As previously seen in another where to vacation post, Vegas and Ft. Lauderdale didn't go over too well. I threw out Montreal and mrs. DX liked the idea of taking the train up. I've been there before and found some cool things to see. I know it would be mid winter up there but how bad is the weather in the first week of January?
arctic cold fronts only have a few hundred kilometres to travel, something to consider.
I think this event where they truck in snow from elsewhere and make a snowpark out of the city streets is unfortunately in december... But seems like a cool place to be in the winter since I bet they do winter right.

I know they have a Winter Festival and an Igloo Festival too.
10/14/15 11:02 a.m.
It is on my bucket list to see a Canadiens home game.
I checked their schedule and they are on the road the entire week of when we might go up. 
Went there in February once, the temps were around -5~-12C. The locals said it was warming up! Winter clothes weren't on sale anymore (my gloves weren't up to it).
My boss said he saw a girl in a skirt just before we left.
I went there once for New Year's Eve. If you're staying right in town there's a metro train system and you can get around on that pretty well without having to go outdoors.,_Montreal
10/14/15 11:17 a.m.
Weather is pretty horrible for the entire month of January. You would be lucky if it goes above 0 f in January. And nothing happens the first week of January because everyone is nursing their holidays hangover.
Heck if I could, I wouldn't stay here on the first week of January.
10/14/15 12:15 p.m.
I have a nephew who is marrying his Canadian fiancée in Quebec City in January. For a guy who has spent every winter since 1980 below the Mason-Dixon line, this thread doesn't offer much solace for one who hates cold weather.
10/14/15 12:43 p.m.
Come on guys, Montreal is a great city and while cold and snowy for sure (I was there 2 winters ago Christmas; 30cm of snow, -25C and will be there this year) it is one of the worlds great cities. Get a hotel downtown and take transit everywhere. The food is fantastic (Joe Beef, Liverpool house, Schwatz's) and there is a ton to do. Go to Mt Royal park and sled/X country ski and embrace the cold.
Don't be a cold weather wimp 
My daughters french class had a field trip to Montreal last January and it was going to cost $750. I said no way. She was pissed, but got over it when she learned how miserable all her friends that went were. Daytime highs were below zero the whole weekend. A couple of weeks later, we woke up after one of our many blizzards and it was minus 15F outside. Coldest I've ever seen, so I dragged her butt out of bed and sent her outside to play. She didn't even last 30 minutes, but her little sister stayed out there for 3 hours building a snow fort. Every once in a while, as a parent, I feel the need to prove daddy knows best. You want to go to Montreal in the middle of winter, here you go!
I'd rather be in Montreal in the middle of winter than the middle of summer. The city is ready for cold weather. Cold isn't such a terrible thing, you just have to dress for it. And it adds to the experience!
Looks like highs in the low 20s(F), lows in the single digits. Wool socks, thermal underwear on the bottom half, maybe the top. Lots of layers(3-4), have a good hat that covers your ears, carry gloves.
In reply to Kenny_McCormic:
Wear gloves....carry snowmobile mitts. 
I grew up in rural Quebec.