Knurled MegaDork
9/19/16 12:04 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote: I'd still trust a used OE Volvo damper over a new Chinese one on a white block.

A used one, however, means it was removed from an engine at one point, and I'd have no way of knowing if they damaged it when trying to graunch it off of the rusted crankshaft/locator pin until I install it. A new one won't have that problem.

Wall-e MegaDork
9/19/16 1:44 p.m.
mtn wrote: Why do I have about 72 flathead screwdrivers and only 8 Philips heads? I need about 3 flatheads. Why in the world do I have so many of them?

You answered your own question. Sets come with both to keep the flathead screwdriver people employed. You use Philips heads and leave them places, they get borrowed, or wear out while flatheads languish in a pile waiting for the day you need to open a can of paint or break the tip using it as a pry bar inspite of the clearly worded warning cautioning against such activity.

BlueInGreen44 Dork
9/19/16 2:51 p.m.

I'm in the process of finding health insurance since I hit the magic 26 years old this summer. This all seems more complicated than it needs to be. That's all. Also, really hoping I get this figured out in time to avoid the tax penalty/fine for not having insurance...

Brett_Murphy PowerDork
9/19/16 8:31 p.m.

There is no gasoline to be bought in Raleigh, NC. It's a temporary thing, sure, and I've got half a tank and should be alright.

mad_machine MegaDork
9/19/16 10:49 p.m.

I got a call today from a "collections agency" that was attempting to collect a bill from Verizon wireless from me. They needed my birthdate and SS before they would tell me more.

I hung up on them.. I have never had a Verizon Wireless account and I am certainly not going to fall for their scam

mtn MegaDork
9/20/16 8:50 a.m.

Why do I care about Jon Benet Ramsey anymore? And MIL, why do you insist on discussing it with me? I'm not watching whatever they're talking about it on TV, and I haven't watched anything about it in probably 10 years, and I didn't care then.

Ashyukun SuperDork
9/20/16 9:00 a.m.
mad_machine wrote: I got a call today from a "collections agency" that was attempting to collect a bill from Verizon wireless from me. They needed my birthdate and SS before they would tell me more. I hung up on them.. I have never had a Verizon Wireless account and I am certainly not going to fall for their scam

That was exactly why I was so wary of the call I got from the medical company collections agency- leading with, "We need you to confirm your birthdate before we can proceed" immediately sets of warning bells, though in my case it was legitimate (as far as them not being a complete scam- given how medical billing goes I can't say it's not a scam at all though on some level...)

RevRico Dork
9/20/16 9:16 a.m.

The service my credit union uses for their credit cards is bizarre. I used the wrong password and got locked "call us at the number below" I call. No company name, no hours, just immediately "what's your name and credit card number?" Like seriously? At least pretend you're a real business.

And the trickster student loan group that called this morning, using FMs area code and "this is Christy Tanner from blah blah student loans" the area code and last name ALMOST got me because I wasn't paying attention and just got my shipping notice from FM yesterday.mIt's like they're going through my phone and seeing area codes I respond to. Never mind that I've never had a student loan in my life.

Duke MegaDork
9/20/16 10:50 a.m.

I can always tell when my boss is in minor panic mode because a warehouse-size box of Nature Valley crunchy granola bars appears under his desk, which is about 5 feet from mine. So then I get to listen to him cram one down his gullet every 20 minutes or so all day rather than spending the time to stop for half an hour and eat an actual breakfast and lunch.

Wall-e MegaDork
9/20/16 12:59 p.m.

Every September for as long as I can remember the UN general assembly meets and makes a complete and total cluster berkeley out of traffic. Twice today they've shut down the east side of Manhattan for close to 45 minutes. And like every other year everyone will be taken by complete surprise and botch and moan about how they shouldn't have to wait so long, how this never happened before, and how there can't be any traffic because the road is wide open here where we're standing. I can't wait until I can pick this week off for vacation.

Strike_Zero UltraDork
9/20/16 2:59 p.m.

Yay! Co-worker decided it was good time to talk about E36 M3 he doesn't understand. This led to a meeting of 4 managers deciding I should do extra work when it's not my issue to resolve.

GameboyRMH MegaDork
9/22/16 8:56 a.m.

We have a huge high-end wax-based laser printer in this office. Costs more per year to keep on than most of our staff members. It can make near-magazine-quality prints at ultra-low per-page costs, and it can do that very quickly. It has a secure print feature for releasing documents only when you enter a code. We put a lot of effort into keeping this thing running.

