Toyman01 MegaDork
8/24/16 8:09 p.m.

In reply to fasted58:

I post a lot of pictures. That means switching tabs. I always have multiple tabs open at a time. Every time I come off the second or third tab, down the page that blasted thing dropps. Then you have to slide the mouse all the way off the bottom of the drop down, to get the stupid thing to disappear. It's irritating.

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
8/24/16 8:33 p.m.

In reply to Toyman01:

Is this happening on your phone/tablet or on a desktop/laptop? What OS and browser? Have you tried clearing cookies/browsing history yet?

Knurled MegaDork
8/24/16 8:46 p.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo:

It is happening as an intended feature. If the pointer slides over the "features" on the top bar, a dropdown opens up that covers the whole page.

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
8/24/16 8:52 p.m.

Ok, thanks. I hardly ever surf the forums on a laptop anymore so I have not seen this in action

RevRico Dork
8/24/16 9:47 p.m.

I forgot how gross being a dishwasher is. I know, I kinda volunteered, but still. I'm also still very impressed/confused with the people who go pay $50 for a meal, and only eat 3 bites. If you're that well off financially, I could use some donations now that Paco has listed pricing on the Offroadster kit.

But seriously, if you look around and notice the sun has gone down and there is NO ONE left in the restaurant, be a little courteous to the staff and carry your conversation to the bar, don't make 3 people wait around for an extra HOUR because you don't want to walk 50 feet with your drink.

WilD HalfDork
8/25/16 8:21 a.m.
BrokenYugo said: It's my working theory that when they have like 3 neurons dedicated to driving the car and the rest concentrated on berkeleying with a smartphone, they just kinda go when they see the red lights go out.

You may be right, but my theory is that they will stomp the accelerator if they perceive any motion out of their peripheral vision while at a stop. It's the only explanation I have for all the people I have seen suddenly hammer it into the intersection while they still have a red light when the the left turn lane gets their arrow and starts moving.

On the other hand, they may not react to any outside visual inputs at all. Random driving. Just press the go pedal and roll the dice. I have had other motorists contact my car three times in my life and all three were directly related to red lights or slowing/stopped traffic that they somehow completely failed to notice.

I am a frequent pedestrian so i spend a lot of time hanging around at intersections. The rate of compliance with stoplights, crosswalks and stop signs among drivers is VERY low.

GameboyRMH MegaDork
8/25/16 8:34 a.m.

It's kind of frustrating to watch UPS slowly take my new helmet on an epic road trip from the Western US to Eastern Canada instead of just putting it on a plane for once. Ah well, at least it makes me feel like they're really working for that $50+ shipping charge. And at least it didn't get turned back at the first stop like my shipment from Jegs. Gotta contact customer support about that today, they haven't told me anything about it.

Edit: Update - Jegs re-sent the order on their own just now. Looks like some address information got lost in translation the first time.

GameboyRMH MegaDork
8/25/16 8:39 a.m.
RevRico wrote: But seriously, if you look around and notice the sun has gone down and there is NO ONE left in the restaurant, be a little courteous to the staff and carry your conversation to the bar, don't make 3 people wait around for an extra HOUR because you don't want to walk 50 feet with your drink.

This is what "get the hell out" music is for. One bar near my office uses polka music for this. In China, there is a specific song with this well-known meaning, intended as a signal both to employees and customers.

mtn MegaDork
8/25/16 9:31 a.m.
RevRico wrote: I forgot how gross being a dishwasher is. I know, I kinda volunteered, but still. I'm also still very impressed/confused with the people who go pay $50 for a meal, and only eat 3 bites. If you're that well off financially, I could use some donations now that Paco has listed pricing on the Offroadster kit. But seriously, if you look around and notice the sun has gone down and there is NO ONE left in the restaurant, be a little courteous to the staff and carry your conversation to the bar, don't make 3 people wait around for an extra HOUR because you don't want to walk 50 feet with your drink.

View from another side: My MIL has MS. Everything in life is a pain for her, literally. She has a Lexus because anything that rides harsher makes her hurt; one time I was driving her and hit a pothole and she actually yelped in pain. She loves to go out to eat, because it is a distraction to her. She takes forever too--orders a drink, then an appetizer, then her meal--three separate trips for the wait staff, not including any deliver of said items. Then she'll order desert and a coffee, and maybe another drink. For her, walking 50 feet is asking too much.

I get it. It drives me insane--I can't stand being in a restaurant after I'm done eating; I want to get out of there--but I get it.

tuna55 MegaDork
8/25/16 2:14 p.m.

let's go back to minor.

I hate phrases that don't really mean what they would mean if you just looked at that the words mean.

I have heard "... have come into play" like four times today and it bugs me. Nothing comes in to play except kids coming inside.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
8/25/16 2:35 p.m.

Curbed a wheel on the mazda missing a mouth breathing moron.

Oh well. It's called kenmore the scratch and dent appliance for a reason.

Wall-e MegaDork
8/25/16 2:35 p.m.

In reply to tuna55:

I also hate "wheelhouse". I hear it constantly at work. We aren't piloting tug boats. We don't have wheelhouse a.

WilD HalfDork
8/25/16 2:36 p.m.

