WilD HalfDork
9/12/16 7:54 a.m.

I have a little vacation coming up at the end of the week. It involves some mild hiking at Sleeping Bear Dunes. So, not big mileage but hills, on sand. Usually not a problem but I somehow hurt myself and can't put a lot of pressure on my left forefoot without searing pain radiating forward from the front of my heal forward across my arch. I don't know if this is from stepping barefoot on a rock at the lake a week ago or from too much running. But walking doesn't feel good right now and stairs are agony.

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
9/12/16 12:39 p.m.

In reply to WilD:

You need feet to climb that dune. You're usually on your hands and knees crawling up!

mtn MegaDork
9/12/16 12:44 p.m.

New (old) house. Gotta paint. Gotta do this. And that. And everything else. But mostly I need to sleep. Holy cow am I tired.

Also, I wish I could win the lottery. After searching through job listings at my lunch break, there really wasn't anything I was interested in. Lottery would be nice.

wae Dork
9/12/16 2:51 p.m.


I hate bales of straw.

Every year we borrow about 100 bales for the festival and if they get wet, we have to buy them. So every year, we load the straw, we drive the straw, we unload the straw onto pallets, we distribute the straw from the pallets around the festival grounds with a fork truck, then they call for rain, so we gather the straw back up on to pallets and put it under cover, then the next day we pull the straw out from under cover and distribute it around the grounds again, then after the festival, we use the pallets and the fork truck to collect all the straw, then we load the straw onto my trailers, and then I drive the straw across town, and then we unload the straw and put it right back where it was three days ago.

I hate straw.

classicJackets Reader
9/13/16 8:18 a.m.

A rust free courier finally shows up, for a dirt stinkin cheap with a title, and it's on the other side of the freaking country at the time when I have the least money to spend ever. Classic. Patching the floor pans ans everything else here i come!

mad_machine MegaDork
9/13/16 8:53 a.m.

at work we have a large storage building just for entertainment. For some reason, the carps think it is for their use only and somehow the locks got changed so my key no longer works and "extra keys" are not available.

So I am out there yesterday with the "public" key trying to make some room so we can clean and repair some old nasty and horribly obsolete lights (that is a different rant) and the guy I work with who never shuts up is with me.

I need time to think things through.. I eventually found a way to make room for us to work.. but thanks to his continual nattering, I somehow put down or dropped the public key inside the building and now it can't be found... it's going to be a while until I live this one down

EvanR SuperDork
9/13/16 9:37 a.m.
mad_machine wrote: ... so we can clean and repair some old nasty and horribly obsolete lights (that is a different rant) ...

Damn, dude. Thanks for reminding me of the countless hours I spent learning how to repair Cyberlights, Golden Scans, Studio Colors & Spots. All skills which have become entirely useless and obsolete.

KyAllroad UberDork
9/13/16 9:50 a.m.

I walked through a spiderweb this morning. Right in the eyes and around my head.

Now my skin crawls and scalp itches, it's gonna be a long day.

mad_machine MegaDork
9/13/16 10:38 a.m.
EvanR wrote:
mad_machine wrote: ... so we can clean and repair some old nasty and horribly obsolete lights (that is a different rant) ...
Damn, dude. Thanks for reminding me of the countless hours I spent learning how to repair Cyberlights, Golden Scans, Studio Colors & Spots. All skills which have become entirely useless and obsolete.

12 of them are Cyberlights that came out of the closed club.. The rest are Mac 700s and 2ks. Nasty nasty club environment has completely filled them a gunk I am sure is toxic and liable to spontaneously evolve into something approaching the intelligence of your normal club crawler.

I will not even go into the lights we are not allowed to throw away even though they are not only broken, but parts cannot be found for them anymore (not even the lamps). We took them down "illegally" as it should have been an IBEW job.. so now we are stuck with a floor to 15 foot ceiling full of them for a good 50 feet in length..

DuctTape&Bondo Dork
9/13/16 10:52 a.m.

found two fleas in my room

Ashyukun SuperDork
9/13/16 12:53 p.m.

Every good-sized program at my work goes the exact same way... from the get-go it has a ridiculous schedule that is set by people who don't have any clue what getting it done would actually require and who hold the people who actually have to DO said work's feet to the fire to try and get it done in that ridiculous amount of time. This means that a ridiculous amount of hours get worked and of course budget burned with little regard to what the budget projections were. As the project nears completion, the powers-that-be start actually looking at the money spent and promptly E36 M3 their pants and start trying to put on the brakes and stop hemorrhaging money.

