I'm an advocate for moving over when there are any vehicles on the shoulder, whether its police car, tow truck, or guy changing his tire.
This 18 y.o. kid who worked for his families towing company got hit by a car helping a stranded motorist. Apparently Missouri's pull over law applies to vehicles with red or blue lights, not amber, but yet tow truck drivers are still covered by the law. Another person doing their job on the side of the road got killed because someone couldn't be bothered to slow down or move over.
So anyways, in his honor, 200 tow trucks drove from the funeral home to his final resting place. It was quite impressive.
Here's video of the caravan (starts at the 1:50 mark):
I believe NYS now has a move over law for any emergency vehicle, including tow trucks.
9/4/12 5:18 p.m.
It bothers me that we have to have laws on stuff like this because people are vajajays.
Vajajays have nothing to do with not moving over.
I am one of the few people who do actually move over for shoulder stuff and I even give the peeps behind me a heads up with my emergency flashers. It doesn't matter they are probably too busy texting to notice.
I notice that most Semi trucks move over, but there's always some douche in a car or SUV that doesn't like that and jumps over into the right lane to get around the trucks.
I move over for stuff on the shoulder and also move to the inside lane when there's an entrance ramp coming up. It's not a race, I'd rather they get safely into traffic.
9/4/12 5:52 p.m.
Big old softy here had a hard time watching that parade of trucks. How bad is it to die so young while trying to help somebody.
iceracer wrote:
I believe NYS now has a move over law for any emergency vehicle, including tow trucks.
We have the roadside help vehicles called HERO Units that stop and help people change tires and stuff like that. After a few of these guys got hit by motorist not moving over, they put a move over law in place in 2011 for any amber lights as well from what I understand.
most recent HERO death

cwh wrote:
Big old softy here had a hard time watching that parade of trucks. How bad is it to die so young while trying to help somebody.
I was so angry about the bad comment someone left that I actually left a comment of my own. Some of the stories the EV folks at the track (at Rd. Atl., most EV crew are professional tow drivers) tell about working on the street are seriously scary. Like most people involved in racing, they say they feel safer at the racetrack.
we have that law now here in NJ... the other day I actually broke it. I was following an SUV with heavily tinted windows and did not see the police car on the shoulder until I was right next to it.
Just one more reason to hate SUVs
I drove 300 miles on the Interstate today, going to and from a business meeting. There were three or four stalled cars on the side of the road at various locations, and I was happy to see that everyone around me pulled over to the next lane as we passed. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen.
mad_machine wrote:
we have that law now here in NJ... the other day I actually broke it. I was following an SUV with heavily tinted windows and did not see the police car on the shoulder until I was right next to it.
Just one more reason to hate SUVs
Similar problem in Atlanta Metro. Often, the other lane is so full you can't move over. I lift, lucky for me I haven't been rear-ended yet.
mad_machine wrote:
we have that law now here in NJ... the other day I actually broke it. I was following an SUV with heavily tinted windows and did not see the police car on the shoulder until I was right next to it.
Just one more reason to hate SUVs
Wouldn't that just be a reason to not follow so closely that you can't see around the vehicle in front of you? Unless, of course, in typical SUV fashion, they had just cut you off with no signal.
No flame intended.
need to be in NJ... packing them in tight on the roads is an understatement.. but in my defense, it was also on a slight curve.. so from my viewpoint, the police car was completely blocked from a much further distance away than I would ordinarly be able to see
Yeah, we pack 'em in like sardines here too. All of our roads are at least 10 years behind the demand in flow design. Glad that no one was hurt at least. I bet at least five people behind you never even saw the police lights at all.
Be safe out there, you never know what you're gonna get. 
9/4/12 9:04 p.m.
I have lost a couple friends like that just because some people are too stupid to pay a little attention to the world around them.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
I notice that most Semi trucks move over, but there's always some douche in a car or SUV that doesn't like that and jumps over into the right lane to get around the trucks.
And I can't tell you how much that pisses me off.
It's hard enought to see down the right side of the big truck. When these "people " choose to pass on the right because I gave a vehicle on the shoulder a bit of safety room, it makes me want to run th off the road.
stuart in mn wrote:
I drove 300 miles on the Interstate today, going to and from a business meeting. There were three or four stalled cars on the side of the road at various locations, and I was happy to see that everyone around me pulled over to the next lane as we passed. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen.
I always move over, if not for safety than just to give them room in case they are waiting for an opening to get back on the road.
Every now and then, maybe one in six-seven times, some clue-free idiot passes me on the right after I move, more often than not passing right as we go by the car on the side of the road.
Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
How about prosecuting some of these imbeciles and starting to make people pay attention? It seems anymore that "I was distracted" is a valid excuse for murder? Seems that if you're behind of the wheel of a car just about nothing you do will come of real consequence in this country. Hit and kill a pedestrian, cyclist, tow truck driver? Oh well, "it was an accident."
BS. If you aren't responsible enough to pay attention, you aren't responsible enough to drive, ever. We just tolerate this stuff because in this country it's an accepted risk that a certain number of people will be killed by distracted drivers. If you're one of the unfortunate ones, sux to be you.
One of my wife's colleagues is in the ICU because of this right now. It's not right.
We should at least be allowed to shoot them with bright neon pink paint balls, so that other drivers can see them coming.
It's a stress reliever too, so win-win.
The story in the first post is local news for me. Crummy deal.
I pulled over a few miles north and three days before his accident to check safety chains on a trailer and had to wait 5 minutes (not exaggerating) before enough people moved to the left lane for me to get back to my driver's door. Hazards on, standing in the grass by the vehicle, and less than 10% of the drivers would move into the open spaces to their left. The only cars that consistently moved over were other trucks with trailers. They got a friendly wave from me.
To the OP:
Who you callin' "people"??