slefain Dork
8/13/08 9:23 a.m.

My friend Chris is the lead singer/guitarist for the band Branded With Fear here in Atlanta. They've been busting their butt for 2 years, starting out as a cover band in north Georgia. Now they are getting airplay on Project 9-6-1 and 99X in Atlanta. Last Sunday they opened for Angie Aparo at Rock 100.5's Unplugged in the Park. If you like hard rock and metal, give them a listen and maybe come out to a show. They've come a long way and I'm damn proud of them.

Type Q
Type Q Reader
8/13/08 1:30 p.m.

Is this some kind canoe festival they are playing at?

Josh Reader
8/13/08 1:40 p.m.

Um, slefain's been around here for a long time, so I think this is pretty sincere.

slefain Dork
8/13/08 2:37 p.m.

Slefain: Board posts: 1110 (Let's see 'em) Registered: 2004-10-18

You caught me Type Q, it's been my nefarious plan for the last 4 years and 1110 posts to finally be able to push my friend's band under the radar. I'm caught red handed.

Maybe this is why I'm not making any money pushing low level rock bands, viagra and pR0n, my approach is too methodical......

Type Q
Type Q Reader
8/13/08 3:41 p.m.
slefain wrote: You caught me Type Q, it's been my nefarious plan for the last 4 years and 1110 posts to finally be able to push my friend's band under the radar. I'm caught red handed.

Ah ha! I knew it. Nothin' slips past the "Q."

Joking aside, my appolgies. I should have looked more closely at who was posting before accusing you of recreational watersports.

Josh Reader
8/13/08 3:49 p.m.
Type Q wrote: I should have looked more closely at who was posting before accusing you of recreational watersports.

Well, that's probably the next thing he was gonna spam about.

(I disgust myself).

Osterkraut Reader
8/13/08 4:37 p.m.
Josh wrote:
Type Q wrote: I should have looked more closely at who was posting before accusing you of recreational watersports.
Well, that's probably the next thing he was gonna spam about. (I disgust myself).

You and I have similar, disgusting minds. I blame the schools.

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