According to the internet, the painting features over 40 of American millionaire Kate Birdsall Johnson's cats.
Carl Kahler had apparently never painted a cat before, so he spent three years "studying cats' poses and learning their habits."
And the cat in the center? That's "Sultan," a Persian Johnson is said to have fallen in love with and bought during a trip to Paris.
Colin Wood said:
Carl Kahler had apparently never painted a car before..."
Well, in 1891, I imagine very few people had! 
In reply to confuZion3 :
Good grief I even re-read it before posting to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Yeah, that would have certainly taken some time to properly study. 
Hell, I have never painted a cat, and I have sold several dog portraits, plus car paintings...confuZion3 even got an email invite to my last gallery show. There were no cats...
Sort of the cat equivalent to dogs playing poker. 

I have failed several times at pencil sketch cats. They walk away at 1/2 finished every time.
I've done piles of paintings, drawings, and sketches of cats...but they're all made by Grumman.
12/27/24 8:06 a.m.
Been a long time since I thought of my favorite painting. Thank you for this.
Here's mine it's a Van Gogh:

I accidentally painted a mouse once, it ran across a dresser I was spraying.
In reply to preach :
While we're sharing favorites, here's one of my more recent favorite finds:

"Spilled Purse on a Steep Hill" by John Philip Falter.
Used on the cover of the March 26, 1955, issue of The Saturday Evening Post
TurnerX19 said:
Hell, I have never painted a cat, and I have sold several dog portraits, plus car paintings...confuZion3 even got an email invite to my last gallery show. There were no cats...
Are you going to do another gallery show?
One of my personal favorites.

This painting has always stuck in my head. Cleveland Museum of Art.