A bit of the backstory first. Both of my sons are football players, and have been for several years. They are ages 12 and 9 (7th grade and 4th grade). When we sign the kids up, in addition to all the money we pay, we have to agree to volunteer to work at some of the home games. You must volunteer 10 hours per kid, so we have 20 hours to do. It can be concession stand, ticket booth, chain gang on the field, etc...
For my younger sons' first home game, an announcement came over the loudspeaker that they didn't have anyone signed up to do the stadium announcing. Everyone sat on their hands and looked around. Fine. Figured it might be fun, and my wife was up there anyway volunteering to work the scoreboard. Turns out I had fun. It's a great view, I can see the game so much better. A lot of parents commented how great my voice was for announcing. So since then, I've done the other home games for my younger sons' team, their homecoming event and a few games for other teams. It's been great...something I enjoy, great view of my kids' game, gets my volunteer hours done. Win/win situation all around. Last home game is this Saturday.
Part of announcing duties is I have control of the music that's played during halftime, between plays, time outs, etc... Certainly there are no "expectations" or demands made. Some people who volunteer to announce don't do anything at all. But I want to get into the spirit and have fun. However, I'm an old, 100% unhip kind of guy. Don't listen to a ton of music anymore, mostly listen to sports talk radio. My wife listens to modern contemporary music (stuff they play on "The Blend" or "The Pulse" on XM radio), so I'm familiar with that stuff, but most of it isn't football stadium music. Give me some ideas. Keep in mind, the audience is 9 year old boys and girls (cheerleaders) and their parents, so it obviously has to be "clean". Stuff I've done so far:
Chicago Bulls theme song - forget the artist
Uprising - Muse
Who Let the Dogs Out - Baja boys
Let's Get Ready to Rumble - Michael Buffer (not a song, but played the sound bite)
Sandstorm - Darude
Rocky Theme song
Hall of Fame - The Script
Welcome to the Jungle - GnR
Walk This Way - Aerosmith/Run DMC
Here Comes the Boom - DMX (my 12 year old suggested same)
Party Rock - LMFAO
Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars