SnowMongoose SuperDork
9/23/16 12:30 a.m.

All of my hobbies make me want to harm myself.
Currently hoarse from screaming.
berkeley my life.

wearymicrobe UltraDork
9/23/16 11:15 a.m.

berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley

That is all today way be the lowest I have felt in a long long time.

mtn MegaDork
9/23/16 11:36 a.m.
wearymicrobe wrote: berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley berkeley That is all today way be the lowest I have felt in a long long time.

Hope everything's ok.

My rant: Prior homeowners who have done the worlds worst painting job. It is seriously bad.

KyAllroad UberDork
9/23/16 12:07 p.m.

I apparently screwed up a date about when a loan I took out a while back would be complete. I had it as being last month but it isn't until March 2017. I sorta was wanting that money....

GameboyRMH MegaDork
9/23/16 12:32 p.m.
warpedredneck wrote:
Wall-e wrote:
Datsun310Guy wrote: In reply to BrokenYugo: Wack it hard with a baseball bat.
Tell the neighbor kids it's a pinyata. Please video.
tell them its a pinyata that releases pokiman when hit with a stick


Wall-e MegaDork
9/23/16 1:05 p.m.

Narcan is an impressive drug but I don't need to see a regular demonstration. Since July I've had to call 911 four times for ODs in the plaza near my post.

KyAllroad UberDork
9/23/16 2:41 p.m.
Wall-e wrote: Narcan is an impressive drug but I don't need to see a regular demonstration. Since July I've had to call 911 four times for ODs in the plaza near my post.

Stop calling. Get signs made that say "just sleeping" and leave them on said addicts. Pretty soon the problem will solve itself.

cmcgregor HalfDork
9/23/16 3:30 p.m.
KyAllroad wrote:
Wall-e wrote: Narcan is an impressive drug but I don't need to see a regular demonstration. Since July I've had to call 911 four times for ODs in the plaza near my post.
Stop calling. Get signs made that say "just sleeping" and leave them on said addicts. Pretty soon the problem will solve itself.

Yeah, we should definitely just let people who are addicted to drugs die. They certainly don't want to get better, so berkeley them, right? It's definitely 100% within their control to just stop using drugs so they can stop inconveniencing everyone.

Wall-e MegaDork
9/23/16 7:12 p.m.

It's easy to say that but I'm getting soft in my old age.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
9/24/16 7:26 a.m.

My friend and challenge teammate I'd one of the most unreliable people I know know. Really, we had plans. You call an hour late, and completely scrub the plan we made last berkeleying night? After I've already done my part? I want to berkeleying choke him.

Appleseed MegaDork
9/24/16 9:32 a.m.

Almost got snu-snu last night. But I was so exhausted, I fell asleep.

SnowMongoose SuperDork
9/24/16 1:27 p.m.

Left today's autocross before the halfway point.
Three dirty and slow runs in a row meant time to go.
Then stalled it leaving the parking lot.
Registered for another tomorrow, plan on seeing how drunk I can get without needing medical attention instead.
Super glad that I have invested 30k (including the car) into a hobby that I'm berkeleying garbage at.
Then again, I don't have anything better to spend it on, can't even be that mad about it.

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
9/24/16 3:43 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: Almost got snu-snu last night. But I was so exhausted, I fell asleep.

I am not sure what this is code for but I can guess it's for Bob Costas.

GameboyRMH MegaDork
9/25/16 11:36 a.m.
SnowMongoose wrote: Left today's autocross before the halfway point. Three dirty and slow runs in a row meant time to go. Then stalled it leaving the parking lot. Registered for another tomorrow, plan on seeing how drunk I can get without needing medical attention instead. Super glad that I have invested 30k (including the car) into a hobby that I'm berkeleying garbage at. Then again, I don't have anything better to spend it on, can't even be that mad about it.

You just need practice. How many minutes do you think it would it take you to get good at a videogame and how many minutes have you spent autocrossing? I was DFL plenty of times at first, and I already had a bit of track experience at that point.

