Jumper K. Balls
Jumper K. Balls UberDork
10/6/16 3:27 p.m.

I still hate the "features" drop down menu.

mad_machine MegaDork
10/6/16 3:59 p.m.

a rant of my own making. I was working on my boat today for the first time in weeks. I am trying to get the cockpit closed up before winter. I cut a piece of plywood out to fit under the port Side seat (left to you landlubbers) and used a lot of epoxy and filler to coat it to a peanut butter consistency so it would stick and fill any imperfections as it dried.. and then discovered that I had not yet ground out the factory supports under the seats.

While epoxy takes some hours to harden, I still had to hurry up and get under there and grind the stupid things out and any remaining paint before I could clamp the epoxy coated plywood into place. I was not looking to get totally covered in glassfibre dust today..

JamesMcD Dork
10/6/16 5:38 p.m.
Dusterbd13 wrote: These are not brand new infinity reference speakers, Mr ebay seller. They are not infinity speakers at all. They aren't even aftermarket. They are blown factory speakers put into infinity reference boxes and taped up and sold as brand new. Now, if you would be so kind, REFUND MY berkeleyING MONEY. thanks. Bye Felicia.

Most likely some asshat swapped out the speakers and returned them to the store, the store donated them to GW, a reseller bought them from GW for $6, but didn't check them, and now he's afraid that you're the one who's doing the switcheroo.

daeman HalfDork
10/6/16 10:33 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote: That's almost as bad as the "If you want to destroy my sweater, just hold this string as I walk away" song.

Hey Lady, back off Rivers Cuomo . He's genius. Now I need to listen to some Weezer.

daeman HalfDork
10/6/16 11:13 p.m.

A big berkeley you to globalisation! Different regions and countries having different things is what makes the World interesting. But nooo, that's not conducive to massive profits and the ability to churn out average quality crap en masse...

This is why we can't have nice things.

Dusterbd13 PowerDork
10/7/16 7:09 a.m.

Munchkin got sick at the fair last night. Still sick today. Hate seeing her like this.

Appleseed MegaDork
10/7/16 8:30 a.m.

Our store's HVAC is controled by the home office in the South. Listen you southern E36 M3s, I know you put on your winter coats when it drops below 75, but turn off the goddamn heat. We play hockey in shorts.

tuna55 MegaDork
10/7/16 8:34 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: Our store's HVAC is controled by the home office in the South. Listen you southern E36 M3s, I know you put on your winter coats when it drops below 75, but turn off the goddamn heat. We play hockey in shorts.

I love the South. I despise their reliance on HVAC systems. 80 and above and the AC is blowing like mad, 70 and below and the heat is blowing like mad.

tuna55 MegaDork
10/7/16 9:08 a.m.

I really hate the icky vibrate-y feeling you get after using the sawzall for too long.

mtn MegaDork
10/7/16 9:11 a.m.

I've known exactly what car I wanted twice in my life. Two times out of 7 cars. Now I'm looking for a car again. I thought for sure that I wanted a Miata and a truck. Then I thought, a Subaru. Now I'm thinking a 3 series convertible. And last night I found myself looking at Corvairs. As a daily driver year round. In Chicago.

I really, really wish I knew what I wanted.

mtn MegaDork
10/7/16 9:14 a.m.

Oh, related rant: Mazda, why couldn't you have put a reliable engine in the RX8?

GameboyRMH MegaDork
10/7/16 9:38 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: Our store's HVAC is controled by the home office in the South. Listen you southern E36 M3s, I know you put on your winter coats when it drops below 75, but turn off the goddamn heat. We play hockey in shorts.

Do they actually have the heat on or just the AC off? More likely it's an attempt to save on cooling costs when it's warm out...otherwise they're really shooting themselves in the foot.

That stuff about the winter coats is no joke though. People in my office put them on if the temp falls to like 24C. To me that's still warm.

KyAllroad UberDork
10/7/16 10:00 a.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Appleseed wrote: Our store's HVAC is controled by the home office in the South. Listen you southern E36 M3s, I know you put on your winter coats when it drops below 75, but turn off the goddamn heat. We play hockey in shorts.
Do they actually have the heat on or just the AC off? More likely it's an attempt to save on cooling costs when it's warm out...otherwise they're really shooting themselves in the foot. That stuff about the winter coats is no joke though. People in my office put them on if the temp falls to like 24C. To me that's still warm.