Our HR manager has a dinky little inkjet MFP on her desk for printing ultra-confidential documents that she cannot risk anyone even peeping at as they come out of the printer. Compared to the laser/wax printer it's slow, crappy and bloody expensive per-page.

This morning, just this morning, said HR manager instantly pisses away two inkjet cartridges in one shot slooowly printing out a huge full-page-color powerpoint presentation that will AT LEAST be shown to the entire management staff and above.

Ashyukun SuperDork
9/22/16 9:06 a.m.

Yesterday midday SWMBO asks me if I can make a step for her work to use in their show this weekend. It took pretty much all my usual free time (lunch break & the 3+ hours between when I finished work and she got home), but I got it built nice and sturdy to within half an inch or so of the dimensions she gave me.

She gets home and sees it and realizes that it's probably too tall for what they need it for- but it would take me almost more time to shorten it than it did to make it in the first place... so now I have to see if I have the scrap wood to build a second, shorter step to get up onto the one I build yesterday...

Duke MegaDork
9/22/16 10:37 a.m.

RevRico Dork
9/22/16 10:38 a.m.

I don't hate you because you're a plaid transvestite from Saturn. I hate you because you won't shut the berkeley up about it. You want "equal" treatment? Quit begging for special privileges and whining about being treated as an equal. Being "equal" isn't all it's cracked up to be is it? Never realized how good all your special treatment was until you asked for it to be taken away did you? This is your bed, you made it, you lay in it.

Ashyukun SuperDork
9/22/16 1:48 p.m.
Duke wrote:

Hehehe. Not quite THAT bad... but definitely not thought through all the way (I'm guessing she asked the director what she wanted and the director just guessed without actually measuring to see how high 18" actually was). I wondered about it myself when I started putting I together, but figured they had a reason for it and just went with the dimensions I'd been given.

BrokenYugo UltimaDork
9/22/16 4:26 p.m.

Don't go trimming trees with a machete while the loud mower is idling in the background and you have ear plugs in, makes it hard to notice the hornets until one attacks you.

mtn MegaDork
9/22/16 5:26 p.m.

Moving sucks. That whole packing and unpacking thing.

Toyman01 MegaDork
9/22/16 6:31 p.m.

That irritating German auto manufacturer called again. Please, please, please come fix our doors. You can work on them with power turned on if you dress like a firefighter with rubber gloves, fire proof clothing and safety shields.

Our response? Fine, $225/hour and you buy all the gear.

They didn't geek immediately. They are thinking about it and are going to call us back.

Pretty sure they have run into the problem I thought they would. No one in the industry will work for them.

Ass holes.

BrokenYugo UltimaDork
9/22/16 6:34 p.m.

Update, went looking for aforementioned hornet's home, I was maybe 5 ft away from A MOTHERberkeleyING BALD FACED HORNET NEST THE SIZE OF A BASKETBALL hiding in the low hanging fir branches I was chopping away at. Now I'm shocked I only got stung twice.

I'm debating just napalming the nest and hoping the tree doesn't go up. It's wedged in there in such a way that the old trashbag, bonfire, and DIY beesuit technique won't work.

EDIT: Looked more now that it's dark, it's actually bigger than a basketball.

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
9/22/16 6:57 p.m.

In reply to BrokenYugo:

Wack it hard with a baseball bat.

Wall-e MegaDork
9/22/16 7:07 p.m.
Datsun310Guy wrote: In reply to BrokenYugo: Wack it hard with a baseball bat.

Tell the neighbor kids it's a pinyata. Please video.

BrokenYugo UltimaDork
9/22/16 7:09 p.m.

In reply to Wall-e:

The neighbor's kids were almost deserving of such a suggestion, but they've all grown up now.

warpedredneck Reader
9/22/16 7:12 p.m.
Wall-e wrote:
Datsun310Guy wrote: In reply to BrokenYugo: Wack it hard with a baseball bat.
Tell the neighbor kids it's a pinyata. Please video.

tell them its a pinyata that releases pokiman when hit with a stick

Appleseed MegaDork
9/22/16 10:53 p.m.
BrokenYugo wrote: In reply to Wall-e: The neighbor's kids were almost deserving of such a suggestion, but they've all grown up now.

Sorta. They still live in Mom's basement.

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