New month, new data.
- January 2024
- 8 videos (0)
- 2 shorts (+1)
- 2327 subscribers (+191)
- 16.4K views (+2.3K)
- 1.2K watch time (0K) +2.2K shorts views +1.2K post views
- +191 subs (-52)
- $43.69 AdSense revenue (-$10.32)
- 49 Patrons (+8)
- 12 Paying Patrons (+5)
- $51 Patreon Revenue (+$21)
- $0 TeeSpring (-27.36) - 0 sales, 0 items
- $130.94 Total Revenue (-$60.04)
Last month was level to growing on most metrics as far as views, reach, etc, but the AdSense was down ~20% again, which is the 4th month in a row. It's clear that Google/YouTube/AdSense is completely screwing up. The new ad policies are alienating viewers, ad blockers are getting more aggressive, and the ad payouts are dropping like a rock. If this keeps up, it might not be worth being on YT anymore.
Moving on, the other channel got 2 videos and 1 short for $45.25 in ad revenue, totaling $176.19, a $14.79 drop from last month. The lack of teespring sales really hurt. *However*, I did add a new service on my Patreon for paying patrons to order custom sorted bits (extra parts to convert minis, like extra model car parts) and I made $100 worth of sales in January for that, making my overall total $276.19.
For February, I'm trying something for the "Shortest Month" by doing a Short everyday. Looking at the very specific metrics (YT is actually great about supplying all the data very granular), the Shorts are about the only thing that is still doing well on ads (likely because the Shorts ads are all skippable after 5 seconds, so nobody is running away from them).