The project I have been primarily working on for the last year or so hit that point late last week, and I was told to stop working on it. Personally I think this was a bad idea as there's a good chance both quality and schedule will suffer- but it's not my call to make. My problem with this though is that I've spent the better part of the last two days trying to get somebody to give me something else to work on to no avail. According to our group's reporting to management we're short like a dozen people from what we need staff-wise... how the hell am I not able to find anything to work on?

Also, redoubling my efforts at finding a different job because this situation is bullE36 M3.

dropstep Dork
9/13/16 8:32 p.m.

Rust and Chevrolet engineers. Why do i need to remove 4 brake lines from the abs computer to get the bad one out. Doesnt everyone know the rear goes first! Had brakes for about 20 seconds before the next line popped!

BrokenYugo UltimaDork
9/13/16 9:24 p.m.

In reply to dropstep:

I've come to conclude, at least on GM junk, by the time one rear pops they always really need both rears for the full run replaced, at minimum.

mad_machine MegaDork
9/13/16 10:58 p.m.

For the couple who almost got a landrover shaped dent in the side of their car.. cutting me off to pull out of the road I am turning onto does not give you the right to give ME the finger when I stop inches from your girlfriend's door and hit the horn.

You are very lucky that I both like my rover and that I have not gotten around to getting the heavy steel expedition bumpers on it. Though I am thinking of getting them just because of idiots on the road like you

ShawneeCreek Reader
9/14/16 7:10 a.m.

Less than two weeks until the $2016 Challenge and I need every night and weekend to finish the race van. Naturally, my work schedules a last minute, 4-day trip to our plant in Mexico in that time-frame. Ugh... Time to call in the family for help. It WILL GET DONE!

BlueInGreen44 Dork
9/14/16 7:28 a.m.

Wet pavement, bent signposts, yellow Corvette facing the wrong way in a ditch. We know what happened here... And now traffic is blocked and we're all late for work. Thanks, Corvette Man.

KyAllroad UberDork
9/14/16 7:47 a.m.
BlueInGreen44 wrote: Wet pavement, bent signposts, yellow Corvette facing the wrong way in a ditch. We know what happened here... And now traffic is blocked and we're all late for work. Thanks, Corvette Man.

I remember hearing somewhere that Corvettes have the distinction of being in more single car accidents than any other model ( as a percentage I'm sure).

Appleseed MegaDork
9/14/16 10:33 a.m.

Everyone knows ditches love Corvettes.

DuctTape&Bondo Dork
9/14/16 11:17 a.m.

Leaving back to school night, guy backs into a civic, looks at us and the other witnesses, throws it in drive and takes off. I didn't move fast enough to get his plates. Couldn't help but notice the Feel The Bern sticker though.

mtn MegaDork
9/14/16 11:20 a.m.

Yes, I really do need to park in handicap. No, I'm not handicapped, but the passenger is. Yes, she has a scooter, and yes, even though she has a scooter, she needs to park in handicap unless you want her to swing her door open and dent yours since she has limited motor skills.

Oh, and that whole thing where I take the scooter out of the car and set it up. Nice to have extra space for that too.

Wall-e MegaDork
9/14/16 12:17 p.m.

In reply to mtn:

Sometimes a firm and sincere "Go berkeley yourself" is the best answer.

mtn MegaDork
9/14/16 12:22 p.m.
Wall-e wrote: In reply to mtn: Sometimes a firm and sincere "Go berkeley yourself" is the best answer.

I just ignore them and walk away.

Its funny, because my MIL gets on her scooter and mosey's on away towards the door of the facility, and I speed-walk to the train station about 300 yards away. It isn't like it is making it any easier for me, and the only reason we park there and not her normal [non-handicap but no parking spots next to it] spot is that there is scaffolding in the way of the ramp for her "normal" spot.

Furious_E Dork
9/14/16 12:28 p.m.

In reply to DuctTape&Bondo:

"Wall Street" will cover the damages

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
9/14/16 12:51 p.m.

berkeley you bedbugs.

4 people I support have them now, and I am feeling all creepy crawley no matter what.

Wall-e MegaDork
9/14/16 3:10 p.m.

In reply to mtn:

You owe no one an explanation. When I go out with my wife I almost never use her permit. I will usually drop her at the door and then park where I occasionally get spoken to by someone with an overinflated sense of importance for stopping in a no standing zone. If it was a big enough store where she needed to use a scooter she will usually ride out to the car and then I'll bring the scooter back to the store where I will occasionally have to hear someone feel the need to comment on how I wouldn't be fat if I got off the scooter. There was a time my wife or eye would explain her situation but I've tired of being polite. Sometimes I ignore them sometimes I offend them. It depends on my mood.

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