I like to think I'm a well rounded individual who isn't overly parochial. But I'm 45 and am finally giving up and admitting defeat on Celsius. Is 24C where water turns to steam? Is it 24 degrees above absolute zero? I assume it's somewhere in between but really have no idea and at this point, never will.

mtn MegaDork
10/7/16 10:09 a.m.
KyAllroad wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
Appleseed wrote: Our store's HVAC is controled by the home office in the South. Listen you southern E36 M3s, I know you put on your winter coats when it drops below 75, but turn off the goddamn heat. We play hockey in shorts.
Do they actually have the heat on or just the AC off? More likely it's an attempt to save on cooling costs when it's warm out...otherwise they're really shooting themselves in the foot. That stuff about the winter coats is no joke though. People in my office put them on if the temp falls to like 24C. To me that's still warm.
I like to think I'm a well rounded individual who isn't overly parochial. But I'm 45 and am finally giving up and admitting defeat on Celsius. Is 24C where water turns to steam? Is it 24 degrees above absolute zero? I assume it's somewhere in between but really have no idea and at this point, never will.

0=water freezes
100=water boils



Most of those are approximate. 24c is 75f.

Huckleberry MegaDork
10/7/16 10:13 a.m.
tuna55 wrote: I really hate the icky vibrate-y feeling you get after using the sawzall for too long.

The one you get from a day with a rental jackhammer is terrible. It's like the first few steps you take after getting off roller skates. Except it's in your arms. And it lasts all day the next day.

The_Jed PowerDork
10/7/16 10:46 a.m.
mtn wrote: I've known exactly what car I wanted twice in my life. Two times out of 7 cars. Now I'm looking for a car again. I thought for sure that I wanted a Miata and a truck. Then I thought, a Subaru. Now I'm thinking a 3 series convertible. And last night I found myself looking at Corvairs. As a daily driver year round. In Chicago. I really, really wish I knew what I wanted.

I'm right there with you, especially with the truck and Miata thing. That would seem to cover all of my needs and wants. At the same time I would also have to unload two perfectly functional yet worthless vehicles while acquiring said truck and Miata. A beat up '99 Crown Vic with vague steering, HVAC blend door stuck on heat, 142,000 miles, and a floppy suspension. Also there's a '98 Impreza Outback Sport with 220,000 miles, worn out engine and transmission mounts and severe clutch chatter.

If I hadn't lost all motivation for working on cars I might fix them. They still go down the road though, so berkeley it.

KyAllroad UberDork
10/7/16 12:07 p.m.
The_Jed wrote:
mtn wrote: I've known exactly what car I wanted twice in my life. Two times out of 7 cars. Now I'm looking for a car again. I thought for sure that I wanted a Miata and a truck. Then I thought, a Subaru. Now I'm thinking a 3 series convertible. And last night I found myself looking at Corvairs. As a daily driver year round. In Chicago. I really, really wish I knew what I wanted.
I'm right there with you, especially with the truck and Miata thing. That would seem to cover all of my needs and wants. At the same time I would also have to unload two perfectly functional yet worthless vehicles while acquiring said truck and Miata. A beat up '99 Crown Vic with vague steering, HVAC blend door stuck on heat, 142,000 miles, and a floppy suspension. Also there's a '98 Impreza Outback Sport with 220,000 miles, worn out engine and transmission mounts and severe clutch chatter. If I hadn't lost all motivation for working on cars I might fix them. They still go down the road though, so berkeley it.

I have a Miata. And a truck. And a Suburban. And an actual nice car, the Passat. And now the beater Altima with the high miles and worn motor mounts/clutch chatter/etc for teenager use.

And I still want more cars...... not badly mind you but the desire to collect them all is there.

mtn MegaDork
10/7/16 12:13 p.m.
KyAllroad wrote:
The_Jed wrote:
mtn wrote: I've known exactly what car I wanted twice in my life. Two times out of 7 cars. Now I'm looking for a car again. I thought for sure that I wanted a Miata and a truck. Then I thought, a Subaru. Now I'm thinking a 3 series convertible. And last night I found myself looking at Corvairs. As a daily driver year round. In Chicago. I really, really wish I knew what I wanted.
I'm right there with you, especially with the truck and Miata thing. That would seem to cover all of my needs and wants. At the same time I would also have to unload two perfectly functional yet worthless vehicles while acquiring said truck and Miata. A beat up '99 Crown Vic with vague steering, HVAC blend door stuck on heat, 142,000 miles, and a floppy suspension. Also there's a '98 Impreza Outback Sport with 220,000 miles, worn out engine and transmission mounts and severe clutch chatter. If I hadn't lost all motivation for working on cars I might fix them. They still go down the road though, so berkeley it.
I have a Miata. And a truck. And a Suburban. And an actual nice car, the Passat. And now the beater Altima with the high miles and worn motor mounts/clutch chatter/etc for teenager use. And I still want more cars...... not badly mind you but the desire to collect them all is there.

