For a couple years my stove has been great. Now it's smoking bad when I open th door to add wood. I recently cleaned the chimney, then recleaned it tonight. Now I'm even getting smoke coming out of the point where the single wall ties in with the triple wall chimney at the ceiling. Any ideas?
How tight is the house ? is there something like a clothes dryer running creating a negative pressure ? check that by opening a window where the woodstove is just a crack....
Maybe shut it down and do a visual inspection in daylight ? did you run the brush all the way top to bottom ?
Don't get deaded !!
Restriction? Please explain triple wall. Creosote will drop into a 90 after cleaning.
TRoglodyte wrote:
Restriction? Please explain triple wall. Creosote will drop into a 90 after cleaning.
Time for a flashlight and a mirror on a stick (or daylight & the mirror)
Let the stove cool then shopvac. Triplewall steel? Masonry or Tin? Damper?
This is Grassroots !! put on a pair of gloves and start taking the berkeleyer apart !! Way back when to clean the "stack" you pop the 1st section of brush through a trash bag, one person holds the bag to the pipe, and 2nd person runs the brush up adding sections til the top is reached. Fairly quick & especially efficient as far as being clean !
If there is a 90 deg in there to dodge then a ladder makes for a real adventure....
1/15/11 10:16 p.m.
TRoglodyte wrote:
Restriction? Please explain triple wall. Creosote will drop into a 90 after cleaning.
triple wall stainless chimney pipe - the good stuff that does not burn your house down. you run your typical black pipe to a junction plate that connects it to the triple wall then you can run that in relatively close quarters to combustibles and up/out.
what kind of stove?
patgizz wrote:
TRoglodyte wrote:
Restriction? Please explain triple wall. Creosote will drop into a 90 after cleaning.
triple wall stainless chimney pipe - the good stuff that does not burn your house down. you run your typical black pipe to a junction plate that connects it to the triple wall then you can run that in relatively close quarters to combustibles and up/out.
what kind of stove?
Lopi stove. I figured it out! My chimney cap has a screen, and that was plugged with fly ash! When I brushed out the chimney everything looked good, but I didn't realize the cap was loaded up. We are in business now! Thanks for the help guys.
Sorry I'm late. I was going to mention the cap. I have to do mine regularly or it will behave as your's did. Mine loads up with creosote.
I have the whole cleaning process down to about an hour now. Ladder out, cap off, swirl a stick down the flue, knock all the creosote off the cap with an icepick, reach up the flue at the stove with my gloved hand and pull the creosote out, clean all the creosote out of the stove, cap back on, ladder back in the garage. I just do it all myself now after the half-assed job the last chimney sweep I hired did.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Sorry I'm late. I was going to mention the cap. I have to do mine regularly or it will behave as your's did. Mine loads up with creosote.
I have the whole cleaning process down to about an hour now. Ladder out, cap off, swirl a stick down the flue, knock all the creosote off the cap with an icepick, reach up the flue at the stove with my gloved hand and pull the creosote out, clean all the creosote out of the stove, cap back on, ladder back in the garage. I just do it all myself now after the half-assed job the last chimney sweep I hired did.
Thanks Hess, I was hopeing you would see this. After your last post when I had questions your word has been gospel at my house when it comes to woodstoves!
Now I know why I appreciate my gas furnace.
Lately around here there has been a lot of talk about regulating the wood burning outdoor boilers.
Doesn't a wood Stove emit the same stuff out the chimney ?
Regulating wood stoves. Boy, wouldn't that open up a whole can of worms 
Im tardy to the party but check the spark arrestor on the cap. Oftimes they will be plugged with buildup.