Well my stress level just dropped through the floor. As some of you may remember I got caught up in some lay offs a few months ago. Well this morning I just got a call from my old companies biggest competition for our area. Basically the first words out of the callers mouth was "This is * at * do you want to come work for me?".
I start next Tuesday. I will be a computer tech again same as my old gig back in Portland. Pay isn't what I was getting there but then living expenses out here are about a 3rd of what they were over there. This will also allow me to get my butt into grad school and get my education up to the level I want. It will also give us plenty of money to be comfortable while I am finishing my grad school.
Best yet the job is IN TOWN. I will not have a 2+ hour a day commute.
8/27/13 12:20 p.m.
From doing a 1.5 hour commute.. one way for a job, last year, to one that has a 15 minute commute... I can say: I know that feel. it will be glorious.
Very happy for you! Congrats!! 
Congo RATS to you sir! :D
Good stuff. I need to go back to school myself.
Thanks guys. Now with no stress level and not needing to be on the job hunt the rest of the week I get to play 
so the agriculture skynet farm ECU thing you were working on is no longer on the horizon?
SCARR wrote:
From doing a 1.5 hour commute.. one way for a job, last year, to one that has a 15 minute commute... I can say: I know that feel. it will be glorious.
I had the same thing. Although I moved to change the 65 mile commute into a 20 mile commute. Either way, that's a lot of time and money saved.
Congrats rebelgtp
4cylndrfury wrote:
so the agriculture skynet farm ECU thing you were working on is no longer on the horizon?
Nope that is still going forward. My time requirements for that is actually quite limited for the pay out. It will make me need to change me scheduling around a little bit for doing sensor installs but once those are in place the work is quite minimal. The biggest part of the sensor installs is assembling and programming the units from there it is drive them out to the locations, place them in the fields securely, auger any holes for probes and line up the solar panels. If need be I have a brother in law that just retired from the National Guard that I could hire to do some of the leg work for me if I run out of time.
8/27/13 2:04 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote:
Thanks guys. Now with no stress level and not needing to be on the job hunt the rest of the week I get to play
Aka, sit on the couch wearing the same thing for days, unshowered, watching cartoons.
At least, that's what I'd do.
This news is so good even I feel better. Saaaaallute.
beans wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
Thanks guys. Now with no stress level and not needing to be on the job hunt the rest of the week I get to play
Aka, sit on the couch wearing the same thing for days, unshowered, watching cartoons.
At least, that's what I'd do.
BLASPHEMY!!! There are Oldsmobiles AAAAND tools in the garage!!!
Mod Squad
8/27/13 2:58 p.m.
Sweet! I'm really happy things are working out for you.....
8/27/13 3:41 p.m.
Excellent. Portland commutes suck!