the rotator cuff tests, and it doesn't feel like there's anything broken, just such a wide swatch of pain. Even popping open my door, or lifting anything above level kicks the pain up from the inside part of my shoulder blade to my chest. Dammit, I'm not even 30. Why aren't things just brushing off like they did even a few years ago?

Enjoy your cracked ribs. I hear they are big fun.

WildScotsRacing HalfDork
8/13/16 11:19 p.m.
Rufledt wrote:
Appleseed wrote: I. Am. Financially. Berkeleyed.
That's not normal? All I know are people in their 20's who have gotten 4 year degrees at super expensive schools without landing 6-figure jobs, though.

Peolpe in their 20s have absolutely no entitlement to earn six figures yet. They don't yet know enough, about enough, to have earned it. Period.

mad_machine MegaDork
8/13/16 11:27 p.m.

was looking at my schedule today... tomorrow I am 4pm till the show loads out.. that could be 2am if they go slow.. and I am due back in for a 12 hour day at 7am...

I really hate it when the boss lets 4 people take a vacation at once... that's over half our department

Rufledt UltraDork
8/14/16 1:10 a.m.
WildScotsRacing wrote:
Rufledt wrote:
Appleseed wrote: I. Am. Financially. Berkeleyed.
That's not normal? All I know are people in their 20's who have gotten 4 year degrees at super expensive schools without landing 6-figure jobs, though.
Peolpe in their 20s have absolutely no entitlement to earn six figures yet. They don't yet know enough, about enough, to have earned it. Period.

You are totally right, but universities certainly charge enough for the dream of "higher starting pay". From the people I know who went both routes, just getting a job and busting ass seems like a much better route than blowing 4 years and loads of money learning about something dumb like black and white German film.

I actually took a class on that to fulfill a requirement. Learned zero useful information.

And for the record there were quite a few people I met in college who thought they were going to get a high paying job right away. Not me because I was studying anthropology, so living in my van was a serious possibility, but a few people in music and one studying business/economics come to mind. Delusional as they may be, especially the music ones, the business guy might get there after a while.

Wall-e MegaDork
8/14/16 6:22 a.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
RevRico wrote: I'm not ready to be this old. I took a fall this morning at autocross. My own stupid fault, I was heading down a grade to my car and missed a step, wind up taking the edge of the road straight to my chest. It actually knocked the wind out of me, which I haven't experienced in years. Scraped wrists, scraped knee, no big deal. But I don't know what happened, the whole right side of my chest and shoulder have been in constant pain since. There is no visible bruising on the outside, but I've not had constant pain like this since I destroyed my knees. It hurts to breathe, to cough. It took 10 minutes to dry off after my shower, where I dropped the showerhead a couple times. I can pass most of the rotator cuff tests, and it doesn't feel like there's anything broken, just such a wide swatch of pain. Even popping open my door, or lifting anything above level kicks the pain up from the inside part of my shoulder blade to my chest. Dammit, I'm not even 30. Why aren't things just brushing off like they did even a few years ago?
Enjoy your cracked ribs. I hear they are big fun.

It's a real joy when the sternum goes with them.

RevRico Dork
8/14/16 8:51 a.m.

Well I knew it was bad last night when I couldn't lean down to get beer out of the fridge. Couldn't even pull my helmet on this morning, and of course no rain in sight, so I get to miss another perfect autocross day.

Hopefully it numbs down some before I start my job on Tuesday. Of course I get the lowest paying, lowest responsibility, highest physically demanding job in the whole restaurant to do.

In reply to toymanswife, how are you feeling since your wreck? Getting back to normal?

Appleseed MegaDork
8/14/16 9:13 a.m.

Why does it have to be this hard?

BrokenYugo UltimaDork
8/14/16 1:40 p.m.

The damn cat needs to do her job better, and those plastic trigger mouse traps need to be banned so I can easily find the steel trigger kind again.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
8/14/16 2:09 p.m.

The brand berkeleying new spax shocks are on. And a rear is leaking oil from the adjustment screw. All over the floor.

Damn car ain't even on the wheels again yet and it's already eating parts

KyAllroad UltraDork
8/14/16 5:44 p.m.

Ever since we got back from vacation we've had tiny flying bugs in the house. Gnat sized little buggers that seemed way more common than they should be.

Tiger Mom just found the source. One of the children put the rice cooker back in the corner cabinet without cleaning it.

One of the nastier things I've ever seen. Said rice cooker is now in the dumpster and TM is in the shower. Absolutely gross.

1988RedT2 PowerDork
8/14/16 7:30 p.m.

My 4-year old GE made in China 12,000 BTU air conditioner that I use to keep the garage a reasonable temperature is blowing 82-degree air into my 95-degree garage. Seriously, all it can manage is a 13-degree drop? Another consumer-grade appliance rip-off. Gah!

mad_machine MegaDork
8/14/16 11:02 p.m.

I have no idea why people think Jerry Seinfeld is a great comedian. I have seen him enough times to know that he only has about 30 jokes and cycles through them.

In case you are wondering, we have him at the Borgata about 3 to 4 times a year. We learned to ignore his manager as he always messes up the show, but really, he has not changed his act at all in the 10 years I have done his show

Appleseed MegaDork
8/14/16 11:23 p.m.

In reply to mad_machine:

I don't get it. What's the deal with that?

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