See, the thing for me is that I don't have much money for this. I could buy a new/newer car and get financing, or I could buy a used car for very cheap--figure about $4000 max. So that brings the dilemma of 2 beaters, 1 nice car, or 1 beater with a whole lot in the bank for upgrades/repairs? And, I just don't drive much. Basically only to ice rinks; I drive my MIL's car to work. Eventually I'll drive in the winter and the rain to the train station, but even then I'd be biking most of the year.

So I go look for a new car. Only one out right now that I really want is the 124. What the hell Fiat? Only white, black, grey, or that dark burgundy? Where are the blues, the greens, the bright reds? The yellows and oranges??? I don't get it.

Ranger50 UltimaDork
10/7/16 12:25 p.m.

I'm past stressed. I have zero tolerance and patience for anything. I need a break.

KyAllroad UberDork
10/7/16 12:25 p.m.

In reply to mtn: Yeah, that's why mine are mostly beater priced. My commute is less than 5 miles each way (just not bike friendly roads). The Miata is cheap (1997) on it's way to a CSP build and really only driven a very little bit. The '94 Ranger was free (inherited) so it does what it needs to do in a trucklike manner. The Suburban is a '99 tank for hauling all the kids every other weekend and family trips. If I ever get a car trailer it will haul the Miata to track days. The Passat is the only payment and when it's paid off (20 months left) I plan to stay payment free for at least two more years.

As they said on Top Gear, an expensive convertible is pointless. Get the one you enjoy driving. Find a turbo NA/NB for 4-5 grand and call it a day.

EvanR SuperDork
10/7/16 7:05 p.m.

E-commerce websites that won't tell you the shipping cost until you fill in all your information just plain blow goats. You know what's in my cart - just let me plug in my ZIP code and tell me what the shipping options are and the costs.

If you want me to give you all of my personal information before you give me shipping costs, I will abandon that full "cart" 10 times out of 10 and shop elsewhere.

EvanR SuperDork
10/7/16 7:28 p.m.

Oh, another one. Kids selling stuff for school.

I don't have kids, so maybe I'm way off base, but...

You tell your kids not to talk to strangers or get in "free candy" vans.

Yet somehow it's okay to tell them to knock on random strangers' doors and offer THEM candy in exchange for money??

I don't get it.

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
10/7/16 7:46 p.m.
tuna55 wrote: I really hate the icky vibrate-y feeling you get after using the sawzall for too long.

For me, its the tickly feeling in the nose from hairs vibrating around tickling stuff. I look like a jonesing cokehead when I use a reciprocating saw.

Knurled MegaDork
10/7/16 8:04 p.m.
tuna55 wrote: I really hate the icky vibrate-y feeling you get after using the sawzall for too long.

UGH. Did a bunch of this today. I know those feels.

Worst case:

Both framerail bottoms on a Wrangler, in August (IIRC), wearing a Cintas jacket to keep the metal shavings off of my arms. Went through many a blade, framerail steel is tough stuff. Arms were dull red and had that numb/tingly/oversensitive sensation for hours. Well maybe a half hour, but that's hours in dog years if that carries any weight)

(Today, I built framerail patches for a Tundra, because it was exempted from the frame recall for some reason or another. 12x8 strip on one side and 24x8 on the other)

mad_machine MegaDork
10/7/16 8:58 p.m.
mtn wrote:
KyAllroad wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
Appleseed wrote: Our store's HVAC is controled by the home office in the South. Listen you southern E36 M3s, I know you put on your winter coats when it drops below 75, but turn off the goddamn heat. We play hockey in shorts.
Do they actually have the heat on or just the AC off? More likely it's an attempt to save on cooling costs when it's warm out...otherwise they're really shooting themselves in the foot. That stuff about the winter coats is no joke though. People in my office put them on if the temp falls to like 24C. To me that's still warm.
I like to think I'm a well rounded individual who isn't overly parochial. But I'm 45 and am finally giving up and admitting defeat on Celsius. Is 24C where water turns to steam? Is it 24 degrees above absolute zero? I assume it's somewhere in between but really have no idea and at this point, never will.
0=water freezes 100=water boils 10c=50f 15c=60f 20c=70f 30c=85f 35c=90f 40c=105f Most of those are approximate. 24c is 75f.

-40 is -40 in either measurement.

And I know how you feel about heating and cooling. When I worked at Harrahs Atlantic City, the HVAC was controlled from HQ somewhere out in vegas. In the middle of summer, it was 55 freaking degrees in the theater, but 100 outside. I came down with nasty colds and/or pneumonia every summer

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