In reply to tuna55:

Sure. Except for anything entering the play area for any sport or game that has an effect on... play.

mad_machine MegaDork
8/25/16 3:18 p.m.
WilD wrote:
BrokenYugo said: It's my working theory that when they have like 3 neurons dedicated to driving the car and the rest concentrated on berkeleying with a smartphone, they just kinda go when they see the red lights go out.
You may be right, but my theory is that they will stomp the accelerator if they perceive any motion out of their peripheral vision while at a stop. It's the only explanation I have for all the people I have seen suddenly hammer it into the intersection while they still have a red light when the the left turn lane gets their arrow and starts moving. On the other hand, they may not react to any outside visual inputs at all. Random driving. Just press the go pedal and roll the dice. I have had other motorists contact my car three times in my life and all three were directly related to red lights or slowing/stopped traffic that they somehow completely failed to notice.

I watched somebody do that yesterday.. left lane has it's own turning arrow (yes, some places in NJ, you can turn left) and the car in front of me went straight through the intersection on Red

Furious_E Dork
8/25/16 3:39 p.m.

In reply to tuna55:

How about just completely flat out butchering a phrase, then misusing the intended phrase to boot?

One of my former managers was quite fond of the phrase "all intent purpose," which he somehow derived from "for all intents and purposes." Granted, in his defense, that saying is probably used incorrectly, in one way or another ("all intensive purposes" probably being the most common), more often than not around these parts. But even still, the entire usage of the phrase was completely changed to mean, basically, the overarching goal, as in our intent is to put all efforts towards this purpose. Example:

"Our all intent purpose is to set up the process to use existing tooling."

So many times I face palmed as he described our all intent purpose to customers on conference calls

mad_machine MegaDork
8/25/16 6:54 p.m.
Datsun310Guy PowerDork
8/25/16 7:54 p.m.

In reply to tuna55:

We have a sales manager who throws down "at the end of the day......." all the time. Once in a while we get an "irregardless" out of him or "it's a mute point".

Hal UltraDork
8/25/16 8:03 p.m.
mad_machine wrote: I watched somebody do that yesterday.. left lane has it's own turning arrow and the car in front of me went straight through the intersection on Red

Almost hit one of those today. They went when the left turn light turned green and I was turning left from the other side of the intersection. That intersection has a light for each lane. Probably weren't even looking at the light, just went when the car next to them moved.

Knurled MegaDork
8/25/16 8:35 p.m.
Hal wrote:
mad_machine wrote: I watched somebody do that yesterday.. left lane has it's own turning arrow and the car in front of me went straight through the intersection on Red
Almost hit one of those today. They went when the left turn light turned green and I was turning left from the other side of the intersection. That intersection has a light for each lane. Probably weren't even looking at the light, just went when the car next to them moved.

This morning, I saw someone with Maine plates do an interesting maneuver: Was in a left-turn-specific lane, and when we got our turn arrow, she went straight through the intersection. Fortunately for her there was no oncoming left-turn traffic. Or a local police officer ready with a $400 ticket, plus court costs.

(It was a Hyundai Santa Fe. I have never, EVER seen one of these male-owned, so I am stastistically confident in assuming a she, assuming Maine minivan demographics are similar to ours)

Ashyukun SuperDork
8/26/16 8:52 a.m.
Datsun310Guy wrote: In reply to tuna55: We have a sales manager who throws down "at the end of the day......." all the time.

I'm glad nobody here does that- I'd probably get in trouble for singing the next few lines of the Les Mis song after the first few times a day of them saying it...

paranoid_android74 SuperDork
8/26/16 9:01 a.m.

I've been partnered up with another electrician at work for the last two months.

He will leave the room he's working in, walk into the room I'm working in, ask a dumb question or share a pointless observation, then leave. Only to have fogged the room I'm in with his SBD surprise.

Is this supposed to be funny? Because it isn't.

In fact the poor people who work in these offices have to suffer it too.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ SuperDork
8/26/16 9:41 a.m.

In reply to paranoid_android74:

I would treat it as an act of war- time to have Taco Bell for lunch and return fire. Maybe in the truck/van to keep the collateral damage to a minimum.

Appleseed MegaDork
8/26/16 10:41 a.m.

Those are war crimes. Full retaliatory strike. Has he no concept of mutually assured destruction?

RossD UltimaDork
8/26/16 10:51 a.m.

Guy driving a suburan/tahoe going anywhere from 52 mph to 58 mph on a 55 mph country road. I follow for 5 miles or so with his inconsistent driving. Then I pass. Then he is on my bumper. I even go a bit faster than I like to see if he will stop hugging my bumper. Nope I had the cruise set to 63-64 mph and this jackwagon was all over me. Luckily, someone even slower than him slowed us both down a couple miles later. I passed that person and went back to my 61 mph cruise setting. Looking in my rearview, he was sucking their fumes. WTF...

eastsidemav SuperDork
8/26/16 11:13 a.m.
RossD wrote: Guy driving a suburan/tahoe going anywhere from 52 mph to 58 mph on a 55 mph country road. I follow for 5 miles or so with his inconsistent driving. Then I pass. Then he is on my bumper. I even go a bit faster than I like to see if he will stop hugging my bumper. Nope I had the cruise set to 63-64 mph and this jackwagon was all over me. Luckily, someone even slower than him slowed us both down a couple miles later. I passed that person and went back to my 61 mph cruise setting. Looking in my rearview, he was sucking their fumes. WTF...

Pacers. I can't stand 'em.

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