mad_machine MegaDork
8/29/16 8:52 p.m.

so.. I always back into my spot at work. Today I am pulling in after climbing 5 flights to my preferred spot. I am slowly crawling back to be spare tyre to the wall of the garage when this guy comes whipping around the corner and tries to squeeze between me and the wall.. He stopped when he realized he would not make it, but then gave me the stink eye as he passed.

It was not like he sprinted to the elevator either.. he took his time getting stuff out of his car before strolling.

Sorry, but if I am backing up, My reverse lights are on. This is not an invitation to see if you can squeeze your Toyota between my disco and the building.

Wall-e MegaDork
8/30/16 4:42 a.m.

In reply to mad_machine:

Being a Rover are you sure you reverse lights were on?

wearymicrobe UltraDork
8/30/16 5:16 p.m.

So yeah just got in a argument with a Web/Brand manager about image sizes and how everything must be 800x640 for them and they do not have the technology to resize or have their forum resize automatically. Tried to explain how you could turn it on in VBull and sent some same scripts and they asked what I was on about.

So yeah your somebodies dumb cousin that needed a job.

Knurled MegaDork
8/30/16 6:23 p.m.
dculberson wrote: Jesus guys. I was going to say 3-4 a month and I would be useless. 1-2 a week and I would move into an assisted care facility! I hope the red bull helps. Migraines suck.

I remember putting the intake and accessories back onto a 5.4l Econoline with my eyes closed when I got a migraine in the middle of an engine R&R. It's not like you can see what you're doing when working on a van anyway, right?

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
8/30/16 6:44 p.m.

Replacing a steering gear box turned into replacing a steering gear box, pitman arm, tie rod, and adjustment sleeve.

nepa03focus Dork
8/30/16 6:47 p.m.
mad_machine wrote: so.. I always back into my spot at work. Today I am pulling in after climbing 5 flights to my preferred spot. I am slowly crawling back to be spare tyre to the wall of the garage when this guy comes whipping around the corner and tries to squeeze between me and the wall.. He stopped when he realized he would not make it, but then gave me the stink eye as he passed. It was not like he sprinted to the elevator either.. he took his time getting stuff out of his car before strolling. Sorry, but if I am backing up, My reverse lights are on. This is not an invitation to see if you can squeeze your Toyota between my disco and the building.

I hate that, when I am driving my work van our safety rules say we must back in. People always just try to go around you as you are trying to back in. Makes me so mad

Burrito Dork
8/30/16 9:31 p.m.

Wife got a promotion today (not the rant), wanted to go out for dinner to celebrate. She called me as I was changing at work, and since I wasn't wearing pants at the time, the conversation was short. She said she would be home at 6:30 and we could leave shortly after that. I reminded her that I was helping our best friends finish up some house projects before their (4 days late) baby makes an appearance and I would be home at 7 at the very latest.

I roll in at 6:40. Her motorcycle is in the driveway and her car is gone, which means she's been home and has already left...

Some texting occurs, annnnndddd.

Turns out I'm an shiny happy person because I don't care about her promotion. And here I thought I was just being a good friend and balancing a busy afternoon. Anyways, she's out with her work pals at "a brewery in Portland" (thanks for narrowing it down, babe!)

I know I'm pretty bad at communicating, but at least I berkeleying tried. Feels pretty berkeleying E36 M3ty to get ditched by the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. And, while I can totally draw some parallels in the "being ditched" category, I think pushing plans back a bit and purposely leaving someone out of your plans are two vastly different things.

End rant. I'm not typically the kind of person that airs out their laundry on the Internet, but I'm pretty berkeleying low right now.

And we're out of beer. berkeley.

KyAllroad UberDork
8/31/16 9:16 a.m.

Just had my first eye exam in 15 years. Apparently everything is fine (yay, but not the minor rant).

They dilated my pupils. This feels so crappy, I can't wait till the effect wears off.

** how's that for minor, my vision is somewhat bad for a few hours as a result of being able to get a professional eye exam and receive good news that my eyes are fine (for a 45 year old). <--me

dropstep Dork
8/31/16 11:52 a.m.

How hard is it too give two weeks notice. Were already short a part time guy because he went back too school and now the only other full time guy is starting a new job tuesday. Im berkeleyed.

Gaunt596 New Reader
8/31/16 12:03 p.m.

Came out to work last night to find all four of my trucks tires flat, berkeley. though someone slashed them, but no slices anywhere on the tires. inflate them with my portable compressor, drive home. this morning, all four tires held their air and are exactly where i set them last night. WTF

Duke MegaDork
8/31/16 12:56 p.m.

