I am now joining "The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster... 
BBC said:
An Austrian atheist has won the right to be shown on his driving-licence photo wearing a pasta strainer as "religious headgear".
Niko Alm first applied for the licence three years ago after reading that headgear was allowed in official pictures only for confessional reasons.
Mr Alm said the sieve was a requirement of his religion, pastafarianism.
The Austrian authorities required him to obtain a doctor's certificate that he was "psychologically fit" to drive.
The idea came into Mr Alm's noodle three years ago as a way of making a serious, if ironic, point.
A self-confessed atheist, Mr Alm says he belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a light-hearted faith whose members call themselves pastafarians.
A medical interview established the self-styled 'pastafarian' was mentally fit to drive
The group's website states that "the only dogma allowed in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the rejection of dogma".
In response to pressure for American schools to teach the Christian theory known as intelligent design, as an alternative to natural selection, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster wrote to the Kansas School Board asking for the pastafarian version of intelligent design to be taught to schoolchildren, as an alternative to the Christian theory.
Straining credulity
In the same spirit, Mr Alm's pastafarian-style application for a driving licence was a response to the Austrian recognition of confessional headgear in official photographs.
The licence took three years to come through and, according to Mr Alm, he was asked to submit to a medical interview to check on his mental fitness to drive but - straining credulity - his efforts have finally paid off.
It is the police who issue driving licences in Austria, and they have duly issued a laminated card showing Mr Alm in his unorthodox item of religious headgear.
The next step, Mr Alm told the Austrian news agency APA, is to apply to the Austrian authorities for pastafarianism to become an officially recognised faith

7/13/11 11:16 a.m.
Score one for the little guy!
7/13/11 11:17 a.m.
I never even knew that I was a Pastafarian.
I have been touched His noodley appendage .....
7/13/11 11:27 a.m.
That is badass.
(How long do you predict it will be before this thread turns into a religious flounder?)
7/13/11 11:32 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
I have been touched by His noodley appendage .....
The Pope has been trying to cover that up for years...
7/13/11 11:42 a.m.
Further proof that atheists are just as annoying as thumpers.
7/13/11 11:44 a.m.
Salanis wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Further proof that atheists are just as annoying as thumpers.
It's called a Prank.
As if all pranks are funny?
oldsaw wrote:
Salanis wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Further proof that atheists are just as annoying as thumpers.
It's called a Prank.
As if all pranks are funny?
Not as annoying as complaining about how annoying it is.
"Lighten up, Francis."
7/13/11 11:52 a.m.
oldsaw wrote:
Further proof that atheists are just as annoying as thumpers.
Why? Because we like to point out silly things so they get thought about a little harder instead of just being accepted as, ummm, gospel?
BTW, the Austrian guy is hilarious. I wonder if he follows the Alfredo sect or if he is a Marinarian?
7/13/11 11:53 a.m.
Salanis wrote:
(How long do you predict it will be before this thread turns into a religious flounder?)
Wow. That really didn't take long.
oldsaw wrote:
Further proof that atheists are just as annoying as thumpers.
Why exactly are you annoyed by a man wearing a strainer on his head?
7/13/11 12:10 p.m.
BBC said:
In the same spirit, Mr Alm's pastafarian-style application for a driving licence was a response to the Austrian recognition of confessional headgear in official photographs.
The licence took three years to come through and, according to Mr Alm, he was asked to submit to a medical interview to check on his mental fitness to drive but - straining credulity - his efforts have finally paid off.
What they should have done is asked him to provide photographic proof that it was indeed confessional headgear that his faith required him to wear regularly. Say, pictures documenting him wearing the headgear while going about daily tasks (shopping, eating, ordering coffee, sitting at his desk at work), and he would have to wear it for his entire DMV (or whatever they have there) visit, not just while the photo was taken.
oldsaw wrote:
Further proof that atheists are just as annoying as thumpers.
Well, first of all, not all religious people are "thumpers", so it is inappropriate to imply that all atheists are the equivalent of "thumpers". (perhaps you meant to use the word "some")
Actually, I am pretty sure his point is to highlight how annoying / silly some "thumpers" can be to other people in a way that "thumpers" would be able to understand.
The first of the Thunderbirds has plowed into the ground, I suggest we all haul back on the collective stick and try to keep this plane out of the mud.
I give the guy props, I had no idea the FSM thing was that big world wide. Anytime you can shake things up a little and make people wonder WTF, it's a good day.
Rastafarians smoke weed, Pastafarians eat noodles and sauce, and all Catholics get are those dry little wafers. I mean, how hard is it to throw some dip up there are the altar? Perhaps a cheese log or something. I think this guy is onto something...if you want people to join your religion, you have to market it and have a hook. Bravo.
7/13/11 12:25 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
Actually, I am pretty sure his point is to highlight how annoying / silly some "thumpers" can be to other people in a way that "thumpers" would be able to understand.
I think he's more likely making fun of what society will let people get away with on the grounds of "religion".
pinchvalve wrote:
Rastafarians smoke weed, Pastafarians eat noodles and sauce, and all Catholics get are those dry little wafers. I mean, how hard is it to throw some dip up there are the altar? Perhaps a cheese log or something. I think this guy is onto something...if you want people to join your religion, you have to market it and have a hook. Bravo.
I would like a little bit of Parmesan please... 
7/13/11 12:44 p.m.
In regards to this thread and the board (in particular), it seems the atheists start throwing stuff around far more than those who adhere to any particular faith.
That's just an observation from one who doesn't subscribe to either of the above afflicitons.
oldsaw wrote:
Further proof that atheists are just as annoying as thumpers.
As the owner and rider of a large bore single cylinder motorcycle, I am highly offended by your derogatory use of the term 'thumpers'. 
oldsaw wrote:
In regards to this thread and the board (in particular), it seems the atheists start throwing stuff around far more than those who adhere to any particular faith.
That's just an observation from one who doesn't subscribe to either of the above afflicitons.
Thank you. It seems a fairly large percentage of members here delight in the unprovoked bashing of anything religious. Interesting that the atheists here are so fervent about their "religion" that they want to cram it down everyone else's throats. I hope they can see the irony.
and what "thumpers" wear head gear in public?
damn i'm funny.