1/24/12 12:38 a.m.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
He's currently in bad shape, but has come out of the OR and is listed in stable condition. Even still, his chest was crushed; broken ribs, shattered sternum, and a collapsed lung. They have him hooked up to a respirator because he needs positive pressure to keep his lungs inflated. They have also induced an artificial coma because his chest was causing him so much pain.
I'm pissed this happened while I'm away.
I'm glad no one else was injured.
Even if he does "recover", I'm not sure how much recovery there is from this for a 90 y.o. man who already just lost his wife.
I'm more bothered by the thought that he'll be kept alive for months or even years completely bed ridden and in pain unable to do anything for himself, than I am worried that he will die. I don't want him to have to live like that, and I don't think he would either.
If he does pass away, I'm pissed off that I'm in a place where no one else here knew him and can understand what an amazing man he is/was.
Man, Im sure I speak for everyone here when I say we're sorry to hear such awful news. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you and he the best! Sounds like hes a pretty great person.
It's not the same thing, but my 85 year old Mom had a not too bad fall outside of a store in August. She injured her hip and was in enough pain she started to sort of freak out on the way to the hospital. It is unfortunate that these wonderful folks do quite well for nearly all their lives and 1 accident can nearly kill them.
1/24/12 5:43 a.m.
Your family is in our thoughts. 
I'm sorry. Terrible news.
Will pray for your family. Keep us updated.
It is my hope he makes a full recovery and that you and he are able to talk about this in years to come over a pint of beer you crafted.
Salanis, I'm sorry to hear this. Best wishes for his recovery.
That has to hurt. Best of wishes for a quick recovery.
He is in my thoughts today, hoping for a quick and full recovery.
1/24/12 8:25 a.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
Man, Im sure I speak for everyone here when I say we're sorry to hear such awful news. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you and he the best! Sounds like hes a pretty great person.
Without a doubt. Best of luck to your g-pa and your family.
I am down to my last grandparent now.. it sucks, I wish you and yours all the luck in him getting through this
4cylndrfury wrote:
Man, Im sure I speak for everyone here when I say we're sorry to hear such awful news. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you and he the best! Sounds like hes a pretty great person.
Prayers for a speedy recovery.
I hate to even ask, but was he OK to be driving? My Uncle gave up his license voluntarily at about that age, and he made it to one month shy of 100, so here's hoping for a full recovery and another 10 years at least!
Like the folks above have said; I'm very sorry to hear it. Here's hoping to be surprised once again by the resilience of an amazing old guy...
You and your grandfather are very much in my prayers. I believe you've mentioned him before as having been a very positive and supportive figure in your life, and I'm genuinely sorry to here such awful news. Stay positive no matter the outcome.
1/24/12 9:33 a.m.
No words can express the sorrow. I wish the best to you and your family.
On a positive note...your grandpa drives an Acura? Very cool. At the age of 90 you would think he would have given in to the whole Buick/Lincoln stereotype of that age group. My guess is he was not "typical" and that is very cool. Likely he drives a TL (very nice) but maybe, just maybe, he was sporting a RSX Type S!
1/24/12 11:16 a.m.
pinchvalve wrote:
I hate to even ask, but was he OK to be driving? My Uncle gave up his license voluntarily at about that age, and he made it to one month shy of 100, so here's hoping for a full recovery and another 10 years at least!
Sigh That's a tough question. He just passed the practical test in Texas a few months ago, but most of us in the family have been getting continuously more nervous about his driving. He is also diabetic, and that has caused some issues in the past. It sounded like he completely lost control, going over the median and then the embankment, which is kind of odd.
pinchvalve wrote:
I hate to even ask, but was he OK to be driving?
My grandfather turned 90 last year, and he's more capable than most 70-year-olds.
Of course, he also bikes 5-10 miles/day. I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.
Salanis - my condolences... if you make it over to the Santa Rosa/Petaluma Axis of Evil, the beer's on me.
1/24/12 11:28 a.m.
My thoughts are with him and your family. I wish him the best, whether that be a speedy recovery or something else.
If he's from Austin and still alive, then he's OK to drive. LOL
My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Have you heard anything new?
Prayers for a speed recovery . . .