If you're bringing a track driving style to autocross, you'd do well with the advice I wish I could go back in time and give myself, "drive like a meth-head running from the cops."

GameboyRMH MegaDork
9/25/16 11:50 a.m.
Datsun310Guy wrote:
Appleseed wrote: Almost got snu-snu last night. But I was so exhausted, I fell asleep.
I am not sure what this is code for but I can guess it's for Bob Costas.

Knurled MegaDork
9/25/16 12:00 p.m.

In reply to GameboyRMH:

Thank you for your service in providing vital cultural reference.

(I never thought this would be how I died. But I always hoped!)

KyAllroad UberDork
9/25/16 3:33 p.m.

Parked my 22 year old Ford Ranger at the truck rental place yesterday so I could pick up the big honking diesel we need to pull the club autocross trailer. I make sure to remove everything from said truck so it won't be enticing to thieves. Get back there today after auto crossing poorly to find the back window smashed in and the $99 Sony stereo ripped out and the ashtray change stolen. berkeleying thieving bastards.

Oh, and it's a truck with liability insurance only cause who would steal a '94?

I berkeleying HATE thieves.

wearymicrobe UltraDork
9/25/16 4:56 p.m.

Delete Just needed to vent. Crappy crappy week

mtn MegaDork
9/25/16 6:21 p.m.

I still don't understand why you don't quit.

mad_machine MegaDork
9/25/16 8:42 p.m.

it is amazing how one small woman.. maybe five foot nothing and 90 pounds, when walking and being completely immersed with her phone.. can be impossible to get by in a commercial sized hallway

Duke MegaDork
9/26/16 7:59 a.m.
mtn wrote: I still don't understand why you don't quit.

If I had that kind of money and I loved my job I'd probably still retire.

Huckleberry MegaDork
9/26/16 8:04 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
warpedredneck wrote:
Wall-e wrote:
Datsun310Guy wrote: In reply to BrokenYugo: Wack it hard with a baseball bat.
Tell the neighbor kids it's a pinyata. Please video.
tell them its a pinyata that releases pokiman when hit with a stick


Huckleberry MegaDork
9/26/16 8:06 a.m.

It's 9:05 on Monday. I'm only at my desk for 2.5hrs so far and already I feel like I'm clawing at the lid of my coffin as it's being lowered into the ground.

Duke MegaDork
9/26/16 8:09 a.m.
SnowMongoose wrote: Left today's autocross before the halfway point. Three dirty and slow runs in a row meant time to go. Then stalled it leaving the parking lot. Registered for another tomorrow, plan on seeing how drunk I can get without needing medical attention instead. Super glad that I have invested 30k (including the car) into a hobby that I'm berkeleying garbage at. Then again, I don't have anything better to spend it on, can't even be that mad about it.

I know nothing about your personality, but I suggest you start looking at it as "this is a day spent with cool cars and fun people" and stop looking at it as "OMG I'm not standing around a parking lot all day just to lose". It's fun to win but the real competition is yourself. Don't worry about what other people are doing, just drive. Take a few breaths before the flag, wiggle your fingers to loosen the death grip on the steering wheel, and just focus on one part of the course at a time.

At our last event, one of our hot shoes who drives an STR Miata hopped in my SSM Miata, having never driven it before ever, and took a second off my morning session times in his first and only run in my car... and he had a passenger. I had to laugh about it, but I pushed harder and got down there in my afternoon runs.

Don't beat yourself to death about it. If it's not fun, grinding away at it won't make you any faster. But if you quit beating yourself up and let it be fun, you'll get faster without trying so hard.

KyAllroad UberDork
9/26/16 8:30 a.m.

New glass for the truck is $50.

Buddy is installing new stereo gratis.

Dryer quit heating last night, ordered element from Amazon for $50. Wet clothes strung up all over the house.

All could be worse, still annoying but not catastrophic.

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