In reply to Gaunt596:

Sounds like a warning shot to me. Mildly pissed anybody off lately?

I may or may not have removed all 4 valve cores with a pair of needle nose pliers and left them ducttaped to the guy's windshield, once.

spitfirebill UltimaDork
8/31/16 1:06 p.m.
mtn wrote:
Stefan (Not Bruce) wrote:
mtn wrote:
spitfirebill wrote:
mtn wrote: Moving. This would be a lot easier if my wife would stop asking me what I'm doing and just worried about packing herself. Or just let me pack up everything. We put E36 M3 in boxes. We package it so the E36 M3 doesn't break. We then divide said E36 M3 (now in boxes) into two groups: 1) those things that we will need for the next week or that we don't trust movers to move, and 2) everything else. Why is this so ducking hard? Just throw the stiff in the boxes! And, I wanted to pack the kitchen 2 weeks ago. She didn't because we need to cook. We've used 3 pans in that time. Everything else could have been packed up. Jeevers is this annoying.
I think youse guys could use some counseling.
She's in it. She doesn't deal well with stress. PTSD is a bitch. I come here to vent.
You missed the point: You BOTH could use counseling, join her sessions or get some of your own so that YOU learn ways to help her reduce stress and reduce your own stress among other issues.
99% of the time, I've got it. During a move? Nope--no controlling that ball of stress. (And we've been to counselling before, looking for help with that specific issue of her stress reduction. The only thing we've learned from it we really already knew, which was she needs a dog. We do need to find a counsellor that can actually help us though.)

The stress caused by moving is only exceeded by that of getting married, getting a divorce, or losing a loved one. I wish you good luck. I don't think my marriage could take another move unless my wife has an epiphany. The last move we did was 30 years ago and now we can't even move a piece of furniture without arguing.

mad_machine MegaDork
8/31/16 1:47 p.m.

so.. I go to use my bankcard today.. denied. I tried an ATM machine.. it ate it. Told me to go to the bank.

I go there and wait an hour while the one person behind a desk deals with a major loan.. I literally had two others walk by me and go out the door saying "someone will be right with you". After I an hour I left too. TD bank used to be so nice when they had a bunch of little branches.. now that they consolidated into mega branches, they are nearly impossible to deal with

Toyman01 MegaDork
8/31/16 1:51 p.m.
Duke wrote: In reply to Gaunt596: Sounds like a warning shot to me. Mildly pissed anybody off lately? I may or may not have removed all 4 valve cores with a pair of needle nose pliers and left them ducttaped to the guy's windshield, once.

Be careful with the tape, it holds fingerprints very well.

Ashyukun SuperDork
8/31/16 3:34 p.m.

We have a faucet that I've completely failed at getting to stop dripping- so yesterday I call up a plumber to get someone to look at and fix it, and they say, "OK, we can have someone out there at 4 tomorrow."

OK, not perfect, but I can work from home in the afternoon and be there when they come by since SWMBO wouldn't be home. Head home and work from here over lunch- and 4pm comes and goes. Not too concerned- but it gets to be half an hour later and I decide I should at least check on things as I've been sitting on the bed with the dog and the gate closed so he's contained for the last half hour.

Call up the plumber's office- and the girl looks and says she doesn't see me on the schedule at all. Eventually does a full search on our address and finds the appointment- on the schedule for 4AM. They're supposed to send the next available person over- but seriously, how did their appointment system not go, 'Really? You want to schedule an appointment for 4-AM-?'

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
8/31/16 7:31 p.m.

Can't Invisalign throw Michael Phelps some free dental work? I spend a lot of money to keep up on my dental work because my wife and I feel its key to your health and the first thing folks notice.

That one tooth needs work, come on already Phelps - represent us with a million dollar smile.

GameboyRMH MegaDork
8/31/16 8:11 p.m.
Burrito wrote: Wife got a promotion today (not the rant), wanted to go out for dinner to celebrate. [...]

If it makes you feel any better, I would've done the same thing.

BrokenYugo UltimaDork
8/31/16 10:04 p.m.

Never run provided modems, buying your own network gear is always the correct option.

daeman HalfDork
8/31/16 10:33 p.m.

Standard sized window hole in brick wall, check. Standard sized reveal hole in frame, check. Does the window and reveal fit, that's a big fat no!

So it would seem that despite both things being standard size, the people who built the house didn't see the value in making sure they were Central to one another. Oh and the brickie could make sure the gap at the top matched the bottom...

Now I get to make a new reveal and try and offset the window by 15mm and somehow disguise the gap around the frame at the top. It was supposed to be a drop in.

Im so over renovations at the moment.

Antihero Reader
9/1/16 12:05 a.m.
Knurled wrote:
Dusterbd13 wrote: I was kicking ass right up until the migraine started.
Seriously. A random person on some other site told me about Red Bull killing migraines. The only thing that would do it for me is sleep, I said, caffeine doesn't help, analgesics don't help, and Excedrin Migraine which is analgesic + caffeine doesn't help. No, seriously, try it, says this other person. Damned if it doesn't do the trick. I start to get the warning signs, chug an 8.4oz can, and within 10 minutes it's gone. Still feel kinda like crap but kinda like crap is better than completely useless and want to find a drill to let the demons out. I keep a case at work and a can or two in the car and at home at all times now. They DO recur less often with age. At my worst I was getting them 3-4 times a month. Now it is maaaaaybe two a year.

I was up to 5 a week before I found out msg was my trigger. That sucked giant monkey balls.

I was told to try absinthe....which works somehow. I'm not sure how or why but if It kills My migraine I honestly don't give a berkeley lol

Jay UltraDork
9/1/16 2:17 a.m.

I was waiting for this all-vinyl synth punk / new wave DJ show all week. At my favorite venue, and free cover even! Then when it finally comes around my dicknugget body decides to get sick and spoil my fun. Disappointed!

^^ actually I was just looking for an excuse to post this gif.

EvanR SuperDork
9/1/16 3:04 a.m.
dropstep wrote: How hard is it too give two weeks notice. Were already short a part time guy because he went back too school and now the only other full time guy is starting a new job tuesday. Im berkeleyed.

I spent my summer in the Midwest. It seems to be a seller's market for labor. All the people (myself included) that left the area in the downturn makes for an interesting labor market now that the Midwest has somewhat of a rebound.

My friend can not even get applicants for essentially unskilled labor jobs that pay $17/hr. Forget finding decent workers - nobody at all is applying.

I feel badly for anyone who is hiring right now.

WilD HalfDork
9/1/16 8:01 a.m.

Owning things makes me hate life sometimes... The fill valve in my toilet started making a loud noise and spraying all over the inside of the tank whenever it was flushed. It was bad enough it was soaking the lid and dripping down the outside of the tank. OK, universal replacement valves are like $10 and under. Obviously not the best quality items, but are cheap and look easy to install. It was pretty painless to install. BUT, the shutoff valve sticking out of the wall is quite old and looks like it was a pretty cheap part as well. Of course now that it has been turned for the first time in many years, it is dripping. I tried tightening the packing nut and it helped but is still weeping about one drop an hour. berkeley. This doesn't look nearly as easy to replace and that appears to be the only cold water line in my house without it's own shutoff valve in the basement. Double berkeley. I can probably turn off all the water at the meter, but who knows how many decades it has been since that knob has been turned and I'm quite afraid it will start leaking too. I may be calling a plumber.

RevRico Dork
9/1/16 8:41 a.m.

I stocked up on cigarettes in July because there was mention of a tax increase, again. I had to buy a carton this morning. $80.26. Holy E36 M3. It might be time to think about quitting, $320/ month would be a Hell of a car payment when my credit gets a little better.

I don't want to quit though, because I actually enjoy it. But do I enjoy it as much as I would an STI? Or anything else in the $300/ month category for that matter? I rally haven't shopped "new" cars in a long time, so I'm not sure what all is in that segment these days.

Ashyukun SuperDork
9/1/16 8:44 a.m.

Plumber eventually showed up 2 hours later than they were supposed to- not the plumber's fault directly admittedly, but still annoying that I made the effort to drag my work laptop home and work from home the whole afternoon so I could be there. Well, OK- working from home wasn't that bad... but the fact that they didn't get there until after ALL of the serious plumbing supply stores were already closed and therefore could do essentially jack and E36 M3 WAS frustrating. So they have to come back at noon today when the stores WILL be open, disassemble the faucets so they know what parts they need, get the parts, and come back and hope everything goes back together well.

Which means heading home midday again- and probably realistically not getting a whole lot of actual work done while they're fiddling with things. At least the plumber liked dogs and got along well with our dog since there was no real way to avoid being around him with as many different places in the house that he needed to go.

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